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Fownd yall at last!!!


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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

show some class here or you'll make enemies quick.........

that for me? well thank you kindly for the great advice, but i aint worried about making no enemies, it kinda goes with the territory im in dont you think? I aint going out of my way to make em, but i aint gonna lose no sleep over it if i do.

so you jus go back to bein a good boy before I call up your mama and tell her you need the parent contols turned back on, heh boy?


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mah propane tank exploded..

early Sunday morn...

it disturbed mah poor sister

while our twelfth child was bein' born

It wrecked all seven cars

I had on blocks in my front yard....

oh the life of a redneck is harrrrrrd......

Ah spend mah days a-drinkin'

so much beer you'd think i'd drown

then I eat a bag o' pork rinds

and smack mah wife around

and as the light begins to fade,

and the sun it starts to drop....

I take off my dirty t-shirt

for my guest appearance on "Cops.."


I am a redneck

welcome to my place

i got a trailer full of screamin kids

and three teeth in my face

if you don't mind sleepin' with my dogs,

you're welcome to linger

and if we have a baby and are related .....

we can git on Springerrrrrr..

Ok that's an original, so no stealing it and making money with it.


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Hey Tom! Would it be possible to send me that video?? Believe it or not, I have never seen the Joey T. leg break thing.

Would be very cool if you could send it my way via email (if you have a fast enough connection), or ftp.


Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

That is sick. Joey T. with a broken leg?!?!?!

I actually found the video of it on kazaa. I play it but when they show the replay from the other side where they show his leg breaking, I hit stop. I just can't watch it. The image is already in my head from when I actually watched the game. That is one image that will haunt me forever.

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Dear Mr. Without Ass Chaps,

I too am from TEXAS.

Very close to Dallas as a matter of fact. I know all about farriers....and the need for chaps.

Having lived in TEXAS all of my life, and having a bit of an accent (those who know me can hush right now), I am not sure I know anyone who talks or writes the way you do.

Especially in Dallas. Maybe if you were from around Cut-N-Shoot.

Oh wait......I was from around Cut-N-Shoot. Nope, I don't talk that way either.


Well, welcome anyway.

BTW, Bang.

Thank goodness there is a difference in Texans and Rednecks.


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