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Does anyone call in to sports shows?

Thinking Skins

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I'm just curious because I listen to all these guys always talking football and they're always in a state of panic. Yesterday the Sports Reporters were a little bit calmer because some callers called in and told them how good we looked in the game.

But I rarely hear callers call in and make real good points. Its always some shmuck calling in saying something like "Uh, the Redskins are gonna lose cause they lost last week!"

When I was younger I'd just ignore that and listen to the good parts of the show. But now that I've been on extremeskins for about 2 years, its getting tiresome listening to bad analysis of sports. Sometimes I want to call in and make a valid point about what they're talking about but I never have the mins on my phone to waste time like that.

But I think I'm getting spoiled by Extremeskins.com

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I called in to the reporters and told them that the skins defense actually played well. I told them that the defense did not allow a point after the 9 minute mark into the first quarter. Pollin just brushed me off saying that the skins only beat the "truck drivers".

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yeah, I remember that. That was when I was gonna call in. Somebody else was like they were starters, but they didnt get the same point across. I was gonna call in and say that after the Pats first two drives, we shut their first string offense down. But again, I dont have any mins to be waiting on hold all that time.

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