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Musings on Spurrier's Call to Reid


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Did you guys see the pregame interview with ol' ball coach? When he promoted Hue Jackson to OC he didn't know what to do with him because he was going to retain the play-calling duties. So he called Andy Ried and asked him what does a HBC who calls his own plays do with an OC?

If you're AR you can look at this a couple of ways--you can laugh--I mean, it's almost absurd for an NFL head coach to be asking another competitor about the ABCs of something putting a staff together. Or you can see that SOS is a guy who doesn't need to be embarassed about asking about something seemingly so basic because the guy's successes in the past obviated the need for having an OC. Props to Reid for helping SOS-I think AR respects HBC (37-7 a$$-whooping aside) and recognizes that SOS is way too smart to stay 7-9 for long. (It's also interesting that he called AR as opposed to say Fassel or Campo--probably he respects AR the most).

This illustrates to me that Spurrier's a true original--the kind of coach who (in his own words) has built his successes by doing it completely his own way, rather than trying to improve on what other's have done. (Interestingly, to my knowledge few others have tried to implement fun and gun, although Buddy Teveens tried to do so at Stanford and was pretty horrible last year...).

The upshot of this is that redskins fans can be confident that in the long run coach spurrier's going to be damn successful in this league. Yes, he will have to adjust, and judging by the game he called yesterday nite, he has begun that process already--although, i'm not quite ready to say that the future is now (Ball coach is still a bit stubborn in his ways, having kicked so many a$$es for so many years doing it his way). Once he (and just as importantly, PR) gets the hang of this, I believe that we will consistenly have a top 5 offense--and hopefully bring another lombardi trophy to DC. I think we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg--with the right talent, Spurrier's upside is still huge.

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Also remember the fraternity of coaches and their egos. Successful coaches are always willing to discuss the way they do things. I always ask for other coaches' opinions and ideas, as no one knows everything. I particularly talk to coaches who've kicked my team's butt all over the field. :)

There was no reason to call Fassel, as he calls his own plays and is the OC, as far as I know.

It's good to see that Spurrier is willing to admit he doesn't know it all - another sign of a good coach.

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Did you also hear the part about Spurrier holding the players accountable this season? How he's enforcing the little things and becoming more involved in every detail of the team? Those will help him earn the respect of the players. And he'll be able to weed out the players that don't buy into his system. But it's encouraging to see so many positive developments. I really didn't he would adjust so quickly.

Andy Reid is as good as they come. If I was going to run a program... it would be similar to his.

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