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I give Jerry Jones props


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- Jerry buys the team (True)

- Jerry immediately fires Landry and treats the NFL legend and all around nice guy like a piece of trash (True)

- Jerry hires Johnson (True)

- Johnson wins SB's (Uh, Jerry won those same SB's)

- Jerry gets jealous and runs Johnson out of town (Mostly true.)

- Jerry hires an old buddy college coach (True)

- said coach wins SB with Johnson's team, Jerry says HA! I'm awesome. I can do this (Uh, Jerry also won SB)

- Cowboys suck for next 10 years (True. GM sucked during this period as they were adjusting from Plan B to Salary cap era)

- Jerry hires Parcells (True)

- Parcells brings team back to respectability (I think that they both brought them back. Parcells isn't the drafting genius that the media makes him out to be. He is a coach that is capable of getting the most out of average and below average players. That's it. He does not do well with established players that recognize their worth in the league)

- Jerry choses dive WR over Parcells, wants the power back and runs him out of town (whatever. By the time the team became good enough to win, Parcells was more hindrance than help. Parcells has no idea how to utilize dynamic offensive players. Unfortunately for him, that is what he ended up with in Dallas)

- Parcell's teams win a little for a couple of years (Parcell's team excels after he leaves [in regular season only]. This is as I predicted. Whenever you go from hardass coach to softy, it typically works for a short period and vice versa)

- Jerry now back in full control, HIS team, in last place (Jerry was back in full control years ago yet you refuse to recognize this)

And I'm not even getting into dreadful draft classes and the criminal culture he enabled in the franchise. (haha. this is laughable when coming from a Skins fan. I don't see your franchise as the 'guiding light' when it comes to culture, but I will agree that there is a problem in Dallas. A criminal one? Not so much. However, there is a lack of professionalism being displayed by owner/coaches/players that needs to get corrected)

You wlll never win another SB as long as Jerry owns the team. (maybe)

Many Skins fans hate the Cowboys because they ARE jealous. They are jealous of the coverage they get on TV and in the press. They hate that they get all of the attention even when they are bad. Well, you know what? Their jealousy is stupid, if not childish.

Perhaps if they were smarter, they would realize that the very thing that they hate (media hype, constant coverage, flash/dash) is the very thing that holds the Cowboys back. The culture that Jerry Jones creates (the constant showboating, hiring/drafting/trading-for big name flashy players...etc) is, and has been the problem with the Cowboys. So long as they are garnering attention, all is well with Jerry Jones. unfortunately, that attention creates pressure and egos that often trump the talents and collective play of the team. Some people can't handle the attention and I think it's fair to say that many of the Cowboys' players and coaches cannot.

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But but but you hired a 2 time Superbowl winning headcoach, and an upgrade from Campbell.....

Can you find me a quote where a player, staff member, coach, ES poster, or ES thread that said we were going to the super bowl in the 2010 season because of those changes you just mentioned?

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Can you find me a quote where a player, staff member, coach, ES poster, or ES thread that said we were going to the super bowl in the 2010 season because of those changes you just mentioned?

I'm assuming that you expected to be 1 game better than last season?

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Yeah, whatever.

How about the fact that he empowered Jimmy to make the deals that he he did?

I gave him credit for hiring Jimmy. You are saying that I should also give him credit for letting him do his job unfettered? Is that not somewhat redundant? In terms of marketing the league, I could care less, I am already a fan of the league. The other stuff just serves to make rich guys richer. I only care about doing everything that he can to put a good product on the field. I would say that this has been lacking, wouldn't you?

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Many Skins fans hate the Cowboys because they ARE jealous. They are jealous of the coverage they get on TV and in the press. They hate that they get all of the attention even when they are bad. Well, you know what? Their jealousy is stupid, if not childish.

We're not jealous...we're flabbergasted that such a mediocre team is lavished with such incredible amounts of hype. It's simply astonishing. If you guys deserved it, that would be a completely different thing.

Please note: Most Skins fans prefer the role of underdog.

I always have.

---------- Post added December-14th-2010 at 12:23 PM ----------

I'm assuming that you expected to be 1 game better than last season?


Typical puke fan response.

The Skins' suckage has NOTHING to do with the pukes' suckage.

We didn't have a player on our team tweet the question about who our opponent would be in the SB...your team did.

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Yeah, whatever.

How about the fact that he empowered Jimmy to make the deals that he he did? I think that most Skins fans are sick with the fact that they have a Mini-Me version of Jerry in their own owner. The biggest difference between the two is the fact that, at least at one point in time, one owner was capable of winning Super Bowls. Add to it the fact that Jerry is a marketing genius when compared to Little Napoleon and you'll see why most Skins fans are filled with envy and hatred.

Biggest difference is that one has the humility to hand the reigns over when he isn't getting it done himself.

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I'm assuming that you expected to be 1 game better than last season?

I assumed we'd win about 7 games. No way in hell did I think this team was going to the Super Bowl and nobody in this organization or on this board thought so either. Which can't be said for that team in Dallas.

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