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Business Administration Degree


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A couple guys at work and I were having this conversation today. Is there really something out there for a graduate of an Associate Degree in Business Administration? Obviously there is for a Bachelor's(maybe not in this economy, but there usually is), but coming straight out of school with an Associates...I'm not sure an individual would have much to choose from. What do you guys think?

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Im sure there is something... even in this economy there seems to be jobs for all levels of education. But as everyone says... today's Bachelor degree is becoming yesterday's high school diploma (I dont believe it has happened yet)... so I feel the need to keep going further in education.

But to answer your question.. probably hard to find something that just requires an associates degree in BA. As much as I hate to say it, it will probably set you above for a job that doesnt require a degree at all, but Ive seen some friends with Bachelor Degrees that have taken jobs that normally require a HS diploma.

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Any line item on your resume that sets you above the rest of the pack is good. Thats about what it's good for.

Never downgrade the value of any education.

Heck a 4 year degree in business administration could be considered about as valuable as an a.a. degree nowadays. Every year the percentage of the job population with 4 year degrees increases.

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To follow what another poster mentioned, more people are obtaining both four year and master's degrees. An AA is not worthless, it certainly implies some work on the holder's part but, as with any degree, it's largely what you do with it afterwards. A 4 year degree is always going to carry more weight than just an AA.

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I graduated in May of 2008 from Towson with a Bachleor's in BA with a concentration in Management. It took me 3 months to find a job. I applied for like 30 some jobs and only had 2 interviews. I would've thought with my degree I'd have no problems finding anything. Its just tough to find anything right now. I'm looking for something right now and I'm still having problems, even with a year of experience. It sucks finding jobs right now.

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