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Disturbed- "Asylum"


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I finally finished the album. I have to say, it's another solid release from Disturbed, but after one listen I don't think they have improved upon "Indestructible." Although, I won't say they regressed either. I think it's probably just a notch or two under that one.

Highlights for me on this album are:



"Never Again" (a very pointed song lyrically, that addresses those who dispute the Holocaust. Draiman has Jewish roots, and based off his lyrics Iwannajihad probably provided the impetus for the song),



Also, there is a nice hidden cover song, Track #13 about 1:30 seconds in, that I won't name here. Imagine a VERY popular song from the 80's that you would NEVER picture in a "metal" setting. Disturbed pull it off nicely. ;)

All in all, "Asylum" is a solid metal album for those that just want to rawk out. Typical Disturbed with solid riffs, strong bottom end with the bass and drums, and Draiman's signature vocal style. (The animal sounds show up here and there. :) ) Production is fantastic as usual, and the sound is very clean. No new musical boundaries crossed over, nothing lyrically that makes you contemplate for hours about the meaning of life, but an album you can crank to 11 in your car with the windows down on the way to the gym.


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I like Disturbed. They won something in the Video Game Awards or something and basically spent the entire speech just telling a story about troops in Iraq/Afghanistan that used their music to psych them up before they went out on patrol. Then they showed a medal the troops in that unit gave to them.

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