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Will The NFL Release The Schedule This Month?


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Yeah, if we open the season against the Cowboys, Eagles, or Giants and we miss a few games, I'd be pissed. I really don't think we'll be missing games, though. In fact, I think there's a good chance we find out that FA is coming nearly immediately, tomorrow.

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Yeah, if we open the season against the Cowboys, Eagles, or Giants and we miss a few games, I'd be pissed. I really don't think we'll be missing games, though. In fact, I think there's a good chance we find out that FA is coming nearly immediately, tomorrow.

Not necessarily. I expect the players to win but the owners will then appeal. It would take probably another 3 weeks before any free agency would occur.

---------- Post added April-5th-2011 at 08:19 PM ----------

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Not necessarily. I expect the players to win but the owners will then appeal. It would take probably another 3 weeks before any free agency would occur.

Very good point. But still, FA in three weeks is better than none at all.

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Very good point. But still, FA in three weeks is better than none at all.

@adbrandt: Yes, there is a chance Judge Nelson rules "from the bench", meaning tomorrow, but doubtful. Likely ruling next week sometime.

So we're looking at FA in 2 to 3 weeks maybe. Most likely would be after the draft if the owners do appeal like I think they will

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Didn't feel this was big enough news to start a new thread:

The NFL's day in court: rough start for the league

ST PAUL, MN -- We're in a short break for lunch here in Minnesota, but here's the big picture as I see it so far: Judge Susan Richard Nelson has sounded very skeptical of the NFL's arguments for why its lockout should remain in place.

She repeatedly pressed NFL attorney David Boies on his arguments, at one point saying, "I'm having a hard time understanding why the (anti-trust) exemption would protect a lockout," after the players' union has decertified.

The owners have argued that they still have the anti-trust protections needed to legally impose a lockout because even though players have decertified their union, they did so as part of an ongoing labor dispute. The players argued that after they dissolved their union the league lost anti-trust protections and that the lockout is effectively an illegal boycott of player services.

The players have asked for an injunction lifting the lockout and forcing the league to resume business.

Nelson attacked several of the league's arguments including that she should defer to the National Labor Relations Board and that federal law prevents judges from enjoining a lockout.

She asked far fewer questions of Jim Quinn, the attorney making arguments for the players.

Still, it is risky reading in to judges' questions, which don't necessarily show which way they will rule.

To get an injunction, players would have to prove that they will suffer "irreparable harm" unless Nelson acts now. The two sides have spent little time on that issue, though Quinn said more than 800 free agents and rookies are left "without jobs."

Most of the day has been devoted to detailed legal discussions and arguments, citing both sports law and labor law.

Five named NFL plaintiffs are here: Von Miller, Ben Leber, Brian Robison, Vincent Jackson and Mike Vrabel.

Nelson is expected to take a week or longer to rule and any decision she makes will be appealed, but the final outcome could greatly swing leverage in the dispute.

Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/inq-eagles/119343084.html#ixzz1Im8BqDZe

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:10 PM ----------

Also, this:


The court has been adjourned for a second time during Wednesday’s antitrust hearing, with session expected to pick back up at 3:00 p.m. ET.

Greg A. Bedard of the Boston Globe has a few interesting facts about the proceedings thus far.

Judge Susan Nelson reportedly mentioned mediation a few times early in the session, and wondered why the owners and players aren’t in mediation now instead.

Nelson also indicated that she’s “having a hard time with is a lockout being legal after a union decertification” according to Bedard.

The NFL’s attorney David Boies spent a lot more time answering questions from Judge Nelson than Jim Quinn, the attorney for the players.

“Nelson was very prepared,” Bedard writes. “Said this is all she’s done for two weeks.”

Perhaps that means we won’t have to wait too long for a decision. Beyond that, we’ll leave the analysis to those with law degrees.

Sounds like she kinda knows what direction she's leaning, and we could have a decision sooner rather than later!

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Take a cue from the 8-year old with the sharp stick: All this kind of behavior will get you is a direct shot of pepper spray to the face. :silly:

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Rich Eisen was on PFT Live today and said that he didn't know when the schedule would be released but he did know that it would be sometime before the draft.

And I agree with Coolio47. I'm expecting a really tough patch during the season, probably towards the end

yeah last year, the draft was supposed to come out early in april, but then we got mcnabb, so the nfl had to move some games around because of that. the schedule was finally released the week of the nfl draft, on that tuesday night.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 07:01 PM ----------

Apparently, the police. (I'm just joking with you, referencing a Tailgate thread)

ohh gotcha.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 07:01 PM ----------

Apparently, the police. (I'm just joking with you, referencing a Tailgate thread)

ohh gotcha.

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Washington Redskins

Home: Dallas, N.Y. Giants, Philadelphia, Arizona, San Francisco, Minnesota, New England, N.Y. Jets

Away: Dallas, N.Y. Giants, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Seattle, Carolina, Buffalo, Miami

Well, here's how I would do the schedule- factoring the possibility of games being missed by the lockout.

Week 1: @ Bills- Probably the least attractive game on our schedule. So we open on the road and if we end up missing games, noone will miss losing this one.

Week 2: San Francisco- The second least attractive game on our schedule. Yeah it's a conference game, but I wouldn't mind losing this one either.

Week 3: @Dolphins- Non-conference games are the least important.

Week 4: Patriots- A tough non-conference game.

Week 5: Jets- Rex Ryan- all you need to say in this non-conference game.

Week 6: Bye Week

Week 7: @ Rams- We will need two weeks to avenge being their recent ****es.

Week 8: @ Giants

Week 9: @ Carolina

Week 10: Eagles

Week 11: Arizona

Week 12: @ Cowboys

Week 13: Vikings

Week 14: Giants

Week 15: @ Seattle

Week 16: @Eagles

Week 17: Cowboys

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