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What can be done in regards to Clinton Portis?


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So, I'm watching last week's game, and it hasn't turned disastrous just yet, and CP dives over the goal-line for his first rushing TD of the season. It felt pretty nice, although, to be fair, the sensation was more of a relief than a "Yeah!". I then look up to see (and subsequently hear Brian Billick commenting on) Portis sucking hard on the oxygen mask. Wha? Portis ran one play for one yard... I know... it was a tough yard, and he went airborn... but really?!?! Billick commented that the interceptor should have been like, "Hey man, I'm the one who just ran for 50 yards, do you think you can hand over the O2?"

It was at this point, this exact point, that I was no longer on the fence with CP. CP needs to go! His antics off the field are detrimental, IMO. His attitude is horrible. His non-practicing hurts both him and the o-line's ability to consistenly run block (Don't get me wrong, the O-line can't really run block anyway, but CP isn't helping any cohesiveness get established). He is continually battling nagging injuries. He is not fast enough to make up for his smaller stature anymore. He falls forward into his own blockers before he gets hit. He runs sideways so as to not take on big hits, but this only helps his feet to get tangled up, and he also is never square to the tackler where he can deliver a blow himself. And now! He needs oxygen after one yard plunges following an interception...following the defense being on the field...following resting on the bench for a defensive and special teams series...and a time out (I think?)? This is ridiculous!!

And so, what can be done? His value is low, his salary is high. What would you do if you were in control? I would trade him for anything right now. If I could get a fourth rounder in 2011 I would take it! If not, I would bench him permanently and put in Aldridge and Mason. Don't get me started on Betts. Portis would get all pouty and he would speak out on radio shows, he would have a meeting with Dan the Man about how unfair it is, he will call out his entire team,and he might dress up like a clown and call himself Professor No Carries, but until he dresses up like a brand new character... one that he hasn't ever dressed up as... Talented/Hard Working/Team Leader RB Clinton Portis... I don't even want him on the team!

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You gotta admit though, that oxygen mask right after that play was pretty disturbing..DHall was chilling on the sideline after he just ran back that INT for decent yardage..I think Portis has lost it, like if he goes somewhere else good oline & all - he still won't be the same IMO (the Portis that was slashing & dashing in DEN)

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Beings how John Riggins drank and smoked and sometimes played drunk...and still was "The Diesel" i think that him using oxygen can be forgiven.

Portis needs to be dealt in a trade while there is still a little bit of life left in him. He is not an every down back at this point in his career, but he'd be damn good in an offense where he is used in certain situations and splits carries with a premier back.

I look for him to go in the off-season if he doesnt produce this year...he hasn't had a 100 yard game yet, and he likely won't, as now he is playing with bad injuries again...

I think we should try and trade him for a 3rd or 4th round pick...while we can still get it.

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Nah don't str8 up "cut" him..we do need to trade him though before its too late IMO

What team in their right mind would inherit his bloated salary AND give up a draft pick?

I don't believe any team in the NFL would trade for CP. Someone would sign him to a friendlier contract once he's cut, but no one would take him with his overvalued contract.

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What team in their right mind would inherit his bloated salary AND give up a draft pick?

I don't believe any team in the NFL would trade for CP. Someone would sign him to a friendlier contract once he's cut, but no one would take him with his overvalued contract.

This is exactly what I am most afraid of! Essentially, we are "stuck" with an at best barely above average running back. At least with Alridge, there is the real threat of him breaking one loose. I can't confidently say that about CP anymore. The RB who reminds me most of CP right now is Fred Taylor. Only Taylor doesn't have the huge salary... would you trade for Fred Taylor with a huge salary? We either have to offer something else in the deal... picks (please god no!) or another player. I think if we could package CP and maybe a WR to either Cleveland or K.C. for not alot in return... I would do it! I say maybe a deal that includes Devin Thomas or Malcolm Kelly. Both are young enough to still have value, and both can be replaced. Hell, Mitchell might be better than both of them. I do like both of these receivers, but I like the idea of more draft picks (o-lineman) and less CP better!

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I remember people on here talking trash about Clinton Portis when he was rushing for 100+ last year. It is always something. Now of all things someone is mad he is sucking oxygen on the sideline. Maybe he got the air knocked out of him when he went airborne? Layoff.


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I don't think the oxygen thing is a big deal, I've seen him on that before games even started.

I do think he is really out of shape though, he has a gut on him if you look at him standing on the sidelines - have you seen that Eastern Commercial with him and Randle El in that car? I know it was probably filmed a lot earlier in the year, but check out his gut in that commercial, he is looking soft and out of shape, Adrian Peterson he is not. Glad to see him practicing this week.

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I remember people on here talking trash about Clinton Portis when he was rushing for 100+ last year. It is always something. Now of all things someone is mad he is sucking oxygen on the sideline. Maybe he got the air knocked out of him when he went airborne? Layoff.


Hahahaha. Every time Haynesworth lays down on the field (giving our D a free breather) or Portis hits the oxygen, people have heart attacks around here.

Hate on the following:

The entire o-line

Malcolm Kelly

Devin Thomas

Mike Sellers




Do not hate on the following:

Hall (he can't tackle but we already knew that when we paid him... he gets picks)

Portis - production has dropped, but now more than ever we need his blocking

Haynesworth - four stops with Carolina having fewer than 2 yds to end zone....and Carter is getting sacks!

Landry - just a baby by NFL standards, a couple whiffs don't mean he's stopped improving

Moss - having one of his most productive seasons

Cooley - it's not his fault he has to stay in and block

Consider hating on the following, but realize we have more important needs:

Campbell - flashes of greatness, flashes of stupidity

Fred Davis - would you be motivated if you knew you would never, ever, ever start?

Blache - defense has been fine, don't get in a hissy fit just cuz the fans are mad

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but until he dresses up like a brand new character... one that he hasn't ever dressed up as... Talented/Hard Working/Team Leader RB Clinton Portis... I don't even want him on the team!

You're serious? The guy who carried us into the playoffs in '05 has NEVER been a team leader?

I'm not a fan of his play as of late, but you really can't say he's never put the team on his back.

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With Fred Taylor's injury, the Patriots are the perfect candidate to scoop him up. If there's any way they can guarantee some other salaries to absorb his cap hit or defer it to the uncapped year, then moving him this year for a draft pick next year (a 2nd or 3rd) makes sense.

I look at it as an opportunity cost situation. There is a window this year when you can take advantage of teams' playoff hopes and possibly get something for certain players on the roster. That window closes when the season ends in a big way because of the looming uncapped year because the offseason will be a buyer's market. Teams in the playoff hunt now with Super Bowl aspirations will be willing to part with picks to get a push for January.

Portis is just one piece of the puzzle. Other players can be moved too.

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I remember people on here talking trash about Clinton Portis when he was rushing for 100+ last year. It is always something. Now of all things someone is mad he is sucking oxygen on the sideline. Maybe he got the air knocked out of him when he went airborne? Layoff.


I've always talked bad about portis because he has terrible balance, trips over his own feet, and the holes he has gotten years past other rbs and I don't mean elite I mean average could have gotten more yards. Portis IMO has been one of the most overrated players in the league the past few years. When portis was injured betts came in in 9 games starting and had 1600 total yards for a 4.7 yard average. 4.7 yard average is something portis never did in washington. In denver portis fit perfectly into their scheme but has all but failed in washington. Since he has been here I have not thought anymore then average for him and for awhile really wanted betts to be the featured back. Betts is slow now but we forget he was talented, we also forget betts is 30 now and has spent his whole career with us as a SECOND round draft pick yet never got the starting gig because finally when he was about to get a shot we traded champ for portis. Marcus mason looks like betts when he was younger and that by far is a major upgrade over portis.

We talk about portis's passblocking that makes him a great rb but he is an average runner. He may be tough and funny and ok all around but he isnt explosive, evasive, agile.

I'm pretty sure Snyder and Co have wanted portis starting in hopes if he kept the #'s up portis might have had a chance at the HOF given hes close to 10k rushing yards already at 28. Too bad he sucks and I am all about winning. Let Mason start.

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We have Mason already, I'm not sure about his blocking ability or durability but he is a talented runner. Quicker and with fresh legs over what we have on the roster. We take oline in 1st and second round next year. We wont have a shot at a top QB most likely and I'm not that big on most of the qbs currently in college. We can find a rb later in the draft or even FA. Rbs are the easiest players to find, there are so many mid to late round even UFA starting in the league. Get our line in the draft and sign a good QB in free agency.

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