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Black Friday approaches


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Hit Walmart this morning to buy 2.00 dvds and 5.00 blue-rays for the teens (nephews) in the family, matchbox cars for another nephew, etc. This year, Walmart started their sales at 12:01 instead of 3am (or 4am...whatever) that it was last year, and it was a disaster. Last year, we got 90% of our list bought and out the door in 30 minutes for under $100.00 and then bought the rest off amazon which made shopping easy last season.

However, because they did not have time to setup before the crowds hit, and bigger crowds at that, we only got maybe a third of our list done. And I am very surprised no one was hurt, including employees. I watched an employee try to wheel a pallet out and not only would people not let him through the door with it, they actually pushed the worker out of the way to get to the boxes. I had a woman intentionally run over my foot with her cart (forward and backward...so I guess that would be twice) because she wanted the video I was reaching for. I told the assistant manager that was standing up near the checkout that if they pulled the 12:01 am thing next year I would not be back - he said I was not the only customer to tell him that.

My sister out in Arknasas had an even worse experience at her Walmart and decided to just go home. This is a die-hard Black Friday fanatic and she said it just was not worth it. She was gonna hit other stores at 5am.

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