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Aggressive New Redskins Public Relations Assault: "...for the Fans."


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The Redskins front office has clearly been working overtime with a Public Relations consultant or "extra set of eyes" lately and that extra set is now calling PR plays. These changes have all been incorporated in the last few weeks.

1. Focused, aggressive public statements on specific media outlets and high status individuals within the NFL fraternity who are critical of the Skins: (Washington Post, Steve Largent, Cerrato confronting Carlos Rogers about his management comments bullying Rodgers to back off.)

2. Incorporation of the exact phrase "for the fans" into the statements of all team representatives including the coach, staff, and EVP. (Dan Snyder telling Kornheiser in his box that he is "embarassed FOR THE FANS".)

3. Incorporation of fan praise statements into the opening remarks of all team representatives making public statements. (Jim Zorn now always thanks the fans for support in most of his public microphone appearances.)

4. Increased availability of team representatives for the press. These representatives are tightly scripted and coached. (Get ready for Albert Haynesworth to start towing the team PR line especially after his "losing the fans" statement this week. Look for all players to either stop speaking to the media entirely or to offer zero critical statements of player selection or management opinions.)

5. Concerted effort to blame bad publicity exclusively on the media and NOT on grass roots fan activism.

6. Concerted effort to minimize fan discontent through the use of sales and other statistics: (game ticket sales, logo item sales.)

7. Strategic public meetings between the owner and key public figures of high stature: (Dan Snyder pictured in public conversations with John Thompson, Joe Gibbs, Tony Kornheiser, Joe Theismann, etc.)

8. Concerted effort to minimize public expressions of discontent with the management of the team on Redskins property including FedEx Field, Ashburn, and Redskins retail outlets. (Removal of fans who chant to the owner's box and who wear non-offensive language tee shirts, new banner policy, new tailgate interview policy, etc.)

9. Concert effort to overhype "loyal fans" who merely show up for games, cheer for the team, are loud for opposing teams, etc.

10. Deliberate avoidance of any statements of contrition or personal accountability such as "I'd like to apologize to fans."

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I really hate how they use the words "for the fans." Because they sound like they are saying "fans are too stupid to realize I'm full of ****" I heard Vinny saying that in that press conference where he declared this is a play off team. I'm sorry... for the fans.

This is no different then when someone screws up and when you confront them they say "I'm sorry, that you feel that way". That isn't an apology and that isn't taking ownership for what you did... that is acting like we are morons for thinking like we do.

Just like everything else this organization does they are screwing this up... for the fans.

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People take this conspiracy stuff way too far.

Who CARES what Snyder does with the PR department.

I want three things - a REAL GM, a REAL COACH, and WINNING TEAM.

You don't get this do you... you have to defeat their PR program or they will rebuild public support for the current management structure.

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I really hate how they use the words "for the fans." Because they sound like they are saying "fans are too stupid to realize I'm full of ****" I heard Vinny saying that in that press conference where he declared this is a play off team. I'm sorry... for the fans.

This is no different then when someone screws up and when you confront them they say "I'm sorry, that you feel that way". That isn't an apology and that isn't taking ownership for what you did... that is acting like we are morons for thinking like we do.

Just like everything else this organization does they are screwing this up... for the fans.

EXACTLY Destino!!! You get it.

This is a PR consultant who polled this information and handed out talking points for all top level Redskins personnel. You will start to see this phrase appearing in player statements soon.

What does it really mean? Dan Snyder is the first person to use it with Kornheiser who quoted him verbatim. I wondered exactly what he means.

Normal people don't talk like this. They would say. "I'm just embarassed that all this is happening. We really try to put a team on the field that's a winner every year. People think we don't know what we are doing, but please stick with us. We really thought Zorn was going to be a great coach. Maybe he needs a couple more years and we need a few more players to run this West Coast system. If you are a fan, please stick with us."

This is a very STRANGE way to phrase things. It avoids any culpability and by that necessity precludes ANY change in the front office. I disagree that this is unimportant. They are brazenly cynical here believing they can just PR their way out of this. It's classic Washington tactics... single out a press outlet like Fox News and beat them like a step-child.

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