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Moss Shushes Fans After Score

Dan T.

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That is utter bull****. On game days, the fans have been behind this team since Snyder took over this franchise. For 10 years they've been supportive, despite much that's gone wrong. So for players now to get touchy when they woefully underperform and fans show their displeasure just doesn't wash. And it's not a 2-way street. Players can't insult their fans.

Sorry but fans have not supported Snyder for 10-years unless "Danny Boy" is intended to be an endearing term. I'm not saying their wrong but I'm talking about during the game I just don't think the fans have done their part to create a feared environment for other offenses to come and play in. There are reasons that is the case, but the bottom line IMO is that it is the case.

Another point, I don't think this is a new problem and its actually been noticeable since the John Kent Cooke years at RFK. In the latter years at RFK home field began to disipate and I don't think Snyder was around then so what was the reaosn then?

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Does Moss look slower this year to any of you? Maybe my perception is off, but he looks like he has lost some quickness and added some bulk. I remember reading in the off season that he muscled up, but that maybe costing him part of his game.

I think it was the Detroit game where he got hit on a long pass and it looked like a LB almost caught up to him. That is the way it appeared on t.v. anyways.

It also seems like he is not going 100% on a lot of plays. Like he is taking off.

I have been a big Moss supporter throughout the years, but I am down on him this year.

Yea, I don't understand why I can't see what the **** you're saying.

I mean, he's kind of the only damn reason Detroit didn't blow us out and not to mention he literally has no one running opposite of him. He's putting up great numbers for this offense.

And he's on the receiving end of a touchdown explosion that won us a game where the final score was only split by 3 points.

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