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ESPN Shows Jacobs "Hazing"


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I don't know what to make of this; ESPN's "Around The Horn" showed Taylor Jacobs tied (and he was wrapped pretty good up to the pecs) to the goal post while teammates "good naturedly" poured water on him. ATH addressed the situation as "hazing" and proceeded to compare it to the "vicious" hazing going on at some of your more popular collegiate campuses. At first I was outraged.....but then I noticed the look on Jacob's face........, he did NOT look happy folks. Let me explain a little further.....; I personally believe that Jacobs is going to be a superstar on the "Art Monk" level or possibly better. He's got the tools and the "self discipline" to get to that level. So, the other day I went to www.playersinc.com to shoot him off a letter welcoming him to the team, etc.. The thing that struck me was the guys pic....; people, this guy is HIGHLY intelligent and exudes pride with self discipline. Knowing that, and seeing the look on his face today made me feel bad for him. I don't know....maybe I'm completely "off-base" on this matter, I hope so........did anybody else see it? I hope this is a lot to do about nothing. I'd hate for it to be "another issue" that the Skins have to deal with........:(

PS: Disregard above link-try this one:Taylor Jacobs

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I had the sh!t hazed out of me in college, and trust me, it didn't consist of water getting poured on my head. Comparing this good-natured tradition of welcoming a highly-touted rookie to the team to fraternity hazing is way off base.

There's nothing wrong with reminding a rookie not to get too big for his britches. If you're thinking this episode will cause him to harbor some sort of grudge against his teammates or somehow damage his confidence, IMO, you're reading into this a little too much.

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No big deal really. I saw a quote from Jacobs saying the ice water sucked but he didn't mind all that much. I would be more woried if he came in and was ignored. As long as things don't get out of hand it's just a crazy form of team bonding.

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