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The Vinny Cerrato Billboard (and his personal advice to me)...


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...OK so I'm not sure if anyone else heard the story, but I thought it would be a good idea to try and get Snyder to maybe listen to some of the fans. This was what happened when some of the Buffalo Bills fans were upset at ownership a few weeks ago.


My discontent is with Vinny Cerrato. The following is a 100% true story that took place in August of 2004:

It was between my freshman and sophmore years in college and I wanted to pursue my dream of working for an NFL front office. My father somehow got in touch with someone at Redskins Park and set up a sit-down for me and Vinny Cerrato. I got a tour of our facilities as well as a one on one with VC. When I asked him for advice and what I can do to become more qualified for such a position he told me, "Take more communications classes." :chair: That was it. It is this advice that, looking back, makes me realize how inept he is at his job and how we need to change. The time is now. The man knows nothing about football. :doh:

So what does everyone think? We all know our problems stem from Vinny Cerrato and no matter who the coach is we will never succeed with him in charge of the front office.

It's time for a billboard and a statement. Lets try to get through to Dan Snyder like never before. We know as much as we say we are going to boycott games/merchandise it never works. Let's try to put it directly in the face of Dan Snyder.

Anyone else in?


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It was between my freshman and sophmore years in college and I wanted to pursue my dream of working for an NFL front office. My father somehow got in touch with someone at Redskins Park and set up a sit-down for me and Vinny Cerrato. I got a tour of our facilities as well as a one on one with VC. When I asked him for advice and what I can do to become more qualified for such a position he told me, "Take more communications classes." :chair: That was it. It is this advice that, looking back, makes me realize how inept he is at his job and how we need to change. The time is now. The man knows nothing about football. :doh:

Ummmmm.... I'm a Communications major and I'm not qualified to work in the front office unless I'm writing about the Skins. How can Communications help to be a good FO person?

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Ummmmm.... I'm a Communications major and I'm not qualified to work in the front office unless I'm writing about the Skins. How can Communications help to be a good FO person?

Hate to state the obvious here but here goes, you need to be good at sucking up and telling someone (Snyder) what they want to hear.

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When I asked him for advice and what I can do to become more qualified for such a position he told me, "Take more communications classes."

Wait, what? The guy's telling you to take more communication classes when he can't even put together a fluent sentence?

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