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EW.com: Will Ferrell Hired as NBC's Office Temp (Not next season...4 episode arc THIS season)


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With Steve Carell stepping out of NBC’s The Office, producers have enlisted Will Ferrell to help boost the show’s numbers during the season’s home stretch.

Ferrell will reunite with his Anchorman co-star in a four-episode arc later this season. He’ll play a branch manager who arrives from the home office and proves to be just as inept as Michael Scott.

“We found Steve Carell when he was nothing but a movie star and we turned him into a television star,” says executive producer Paul Lieberstein. “We are proud to continue The Office‘s tradition of discovering famous talent, and we hope that once America gets a good look at Will, they’ll see what we see: tremendous raw sexuality.”

Three episodes will feature Carell and Ferrell together (they’re not co-workers, they’re co-people), then Ferrell will have one episode working with the Office gang solo after Carell departs (he’s leaving the show four episodes before the season finale, you’ll recall).

What do you think? Seems like a great story. Compelling, and rich.

Two things about this.

1. I'm not sure how I feel about it, really. They had better do it right, and not have Ferrell be another Todd Packer.

2. I had no idea Steve Carell was going to be done for good FOUR episodes before the season finale...I figured he'd stay till the end. Weird.

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So more of Will Ferrell playing Ron Burgendy-esque inept characters. Not unlike well...EVERY CHARACTER HE'S EVER PLAYED. I don't get why Will Ferrell is considered funny.

The Office is one of my favorite shows ever, but the more I keep watching it, the more I think it's jumped the shark. The characters have become caricatures of themselves for the most part, save Jim and Pam who have just become unlikeable and unfunny. Of course I'll watch, but I'll continue to be disappointed.

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The cameo by Ricky Gervais on this week's show made me think that maybe they were going to work him into a bigger role. I loved that show for the first few seasons, but it really needs a shot in the arm now...

Yea...I think you hit it right on the head with this comment.....his comment about any job openings let me know.....

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I'm kinda done with Will Ferrell's whole shtick. He was very good in Stranger than Fiction. He played a very low-key, quiet and detached IRS auditor. Pretty much the opposite of the shtick. If his character in The Office goes more this route I think it could be very good. Otherwise I'll pass. I do think it would be cool if they rotated guest star bosses on the show with Steve Carell's departure. That would be something...

I'd love to see David Brent in there for a few episodes...

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