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Not Sure about Shanny


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Ok, I will give Shanny a chance to see if he can bring us back to glory. I am not sold on Jr. though. I think he should earn his way up to an OC. Bad choice on Haslett too. Why go to the 3-4 when our 4-3 was pretty solid? Shanny contridicts himself in saying he went to Denver and did not change what was working. We needed a good D coord who plays to our personnel! Haslett has never had a top ten defense!

On our QB, we haven't had a franchise man since Sonny. Theisman came in as a KR, and ended up playing QB, but I loved him. Same as Doug Williams and Rypien, 1 good season each. I thought Ramsey was ok, but Spurrier got him sacked 43 times in 12 games. He didn't have a chance. Shuler was a bust! Look at Tom Brady, one of the best ever, he was a 6th round draft choice. There needs to be someone who can evaluate and let the coaches do the rest. Shanny satated he plans to bring back all his coaches. Not sure I like that. He won't downgrade Jr. of course, but he needs to learn the NFL, and from the loud mouth of Jerry Glanville it means Not For Long....

McNabb had no heart, Haynesworthless speaks for itself! He is an over paid whinny can't play 16 games "ever" butthole. Remember the stepping on Dallas player face? I hate Dallas but there you go.

Gano should go go! He missed to many costly kicks this season that could have won us some games. Our last superbowl win (Gibbs) himself stated when we were 14-2 that they could have been 9-7....we won close games. That for some reason has always been our mysteque?

All I ask is please get us to a winning franchise again. From someone who drives form NC every year to go see my team and pay $4 bucks for a hotdog and $9.50 for a ****tail. It would be nice to get something in return......a winner!

Down and disgusted in North Carolina....and I hate the Panthers cause they took my team off TV when they started the new franchise....Not my team at all!


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You are way wrong in the beginning of your post so I stopped reading after two things. First, Kyle did work himself up to OC with other teams. He came from being Houstons OC to ours. Is he the right man for the job here? Time will tell, but he did work his way up. Second, Theisman came in as a QB but was thrid string in the beginning. He just wanted to play and wanted to return punts. He didn't come in as a PR and that was never the intention. The guy just wanted to get on the field.

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Is this fanbase really this dense

Mike should be given at least 3 years. Have people seriously not learned from from the last decade?

Turner/Shotty/Robiskie/Spurrier/Zorn/Gibbs 2

Anyone notice how the 2 longest tenured coaches (Turner and Gibbs) led us to our only 3 playoff appearences basically over the last 20 years (almost)

Plus stop acting like we were anything close to a decent team in 09, we were 4-12, and people need to stop acting like we will turn that around in one year

He has a five year deal, and this is what I think his realistic view is/was

Year 1: Evauluate team, change attitude, struggle with implenting new systems, and show improvement (Success)

Year 2: Be a competitive team, finish 8-8 at least, complete for a playoff spot

Year 3: Now things are running, Be a good team make the playoffs

Year 4: A playoff team, going deep into the playoffs

Year 5: Chance at the SB

Obviously much, much easier said then done, but that is what is realistic, the the "oh wow so were not 12-4 after a 4-12 season, lets move on to the next coach"

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I will give him 3 more yrs before i make any judgment calls. By then we should be able to see if the team is headed in the right direction. We have been In the bottom 1/3 since Snyder took over. Shanny has a lot of work to do. If Snyder meddles then it will not get done. My gut still tells me he brought in McNabb and made Shanny keep Haynesworth

Time will tell

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Gano should go go! He missed to many costly kicks this season that could have won us some games. Our last superbowl win (Gibbs) himself stated when we were 14-2 that they could have been 9-7....we won close games. That for some reason has always been our mysteque?

This part I agree with. I still have yet to find a single reason for keeping Gano. He is the worst kicker in the league compared to his peers. In our losses he missed way too many kicks. The man has a repuation of having a strong leg yet he missed every attempt in the 50+ yard range this season. The man has a reputation for being accurate yet he was sub 60% on Field Goals kicked between 30-39 yards. Really what does this man offer other then youth to this position that makes it his job to lose? He does need to go

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I am not sold on Jr. though. I think he should earn his way up to an OC.

Kyle Shanahan was the OC for the Houston Texans last year. They were an offensive juggernaut with Matt Schaubb on Andre Johnson.

Bad choice on Haslett too. Why go to the 3-4 when our 4-3 was pretty solid? Shanny contridicts himself in saying he went to Denver and did not change what was working. We needed a good D coord who plays to our personnel! Haslett has never had a top ten defense!

Some of the top defenses in this league come from of the 3-4 package (Green Bay, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and New York Jets) Last year's defense may have looked good on the stat sheet, but in reality they were just as bad. Keep in mind we played several teams last yeart with horrid offenses and our "top ten" defense couldn't make that much needed stop on the last drive.

On our QB, we haven't had a franchise man since Sonny.


Gano should go go! He missed to many costly kicks this season that could have won us some games.

It must be somthing mental with Gano, because he has the tools to be an effective kicker IMO

All I ask is please get us to a winning franchise again.

Keep the faith brother, it will happen.

Down and disgusted in North Carolina....and I hate the Panthers cause they took my team off TV when they started the new franchise....Not my team at all!

Glad you chose to say with the skins, NC will always be Redskin country!

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This part I agree with. I still have yet to find a single reason for keeping Gano. He is the worst kicker in the league compared to his peers. In our losses he missed way too many kicks. The man has a repuation of having a strong leg yet he missed every attempt in the 50+ yard range this season. The man has a reputation for being accurate yet he was sub 60% on Field Goals kicked between 30-39 yards. Really what does this man offer other then youth to this position that makes it his job to lose? He does need to go

Onions is great for many reasons. Kickoffs of course. When was the last time we had a kicker consistenly hit them into the end zone?

He is also a great punter--the only punter in college football history to be named the MVP of a bowl game.

And his leg is huge. What percentage of those stats were blocked kicks(thanks Fred Davis), or bad snaps and holds?

You don't cut young guys like Banks and Gano. You pray to find more just like them.

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Very few things in life are 'sure things.' . Shanahan is a veteran, time-tested professional NFL head-coach, with a track record of succeeding on many different levels of the game. Does that mean he will succeed with the Redskins? .... As I said, there are very few guarantees in life -- and NFL results rely on lots of variables. But Shanahan has shown me a methodical approach in his oversight of the Redskins.

And Shanahan sees the situation for what it is -- a rebuilding project, with a complete overhaul of the contract structure that locked the Redskins into retaining players who were past their prime but too costly to let go. So expect that Bruce Allen will continue to exploit the opportunties of a 'cap-less' interim (and likely a cap-lenient future) to correct some of the contracting mistakes of the past. And this should give the Skins more flexibilty in the future to go after quality free agents when the right situation calls for it. Also expect that Shanahan will stick with his desired systems and schemes, because when you are rebuilding a franchise -- why not stick with a consistent plan and look for the players/coaches who'll fit with that plan?

Once you understand Shanahan's desire for continuity in his plan, and in his schemes, you can see why Shanahan would want to retain all his coaches, even some who didn't get the results the fans needed. I believe that Head Coaches should have a 3 year grace period in which to rebuild -- so maybe assistant coaches should get at least two? --Or at least long enough to bring in a couple of years worth of personnel changes to suit the systems the coaches are trying to put in place. So we have to wait on Haslett, and Danny Smith, and the Defensive secondaries coaches. (However, I suspect there will be changes in the scouting departments.)

As for the pieces that don't fit -- the 'mistakes.' ... Well McNabb, and Haynesworth are this season's latest versions of, Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Dana Stubblefield, Jeff George, Archuleta, Randle-El, Brandon Lloyd, etc. They are 'quick-fix' marketing lures, because Snyder needs to fill seats, even when the team isn't making the playoffs. So, even with Shanahan in charge, expect that you'll see a few more splashy free-agent signings in the future. But also know that as the team improves, the Skins will eventually develop their OWN marquee stars. And that, along with the Skins' regular appearances in the playoffs, should diminish Snyder's need for quick-fix lures.

As for hating the Panthers -- that's your right to do so, and not being able to see the Skins on local TV is a great reason. But I have always thought the Panthers were a good solid franchise, and Fox was a decent coach. In this cable and digital age, there are ways to see the Skins assuming you're not opposed to spending a little money to do so. It would be a good price for keeping peace with your neighbors who are Panthers fans. And since you're in Carolina -- you could pay for it with some of that money that would have been spent those overpriced ****tails and hotdogs you'd have been buying, had you gone to FedEx.

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