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From KHON.com: live video feed Tsunami countdown


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currently less than 4 minutes

---------- Post added March-11th-2011 at 08:05 AM ----------

Prayers that Hawaii is not effected by this. So far no changes in tide ahead of first wave. 805aest

Countdown is an estimate obviously. No changes as of 0 hours. There is an appearance of a low tide now.

---------- Post added March-11th-2011 at 08:08 AM ----------

Surf is picking up now, I have peeps there, praying hard.

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HONOLULU -- Tsunami waves hit Hawaii in the early morning hours Friday and were sweeping through the island chain after an earthquake in Japan sparked evacuations throughout the Pacific and as far as the U.S. western coast.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said Kauai was the first of the Hawaiian islands hit by the tsunami. Water rushed ashore in Honolulu, swamping the beach in Waikiki and surging over the break wall in the world-famous resort but stopping short of the area's high-rise hotels.

Waves about 6 feet high were recorded on Maui, and 3 feet in Oahu and Kauai. Officials warned that the waves would continue and could become larger, but a scientist at the tsunami warning center said it didn't appear that they would cause major damage in Hawaii.

"But there is going to be some damage, I'm sure," said geophysicist Gerard Fryer in Hawaii.


It looks like they have been spared thus far. Thankfully and hopefully nothing else comes of it.

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