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Star-Telegram: Romo explains why he looked at Dez so much Sunday


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http://sportsblogs.star-telegram.com/cowboys/2010/09/Romo sits to pee-explains-why-he-looked-at-dez-so-much-sunday.html

It didn't look right: Dez Bryant getting targeted for the most passes in his first game as a pro. Bryant, after all, had been out for a month while rehabbing a high-ankle sprain from July 30. He missed every preseason game. Yet, Bryant had more passes -- 12 -- thrown his way than Miles Austin (11) or Jason Witten (8). Bryant caught eight for 56 yards.

Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee said it wasn't by design. It just worked out that way because of what the Redskins gave them.

"A lot of it's just dictated by what they’re doing, how it's going about," Romo sits to pee said. "If they send a corner blitz nine snaps in a game, depending upon the formation and what kind of protection you have up, you're going to have to be going that way. That came up a bunch and then just other things. There was no.... He was out there and did a good job. We’ve got some things we’ve still got to work on, but it’s definitely a good start for him."

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Well I wouldn't say Miles Austin was taken out of the game. They tried to but Reed Doughty blew a bunch of coverages and I believe Phillip Buchannon did once or twice. They did however take Jason Witten out of the game entirely which was surprising. I felt that with guys like Andre Carter out there trying to cover him on some plays, he would truly be a player to worry about this week but he really didn't do anything at all. Sure Austin had his 10 for 146 but Witten had 3 for 27. He is a guy they have depended on for a long time now to move the chains on 3rd and medium-long and their 5/13 3rd down stat shows how well the Redskins did taking away that option in my opinion.

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In other words, the Skins' effectively took his two best receivers out of the game.

Perhaps, Mr. Romo sits to pee should be saying 'good job' to the Skins' defense.


Ya, they definitely took Austin out of the game....HAHAHAHA. Where do you come up with this stuff?

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Most NFL defenses can take away one offensive player, and often even more than one. However, you always have to give up something. Witten was taken out of the game, but part of it was the fact that he had to help the Oline out. He also had a completion or two taken away due to penalties. Austin and Bryant contributed quite a bit. The problem was Garrett and his stupid play calling. It was pretty obvious we should have ran the ball more considering both Barber and Jones averages almost 5 yards a carry.

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