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All right gang, nobody's leaving, so how do we get better?


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Lets get some ideas in here on what to do with what we got. While I am all for sending Raye on the street, it ain't going to happen, so if your Marty and with what you got, how do you make this team get better? There are 14 games left and by no means are we the worst team in the NFL. We just have the worst coaching staff. So gang, how do we get better with what we got?

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Utah, I disagree with your assessment. Our coaching staff is not the worst. It may have its problems, but they are not the worst. Bottom line is this team is the worst. You can call all the short plays you want, but when you have George rolling the ball to them and when he does get it to them, there are dropped passes, what the hell do you expect! We need a purge!


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Do you mean the team or the fans?? rolleyes.gif

1. Have the humility to adapt a system to the players that are actually playing.

2. Have the guts to run the ball and deal with lots of 3 and outs (and hope that Barker doesn't have any more punts like his first one). At least if you're running the ball, the time that it takes off the clock will reduce the margin of humiliation.

3. Some way, any way, keep the defence on the bench for more than 2 minutes per quarter. Get them enough time to recharge. I do not think that there is any major problem with the defence. I do think that they get worn down by the end of the game.

4. Bring in an Arnsparger equivalent for the offence.


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Actually, I meant to put a smiley face with the coaches comment. Ooops. smile.gif

However, let state again that Jeff George is by no means the problem with this team. He is fine. you have a game that is 15 for 24 as a QB, you are having a good day. When you get just over hundred yds on that passing, that is bad. But when plays called ask for our best WR to only be 4 to 6 yds deep in a pattern, you have bad play calling.

I think we are having Pettibon(sp) year. You take a downfield offense and convert it to a short WCO. Bad move. Your QB is a deep passer with the ability to go short, not the other way around. You have a power back which with short passing and 3 and out you take out of the game. Bad move. You have fast, physical WR who can dominate by size alone most CB's and you put them in positions to take on LB's. Bad move. On short 3rd downs in crucial situatiions on defense, you blitz 1 of your best cover guys instead of the saftey against perhaps the best Blitzing QB in the league because you want some speed at him. Bad move. Hell, he got it right the next time. DUH. You have perhaps the best 3 corners in the leauge at B'n'R and you call defenses in the 3rd qtr against 2 TE sets that play soft zone. Bad move.

I have been coaching now for 9 years and can't say I remeber such bad scheming on a Defenses part when it comes to playing to your stregnths. Why would you ever have Champ or Fred or Darrell off WR by 12 yds when your trying to stop the run? I don't get it. With LA out and Coleman out how do you not support your OLB and DE with safty support when you got those guys at corner. Its a gamble, but its your best chance to win.

You know I did hear Coach Marty say something that made me very happy. He was asked after the game what was wrong and where to start. All he said was He didn't have an answer but it was his job to come up with one and in a day or two, he would. The man has faith in his ability to make things work. That alone makes him a better coach than most.


"He has a confidence born of demonstrated ability."<IMG SRC="http://www.ideaspot.net/nfl/NFC_East/medium/wash2-med.gif" border=0>

[edited.gif by UtahRedskins on September 25, 2001.]

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I'll give you a hint where to start:

Davis averaged 5 yds/carry.

He averaged more yards/carry then Green did. (And we were screaming that our run D sucked).

As I once asked Norv on this board (he didn't answer): How can you average (it was 4.5 in his case) yards/carry and lose the game?

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sorry, Utah but I don't go all the way over to your side. I will admit that Jeff is in a system that he lacks confidence in and as a consequence that is having an effect on the performance of the other players as well.

Still, a 15 for 24 performance in terms of completions shows how statistics can be used to support almost any position. Remember that Jeff was sacked 6 or 7 times and if he had been looking to avoid large losses of yardage in the field position battle and to help the defense, he would have had 4 or 5 more incompletions.

Also it is important to realize that Jeff has more than one option on each play. In many cases it is his choice to go to a certain receiver. It seems to me that Jeff chose the dumpoffs short of first down yardage to avoid the risk of turning the ball over on the intermediate and occasional deep routes that were called.

Part of that can be traced to Marty's harping on preventing turnovers. But a quarterback can't function effectively when his leading receiver is averaging 6 yards a reception.

He had Alexander wide open twice and short hopped the ball on the first occasion and later threw the ball too low and had a lineman tip it in the middle of the field.

Another time he had Gardner on a play in the middle of the field and chose to go to Davis in the flat for a short gain. Yes there was a defensive back covering Gardner but he did have some separation.

I really think George is afraid to try and make plays. Part of that is his rust and part of that is Marty's influence.

I think Marty has made the entire team tentative.

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At this point, ain't nothing gonna happen until we get a running game established and feared.

Maybe some folks don't remember, but Riggins and Byner weren't always monsters in the 1st and 2nd quarters. Sure, they'd have some games where it worked out that way. but against a fired up, fresh defense, we'd often see a lot of 2 and 3 yd carries early.

But we'd stick with it. And sooner or later, we'd pop a nice 8 or 9 yarder, or a coupla 6 yarders in a row. At that point you could almost see the defense do a collective "uh oh", and watch our O linemen start to move a little quicker back to the huddle so they could line up and do it again.

But you need a workhorse type of back, and you give him the ball 20 to 25 times a game.

Davis is that workhorse kind of back, and there ain't an O lineman worthy of the name that doesn't want to go smashmouth on a defense.

So give them that. Even if you run that ball for only a yard, run it again. Our guys can get it done.

Then maybe you can draw the defense in and start to work on the secondary.

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I totally agreee with you bulldog on Marty making the team a bit tenitive. That can be changed. I think it will.

On the stats part, well, stats are bottom line factors when dealing with football. You can look at any situation in football and make a claim that stats can't answer everything, but in the end, they tell the tape. The team was rushing for 4.7 yds a carry. OK. Keep running. When George threw, regardless of whether the WR dropped the ball or a defender makes a great play like the corner did to Westbrook down the sideline, he averaged 8.9 yds per catch to his WR. That means the plays being called do not put our team in a position to succeed. On the blitzes getting to George and him not dumping off, well factors play into that like how fast were the lineman or blitzing LBs were on him and where was his dump off player or did he even have hot route called. All those things change a QB's ability to do something. Putting a dump off or a hot route on the backside of QB is bad play calling. Especially when the blitz is coming from his throwing side. Little things just eat at QB who isn't hitting on all pistons.

My first suggestion for George and the Skins is to get rid of the 3 step drop make 5 to 7 and add 5 yds to every route. At that point, you push LB's to their decision levels and thats when you start to make play action work.

I agree with you Terry. We need to establish our run as punishing. No doubt.


"He has a confidence born of demonstrated ability."<IMG SRC="http://www.ideaspot.net/nfl/NFC_East/medium/wash2-med.gif" border=0>

[edited.gif by UtahRedskins on September 25, 2001.]

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no matter how great the running back if the defense knows that the offense is not capable of completing a 15 yard forward pass, they are going to eventually choke off the run.

Actually, if you go back and look Davis got 65 yards but that was based on two runs of 17 yards each. On the rest of his 9 carries he only got 31 yards.

You don't have to put on an aerial circus, but like Baltimore under Dilfer last year you at least have to have the POSSIBILITY of posing a credible passing game to win.

Dilfer to Sharpe opened up a lot of room for Jamal Lewis in the second half of the season.

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We get better by, hopefully, Marty coming to this board, reading the suggestions and taking them to heart. Marty needs to check the ego and open his eyes and ears to the NFL world around him. This aint a "if it aint broke don't fix it" scenario. We need the plumbers helper and Marty need to pull the handle NOW.


<IMG SRC="http://www.texaspitts.com/nakedskins.gif" border=0>

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I wish we really knew the answers here. It seems that there just isn't a lot of talent left on the roster. Westbrook? Wilkenson? Coleman? these guys SHOULD be good but just aren't right now. The OL sucks, Power Polls have NE and Dallas as the worst teams in the league, maybe we should be.


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