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Sporting News: Michael Irvin cautions Cowboys against potential QB controversy


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oh god......more nonsense. Are you freaking kidding me. Why dont you count up all the QB's with Rings in the past 20 years. Make a list go ahead.......and tell me please how they fared in their first 61 starts........

this post is part of what makes me scratch my head about people.......

The disconnect you seem to be suffering from when discussing Romo sits to pee with Skins fans, or probably any other nfc east fan, is that you look at Romo sits to pee like he's a 5th year starter who is just growing into the position while everyone else looks at him as a 32 year old qb who hasn't done anything yet after being in the league for 9 years and who is most famous for choking when it matters.

You'll probably continue to be exasperated by other teams fans who hold Romo sits to pee to the 9 year vet standard since that is what he is regardless of how long he's actually been a starter.

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I hope i made a good enough effort to explain my point and answer your questions.

You did...and since you took a sincere approach to explaining your own views on the team I'll not slam you for anything you said there... :cheers:

I'll instead offer a quick retort in the same manner concerning the Cowboys:

For about 3-4 years I've seen a Cowboys team that was far, FAR too overhyped and who had definite and significant issues that could (and I hoped would) derail any real success the Cowboys would hope to achieve. When mentioning those issues to Dallas fans, though, the overwhelming majority of them would respond by:

- Quoting the media ("Most talented team in the NFL!"..."13 Pro Bowlers!"..."SB favorites!" :excited: )

- Quoting Romo sits to pee's QB rating ("95.2 QB rating!" :excited: )

- Quoting Wade's record as head coach of the Cowboys ("33-15 as head coach!" :excited: )

The same can be said of Romo sits to pee individually as well...that there are (and have always been) significant issues that could (and hopefully would) keep him from achieving any real success. But to even hint that maybe the Cowboys would be better served in putting an expiration date on Romo sits to pee's services is met with the same type of responses, only reversed lol:

- Blaming the media ("They always overhype the Cowboys! It improves their ratings!"..."Nobody thinks the Cowboys are the most talented!"..."Pro Bowls don't mean anything!" :excited: )

- Blaming Wade ("He was too soft!"..."Wasn't a real head coach!" :excited: )

I'm suspecting that once Romo sits to pee is done in Dallas either due to being let go or traded (or, unfortunately, due to injury, which I hope isn't the case), I suspect I'll start hearing a lot of Cowboys fans reversing the "Romo sits to pee needs more talent around him" mantra much like we stopped hearing the media quotes and Wade's coaching record as acceptable retorts to any criticism that was aimed at the Cowboys' level of talent or coaching concerns.

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You did...and since you took a sincere approach to explaining your own views on the team I'll not slam you for anything you said there... :cheers:

I'll instead offer a quick retort in the same manner concerning the Cowboys:

For about 3-4 years I've seen a Cowboys team that was far, FAR too overhyped and who had definite and significant issues that could (and I hoped would) derail any real success the Cowboys would hope to achieve. When mentioning those issues to Dallas fans, though, the overwhelming majority of them would respond by:

- Quoting the media ("Most talented team in the NFL!"..."13 Pro Bowlers!"..."SB favorites!" :excited: )

- Quoting Romo sits to pee's QB rating ("95.2 QB rating!" :excited: )

- Quoting Wade's record as head coach of the Cowboys ("33-15 as head coach!" :excited: )

The same can be said of Romo sits to pee individually as well...that there are (and have always been) significant issues that could (and hopefully would) keep him from achieving any real success. But to even hint that maybe the Cowboys would be better served in putting an expiration date on Romo sits to pee's services is met with the same type of responses, only reversed lol:

- Blaming the media ("They always overhype the Cowboys! It improves their ratings!"..."Nobody thinks the Cowboys are the most talented!"..."Pro Bowls don't mean anything!" :excited: )

- Blaming Wade ("He was too soft!"..."Wasn't a real head coach!" :excited: )

I'm suspecting that once Romo sits to pee is done in Dallas either due to being let go or traded (or, unfortunately, due to injury, which I hope isn't the case), I suspect I'll start hearing a lot of Cowboys fans reversing the "Romo sits to pee needs more talent around him" mantra much like we stopped hearing the media quotes and Wade's coaching record as acceptable retorts to any criticism that was aimed at the Cowboys' level of talent or coaching concerns.

this is not simply an example of what "Dallas Cowboys" fans are like and what "they" say or do. This is what happens to EVERY FAN of EVERY TEAM! The Cowboys aren't special to this............or on their own in this kind of talk/behavior.

Do you really think that Skins fans weren't on a SB roll with Gibbs 2.0? How about how ZORNY this place was when the skins were 6-2 under him and how he was "such a special coach and/or play caller. What happened when Gibbs couldn't do it......Did you see how he was treated and talked about? "Gibbs has lost touch" "Gibbs is holding this team back"........etc......How about Jim Zorn after he left? How much did fans talk about him and how HORRIBLE he was....

Dont forget the Campbell is BETTER then Romo sits to pee Threads....and later, the blame that is put on Campbell SOLELY......That dude went from fan favorite to goat in faster time the Darrell Green hits on his 40!

This place went NUTS For Al Haynsworth........Remember that FA signing day? Day after FA open.....and This place and SKINS fans went ape ish over that.....now its "fat Al this and fat Al that".........and trust me on this....."if" FAT AL is on the roster (when the season finally resumes), and he starts to be disruptive and causes havoc on the opposing teams .....threw QB pressures and sacks.......This place will be crazy for him again.

This is life as a fan of the NFL. We all do it.

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this is not simply an example of what "Dallas Cowboys" fans are like and what "they" say or do. This is what happens to EVERY FAN of EVERY TEAM! The Cowboys aren't special to this............or on their own in this kind of talk/behavior.

Do you really think that Skins fans weren't on a SB roll with Gibbs 2.0? How about how ZORNY this place was when the skins were 6-2 under him and how he was "such a special coach and/or play caller. What happened when Gibbs couldn't do it......Did you see how he was treated and talked about? "Gibbs has lost touch" "Gibbs is holding this team back"........etc......How about Jim Zorn after he left? How much did fans talk about him and how HORRIBLE he was....

Dont forget the Campbell is BETTER then Romo sits to pee Threads....and later, the blame that is put on Campbell SOLELY......That dude went from fan favorite to goat in faster time the Darrell Green hits on his 40!

This place went NUTS For Al Haynsworth........Remember that FA signing day? Day after FA open.....and This place and SKINS fans went ape ish over that.....now its "fat Al this and fat Al that".........and trust me on this....."if" FAT AL is on the roster (when the season finally resumes), and he starts to be disruptive and causes havoc on the opposing teams .....threw QB pressures and sacks.......This place will be crazy for him again.

This is life as a fan of the NFL. We all do it.

difference being we admit when we are wrong...for the most part (obvious parties aside)

i don't think fat al will be on this team, or the league for that matter. he just got indicted on sexual assault charges stemming from groping that waitress a few months back...he deserves every bit of the sentence he gets.

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difference being we admit when we are wrong...for the most part (obvious parties aside)

i don't think fat al will be on this team, or the league for that matter. he just got indicted on sexual assault charges stemming from groping that waitress a few months back...he deserves every bit of the sentence he gets.

whos to say "who it is that admits when he is wrong"? .......the most common mistake we all make is lumping EVERYONE together.....i just did it, you did it...Califan did it......its another one of those things we all do.

I don't care who it is you are referring to, but i always call it as I see it!

Fat Al will be on a roster.,....most likley the Skins Roster. The FO already said they want him to be on the opening day roster (which is an obvious ploy) to get some draft picks for him....which now they most certainly do not. I will be shocked if they do cut him........and cut their losses ($$$ wise) but i would have to admit it...if they do, then they are making the best possible decision on him.

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this is not simply an example of what "Dallas Cowboys" fans are like and what "they" say or do. This is what happens to EVERY FAN of EVERY TEAM! The Cowboys aren't special to this............or on their own in this kind of talk/behavior.

The difference is: the Skins were never picked to be SB favorites...what you fail to address is how I mentioned the Cowboys were "overhyped" and the very real issues about the team got ignored not just by Cowboys fans but by a large part of the media. Dallas fans used the media's stupidity as proof that their team really WAS "the most talented team in the NFL"...that Pro Bowl berths really WERE a sign of that talent...and that their team really SHOULD be Super Bowl favorites.

None of that can be said of the Redskins OR their fans. None.

Or of damn near any other team in the league. Patriots get the SB favorites tag yearly as well...but they deserve it. So do the Colts and Steelers. Cowboys? Hell, no. But try telling Cowboys fans that back in 2007 or 2008, or after the 2010 season.

Romo sits to pee didn't deserve any of the hype the fans AND the media constantly gave him. Show me where Campbell got anything even slightly close to that type of hype from the media OR the fans...hell, there was a 3-year long civil war going on in the Stadium forum concerning JC among Skins fans lol...rarely has a player been hated as much as that guy by his team's own fans. Yet you try giving even one iota the amount of criticism towards Romo sits to pee that Skins fans gave their own QB and Dallas fans chime in with ridicule and laughter about how we're just "jealous" and wish Romo sits to pee were our QB.

Do you really think that Skins fans weren't on a SB roll with Gibbs 2.0?

Again: he deserved the hype when he returned. Look at what the mf'er has on his resume! lol :ols:...Jeebus. At least we had a reason for being that optimistic. What were Dallas fans' reasons for being optimistic about Wade "Pizza Party" Phillips? His stellar postseason success? His numerous SB berths? His HOF entry?

How about how ZORNY this place was when the skins were 6-2 under him and how he was "such a special coach and/or play caller.

Yeah, that lasted a whole 6 weeks lol :ols:...How long did the defending of Wade "What, Me Worry" Phillips go on among Cowboys fans? We both know the answer to that one. ;)

This is life as a fan of the NFL. We all do it.

But we all aren't quite so arrogant and stubborn about it like Dallas fans.

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The difference is: the Skins were never picked to be SB favorites...what you fail to address is how I mentioned the Cowboys were "overhyped" and the very real issues about the team got ignored not just by Cowboys fans but by a large part of the media. Dallas fans used the media's stupidity as proof that their team really WAS "the most talented team in the NFL"...that Pro Bowl berths really WERE a sign of that talent...and that their team really SHOULD be Super Bowl favorites.

None of that can be said of the Redskins OR their fans. None.

Or of damn near any other team in the league. Patriots get the SB favorites tag yearly as well...but they deserve it. So do the Colts and Steelers. Cowboys? Hell, no. But try telling Cowboys fans that back in 2007 or 2008, or after the 2010 season.

Romo sits to pee didn't deserve any of the hype the fans AND the media constantly gave him. Show me where Campbell got anything even slightly close to that type of hype from the media OR the fans...hell, there was a 3-year long civil war going on in the Stadium forum concerning JC among Skins fans lol...rarely has a player been hated as much as that guy by his team's own fans. Yet you try giving even one iota the amount of criticism towards Romo sits to pee that Skins fans gave their own QB and Dallas fans chime in with ridicule and laughter about how we're just "jealous" and wish Romo sits to pee were our QB.

Again: he deserved the hype when he returned. Look at what the mf'er has on his resume! lol :ols:...Jeebus. At least we had a reason for being that optimistic. What were Dallas fans' reasons for being optimistic about Wade "Pizza Party" Phillips? His stellar postseason success? His numerous SB berths? His HOF entry?

Yeah, that lasted a whole 6 weeks lol :ols:...How long did the defending of Wade "What, Me Worry" Phillips go on among Cowboys fans? We both know the answer to that one. ;)

But we all aren't quite so arrogant and stubborn about it like Dallas fans.

i was waiting for someone who could explain it in more detail (and a little slower) for our poke frie....err....boardmates

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