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Here's a new/old commentary that I've just released. Again, if posting about the stuff I'm publishing on scribd gets ridiculous or annoying let me know.


I thought of adding this one because it's kind of indirectly related to the mental retardation issue we've been talking about. I know it was a profound moment in my life when this happened.

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Having MS the most frightening thing I can imagine, and it's a dozy, is being trapped inside myself. Any outlet would be huge at that point and I have to assume others in that situation would feel the same. It would have to be really nice to be a part of somebody getting a moment like that.

It really was an amazing moment. The weirder part of it in some ways was that she knew it and you could see just how powerful it was for her to reconnect and to make sense. It's something that impacted me very deeply and probably is at the core of why I defended Palin's attack on Rahm so vigorously.

Because we do not know what these folks know or don't and our casual abuse or neglect of them is cruelty.

And that's a horrible fear to have KAO, I hope your MS doesn't progress to that stage. I know we have good people working on it and hopefully if you do what you can and they do and learn what they should... it'll be a wasted fear. At least I hope so.

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It really was an amazing moment. The weirder part of it in some ways was that she knew it and you could see just how powerful it was for her to reconnect and to make sense. It's something that impacted me very deeply and probably is at the core of why I defended Palin's attack on Rahm so vigorously.

Because we do not know what these folks know or don't and our casual abuse or neglect of them is cruelty.

And that's a horrible fear to have KAO, I hope your MS doesn't progress to that stage. I know we have good people working on it and hopefully if you do what you can and they do and learn what they should... it'll be a wasted fear. At least I hope so.

It's a nice thing to derive pleasure out of the pleasure of others.

As for my fears, there not something I dwell on and I truth be told I do think they will be wasted. They're not very productive anyway but every now and then we all sucumb to dark thoughts, being sick just provides some fodder. That's all it is. Just wanted to provide a little bit of a different perspective. :)

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Yes, it's a true story. I led sing-a-longs at nursing homes for about three years as a volunteer. Partly, because of my grandmother and wanting to try to fill a void in a group that I feel is all too often neglected.

I write quite a bit of nonfiction these days. The one here was written as a commentary for local NPR. For the day job... well, one of them... I'm a freelance features reporter/producer these days.

A producer also bought the rights to my first novel last November which is an incredible and exciting thing (it was the publisher's wish that I join Scribd.com)

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