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An Interesting Observation Regarding Andre Brown


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Out of boredom (and possibly masochism) I was looking at the depth chart on NFL.com to see if I could get a handle on who's in the revolving door of running backs this week. Currently, it lists Keiland Williams as the starter, James Davis as #2, and Andre Brown at #3. Knowing next to nothing about Andre Brown, I decided to take a look at his stats.

Andre Brown has -1 career rushing yards. NEGATIVE ONE.

Then I realized that the Skins have a running back on their active roster with less career rushing yards than ME.

This has been a long season for folks that like the running game.

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Its not like the other have much more.

Davis only has 35 career rushing yards while

Williams has 200 career rushing yards

for a grand total of 234 CAREER rushing yards among all running backs on the active roster.

I really don't know how a person would be able to look it up with out doing a whole lot of research but I wonder if a team has ever had 3 running backs with so few yards combined 11 games into a season.

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Lest anyone think that I'm trying to be that guy that sits back and lists all the ways we suck, let me clarify that I'm not. I'm at the point where I'm kind of shaking my head about how rough things have gotten on the injury front that we have a guy with a negative number for his career yardage.

To be fair, I'm hoping that if he gets the chance this week, he ends up with better career numbers than I have, but as of right now, I've got him beat by a yard.

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I hope Bruce goes hard after DeAngelo Williams. Williams and OL. #1 WR is a luxury IMO and it would be foolish to pay VJack the money he wants. Use that for Williams. Anthony Armstrong is a damn good receiver who is open often - just missed. I think Jordy Nelson is going to be available and that would be a wise choice IMO.

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Total aside, but this brought back the memory of holding Dallas to one rushing yard in the '07 regular season finale. ONE rushing yard in 60 minutes of football, and they played their starters well into the second half. Fricking unreal stat. God I miss Gregg W.

Thank you for inadvertently putting a big ass smile on my face.

Back to the topic at hand .....


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