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Any saxomophonists out there in ES?


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Once upon a time...in a galaxy far far away...I was a Saxophonist. :)

I played tenor and alto from 5th to 12th grade. Enrolled at U of MD in the Music Education program back in the mid-90's. Studied under Chris Vadala and Dale Underwood. Decided after two pretty good semesters at Maryland, that the teaching thing just wasn't going to work for me, and called it quits. A few years later, I regrettably sold my Super Action 80 Tenor and my Conn Alto back to Washington Music Center, and thought that part of my life was over. I had basically moved on to other things. I've come to regret the decision to sell my horns though. The last few years I've had the itch to play again. Even though it's been over 13 years since I last played a note.

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Once upon a time...in a galaxy far far away...I was a Saxophonist. :)

I played tenor and alto from 5th to 12th grade. Enrolled at U of MD in the Music Education program back in the mid-90's. Studied under Chris Vadala and Dale Underwood. Decided after two pretty good semesters at Maryland, that the teaching thing just wasn't going to work for me, and called it quits. A few years later, I regrettably sold my Super Action 80 Tenor and my Conn Alto back to Washington Music Center, and thought that part of my life was over. I had basically moved on to other things. I've come to regret the decision to sell my horns though. The last few years I've had the itch to play again. Even though it's been over 13 years since I last played a note.

I'm sorry to hear you sold those horns - the SA80 must have been a painful one to let go... What kind of Conn was it? An old one, or a more recent MexiConn?

Those are some pretty impressive credentials - Chris Vadala was a favorite of mine for a while. I loved his tone and thought he had some pretty lyrical solos going.

If you decide to scratch the itch, eBay is a great place to find good quality inexpensive used saxes. I've bought five from there with no compaints at all, and never spent more than $400 on any of them.

I played trombone in school and dabble with electric bass nowadays. I don't know how you guys can handle all those keys! I saw a four-man sax band at Disney World this summer and had a sudden urge to find myself a big-ass bari. Maybe one day.

So, the keys thing first - believe it or not that makes things easier. It's not like trumpet or other valve brass where the fingering patterns change as you ascend the registers and you also have to increase pressure through your embouchure. The fingerings are all right there and they mostly make a ton of sense, as the C major scale is the basis, and each time you lift a finger your sounded note goes up the scale by one increment. The side keys are slightly more complicated, but they're also very easy to understand.

As for that Disney band I've seen clips and they are pretty amazing. The clips I saw showed a five-piece with soprano, alto, tenor, bari and bass saxes. I want a bass sax please!

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I'm sorry to hear you sold those horns - the SA80 must have been a painful one to let go... What kind of Conn was it? An old one, or a more recent MexiConn?

Those are some pretty impressive credentials - Chris Vadala was a favorite of mine for a while. I loved his tone and thought he had some pretty lyrical solos going.

If you decide to scratch the itch, eBay is a great place to find good quality inexpensive used saxes. I've bought five from there with no compaints at all, and never spent more than $400 on any of them.

The Conn was just a student horn. I don't think there was anything special about it. My parents bought it for me back in 1984. I played that one until 10th grade, until my teacher thought I should give the tenor a try. I played a Bundy student horn in high school, and then bought the SA 80 just before college. I was a bit star-struck by Chris Vadala when I arrived at MD. I grew up listening to Chuck Mangione, and Chris was the sax player in his band. (See "Give it all you've got") He was, and I believe still is the director of Jazz studies at U of M. Dale Underwood had just started at Maryland when I did. He was the Navy band Sax soloist for 30 years. He's arguably one of the best, if not the best player in the world. I have actually checked on EBAY for horns, and if I do decide to buy a new one it will probably be there. We have a local concert band in Southern Maryland, and I've considered trying to join up after a few months of getting my chops back up to par.

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As for that Disney band I've seen clips and they are pretty amazing. The clips I saw showed a five-piece with soprano, alto, tenor, bari and bass saxes. I want a bass sax please!

It was these guys:


I think he's playing a baritone in this one, but he also plays a bass sometimes: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=23941438

He actually started playing by himself and I said to myself, "What is that?" As a lover of low notes it piqued my curiosity right away. The other guys gathered around him a minute or two later.

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It was these guys:


I think he's playing a baritone in this one, but he also plays a bass sometimes: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=23941438

He actually started playing by himself and I said to myself, "What is that?" As a lover of low notes it piqued my curiosity right away. The other guys gathered around him a minute or two later.

Yeah - I've seen these guys with him on bass (via YouTube, not live like you) and they're incredible.

I really want a bass, but they're very expensive. I nearly bid on an antique Buescher 1920s bass on eBay, but it was starting at $5K. That's a lot of cash, though a great deal for a bass. I just couldn't. I'm hoping to save up the money so I can go for it if another deal like that pops up again.

I was a bit star-struck by Chris Vadala when I arrived at MD. I grew up listening to Chuck Mangione, and Chris was the sax player in his band. (See "Give it all you've got") He was, and I believe still is the director of Jazz studies at U of M.

I listened to him in Mangione's band too - great music even though people always made fun of it. I would have been star struck too. Damn.

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