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Marty, the most mule-headed guy in coaching.


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Now I'm really confused. Marty is talking out of both sides of his face. Now he's just said that you never take players and force them into a set system. He says you take players, evaluate their skills and develop a system around their talents.

Which is it Marty? Perhaps he's sending a message to his brother and Jimmy Raye.


"The Kurp"

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On his regular Monday interview with Sonny and George Michael, Marty said when he indicated he wouldn't change he was talking about the overall philosophy of how they approach football, not the X's and O's of how you call a game. I interpret this to mean that he will continue to embrace a ball-control, smash-mouth game, but he is willing to adjust his playcalling to the personnel at hand. He also said that the main problem is that players are still thinking about what they are doing instead of just doing it naturally. Finally, he was asked by George about grumblings from the players that this isn't working. He said that winning would put an end to that, but the only grumbling he has heard has been about the way that they prepare for games, and that he wasn't about to change that aspect.

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Hey, I'd be thrilled if he continued to embrace a smash-mouth style. I'd just like him to first demonstrate that style before continuing, that way he can continue. To this point, we've been far less than smash-mouth or a running team. Marty didn't put together his career marks by being stupid. You have to think he'll figure it out, but, again, I'm not sure he's ever had such a miscast concept of what a team should do and have that team so terribly out of place in that role.

Keeping the faith though boys smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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