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Gary Clark NOT a member of the Fun Bunch?


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Um, you guys know you can edit that page, right? Like, you can make it say whatever you want. That's how wikipedia works. So if you want to add Gary Clark to it, or add a posse reference, its kinda easy...

Really? Wikipedia let's you do this? When did this happen? :silly:

Sometimes it's more fun to pile on the mistake than to fix it. Guilty as charged here.

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Really? Wikipedia let's you do this? When did this happen? :silly:

Sometimes it's more fun to pile on the mistake than to fix it. Guilty as charged here.

If there's ever a page on Wikipedia that should be wholly edited and maintained by ES contributors, its that one! :)

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The original fun bunch members were Charlie Brown, Alvin Garrett, Virgil Seay, Doc Walker and Ottis Wansley. The fun bunch was a tribute to Art Monk because of breaking his leg in his rookie season and missing the playoffs. It took off like the Hogs nicname and everything else the Redskins had going on.

The Dallas Cowboys ruined all team celebration in 83 after they got throttled in Texas by the Skins for the division title 31-10. Both teams were 14-2 and the Redskins fun bunch owned Dallas all day. Tears streamed for a year by the sissy Cowgurls untill the league heard enough and felt sorry for the useless drug addicts.

You are correct in that the original Fun Bunch was a tribute to Monk after he broke his leg in the final regular season game in 1982, but Monk was not a rookie in 1982. He was the Skins #1 pick in 1980.

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Thanks for that video, PCS! Art Monk was grace in motion!



Looking at that, I am so impressed with the quality of Monk's fake. It's not just the stutter step. He turns his entire body sideways and actually looks back at Theismann, then accelerates to full speed in a heartbeat. By the time Fellows realizes what's happening, Monk is already a full 5 yards past him.

I'd almost feel sorry for Fellows there, except that he played almost his entire career as a Dallas Cowboy, and accordingly deserves to burn in hell. :evilg:

Monk probably caught at least 3 or 4 passes in front of him by that point in the game, and then, he pulls THAT out. You can't defend it! Perfect, exquisite, flawless stop & go move...to Fellows, it must have looked absolutely identical as ye olde 8-yard button hook...until Monk ran right by him.

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Well since we've managed to A)successfully answer the OP and B)Hijack the thread,guess another video of Art in action is in order,(well he was part of the Fun Bunch).


2:50 mark is where you see a play a lot like the other one. :) :point2sky

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2:50 mark is where you see a play a lot like the other one. :) :point2sky

Again, stutter step (almost a complete stop, really) with accompanying sideways body turn and head fake. Although he was faking an out route this time, on the other side of the field, so the head fake (again, fully sold with a glance back at the QB) and body turn are a little different. Same result, though, except Richardson was beaten so badly, he was out of the picture before Monk even caught the ball.

All the more impressive when you realize that Mike Richardson had only given up one TD all season.

This thread was asking to be hijacked, BTW. :) And I blame you. What do you expect when you start posting videos of the glory years?

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what we were and what we will one day be again. Thank you PCS I needed that... badly lol. I had a dvd set that had all the games from that season but someone stole it when my house was burgled a few years ago, the cop laughed when I told him I wasnt worried about the playstation but I wanted my dvds especially that one back.

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its too bad Schroeder hurt his shoulder, he could have been great, instead we traded him to get another great in Jim Lachey.

Not really sure if Schroeder could have been great (his completion % was always around only 50%, no matter when he played or who he played for) but I am sure that the trade for Lachey was one of the best - maybe THE best - trade in Redskins history.

You could argue that the Jurgensen trade was better, but Sonny never won a Super Bowl. Lachey was the missing piece on an otherwise dominant line at the time, becoming part of a group that allowed only nine sacks all year while going 17-2 & winning Super Bowl XXII. We got a good 6-7 years out of him.

Schroeder, on the other hand, had a couple of decent years with the Raiders and that's about it.

We made out like bandits in the trade.

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Not really sure if Schroeder could have been great (his completion % was always around only 50%, no matter when he played or who he played for) but I am sure that the trade for Lachey was one of the best - maybe THE best - trade in Redskins history.

You could argue that the Jurgensen trade was better, but Sonny never won a Super Bowl. Lachey was the missing piece on an otherwise dominant line at the time, becoming part of a group that allowed only nine sacks all year while going 17-2 & winning Super Bowl XXII. We got a good 6-7 years out of him.

Schroeder, on the other hand, had a couple of decent years with the Raiders and that's about it.

We made out like bandits in the trade.

the Lachey trade was huge and he was the best LT in Redskins history until he got hurt (apologies to jacoby) but Schroeder was on the way to being at least very good until he wrecked his shoulder, he was never the same after that but it did work outgood when we got Lachey for him. one could also argue that the Byner trade (we gave up a guy named Oliphant who did nothing for a guy who helped carry our team for a few years and made huge plays)

this thread reminded me why I love this team somuch

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Speaking of Gary Clark...can't find the play I was looking for on YouTube, so....


(I assume most of you have seen this video already, but if you haven't, stop what you're doing and watch it. Right now.)

From shortly after the 19 minute mark, there's a 3-minute segment on probably my favorite non-playoff Redskins play of all time. Sprint bomb. Beautifully designed & executed; after being down 13-0 at halftime, this play beat the Giants, in the Meadowlands, after enduring 6 straight losses against them.

It was after this play that I started to really sense the Redskins were going to win their third Super Bowl.

Got a chance to meet Gary Clark at a bar he owned in Bethesda, and we talked about this play for a few minutes. You should have seen the smile on his face as soon as I brought it up. Really nice guy.

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Speaking of Gary Clark...can't find the play I was looking for on YouTube, so....


(I assume most of you have seen this video already, but if you haven't, stop what you're doing and watch it. Right now.)

From shortly after the 19 minute mark, there's a 3-minute segment on probably my favorite non-playoff Redskins play of all time. Sprint bomb. Beautifully designed & executed; after being down 13-0 at halftime, this play beat the Giants, in the Meadowlands, after enduring 6 straight losses against them.

It was after this play that I started to really sense the Redskins were going to win their third Super Bowl.

Got a chance to meet Gary Clark at a bar he owned in Bethesda, and we talked about this play for a few minutes. You should have seen the smile on his face as soon as I brought it up. Really nice guy.

E dog YOU DAMN DIRTY LOW DOWN SOB! I was so stoked to watch that video and then I got this.....


For now, Hulu is a U.S. service only. That said, our intention is to make Hulu's growing content lineup available worldwide. This requires clearing the rights for each show or film in each specific geography and will take time. We're encouraged by how many content providers have already been working along these lines so that their programs can be available over the Internet to a much larger, global audience. The Hulu team is committed to making great programming available across the globe."

ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH This is one of those times that living in the middle of nowhere really really bugs me.

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I'm laughing with you, not at you Ryman.

Try to find that video if you can. It's one in a series called "America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions". Not just the same old rehash of the Super Bowl year: it starts midway through the year before and chronicles the struggles that motivated & led to the Redskins becoming champs in '91. Exclusive interviews with Gibbs & Charles Mann, nice insight, with Donald Sutherland narrating. Great video.

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I'm laughing with you, not at you Ryman.

Try to find that video if you can. It's one in a series called "America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions". Not just the same old rehash of the Super Bowl year: it starts midway through the year before and chronicles the struggles that motivated & led to the Redskins becoming champs in '91. Exclusive interviews with Gibbs & Charles Mann, nice insight, with Donald Sutherland narrating. Great video.

Lol yeah, I was soooo choked, I just used my marginal computer nerd skills to try and find it online but I wont use torrents and cant find a streaming version available in stupid useless canada. I will find a way!

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