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Home Improvement Issue- Roofing


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dsc00552zl.jpgRecently, we have been seeing water spots in the wall and not sure where/when it had started but we are finally seeing the effects on the wall now.. We also have a skylights on our roof above that wall but we aren't sure what we should do and what the potential ramifications are. Are there any experts who might be able to tell us what is going on or tell us what we need to do.




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I am no expert, but i would bet the skylight is where the water is getting in from. And if you see the water on the wll that means it has been coming in for some time.

First you need to address the leak, and get it stopped. Then find out how bad the damage is. There could be some rot and mold.

Good luck, and i am sure there will be a whole lot of people who know more then i do to help ya out, since im just an electrician.

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More than likely, you won't be able to locate your leak from the the roof unless you're a roofer yourself and know what you're looking for.

If i were you, i'd call a roofer. Odds are, the water is getting in somewhere around the skylight, and running in, then down the inside of your walls.

You need to get the leak addressed first. Do you tend to notice more water on the walls after a heavy rain?

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Water travels. In this case,more than likely down the rake from the skylight,but that's not a 100% certainty either. .

That would be a good start, check the area to the top of the skylight (ie the side closest to the peak of the roof) for gaps where flashing or caulking have pulled away from the skylight.

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That would be a good start, check the area to the top of the skylight (ie the side closest to the peak of the roof) for gaps where flashing or caulking have pulled away from the skylight.

Yep. Could even be a little of both. Or not depending on the builder. But clearly that's the place to start. Can't always do it,but tracing a mental line from where the present damage is up to the skylight,(assuming that's where the skylight is),could work. Start there and give the skylight a good close look.

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