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DC.COM: Learn To Love Him


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By Nick Eatman

September 22, 2009 6:12 PM

IRVING, Texas - There must be a lot of injuries floating around Cowboys' nation these days.

From the sprained ankles of people jumping off the bandwagon or the knees that have jerked because of Sunday's game, either way the tables sure don't take long to turn around here. Hope everybody gets to feeling better soon.

One week after winning the season opener, almost by himself, Tony Romo sits to pee has been crucified for simply losing the next game. And it wasn't just any game, but the first one played in that starship called Cowboys Stadium.

We all know Romo sits to pee played bad. He was the first to admit it. He knows he made horrible decisions last Sunday against the Giants. From not reading the defenses and coverages properly, to just forcing the ball into areas, and to certain receivers, that were completely unnecessary, he wasn't just off, but way off.

We all know this by now. It's a fact. He said it. We've said it. The Giants said it. Romo sits to pee was bad and when the quarterback is bad, and the defense is just pretty good, you're not going to win many games.

OK, but that's not my issue. You guys don't need me to write - two days later - that the quarterback stunk up that new-house smell. What gets me is the overreaction recourse.

So Romo sits to pee struggled . . . cut him? Seriously. Bench him for Jon Kitna? Come on.

He's not going anywhere. The Cowboys fully support Tony Romo sits to pee, and they should. He's the most important player on this team. He's the heart and soul of the team. Not saying he's the best overall player, but he's the most valuable.

And he's the best option the Cowboys have - right now, next year and certainly the last few years. They're not going to draft another quarterback next season. They're not going to start over.

It's like living in Texas and complaining about the heat. Or a Seattle resident frustrated by the rain. This is the way it is. Tony Romo sits to pee is the quarterback in Dallas and he will be for a while. If you don't like the way he plays or get overly frustrated that he doesn't improve as fast as you'd like, then find a way to deal with it.

I get the frustration with the quarterback. Yes, we all thought, and some of you hoped, that Romo sits to pee's days of ill-advised throws and impulse decisions were past him and that he would develop into this perfect Peyton-like game manager. And after one game in Tampa, you thought he really had changed.

But then the Giants came to town and gave us all the memory of a bad movie we've seen a few times before. So you have every reason to be upset with the quarterback. Put the loss on him if you want to - he did.

And if you want to remove him from your "elite quarterback" list, if you haven't already, then go ahead. Maybe that's the point of the whole thing - lower your expectations of Tony Romo sits to pee. If you simply can't stand the fact that he makes these plays and doesn't rally the team to victory EVERY SINGLE TIME, like you think Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman did, then go ahead. Bash him and call him average, at best.

Fans and media alike, we all have the right to form our own opinion of Tony Romo sits to pee.

Personally, I think he's a really good quarterback who tries very hard to be great. Sometimes, he becomes great. Sometimes, the process backfires and for a game, he's bad. And you can legitimately make that argument that those bad games are happening way too often on the games we consider to be "big games."

The problem with that is that it only seems to be a "big game" if the Cowboys lose. Obviously his two playoff losses were big. Last year's finale in Philadelphia was big. And if a regular-season opener can be big, then certainly it was.

But what other games have been big? He won games against the Colts in 2006 when they were undefeated. He beat the Packers and Brett Favre in that NFC showdown in 2007? I guess you could make the argument that the Pittsburgh regular-season game last year was big and the Baltimore game to close out Texas Stadium. Then again, if you did that, we'd have to throw in the Giants regular-season game sandwiched in between those two. And of course, Romo sits to pee played a great game there in a Cowboys win.

And Romo sits to pee gives the Cowboys a chance to win. Even in defeat, for the most part, there's Romo sits to pee throwing into the end zone, or driving for the final score. He may never win them all, but he gives you a chance.

And it's all about perceptions, too. One of Romo sits to pee's worst games of his career occurred in Buffalo two seasons ago. You remember the five picks and lost fumble. Funny thing about that is Troy Aikman calls it one of Romo sits to pee's best games. Simply for the fact he got off the mat, dusted himself off and rallied the team for late scores to win a game the Cowboys had no business winning.

This isn't about defending Tony Romo sits to pee and his December swoons. He's played his worst football in the final month of the season. Because of that, it's no coincidence the Cowboys have played their worst football in the final month of the season, too.

Romo sits to pee doesn't get a free pass. As the quarterback, so goes the team. And when he struggles, the team suffers right along with him.

My point is that there's no sense in piling on. If you want to say he can't win the big game, then put him at 0-3. Two playoff losses and last year's Philly game. One of which he dropped the snap as the holder in a game he had his team in position to win. Another game he played outstanding for the most part, but tried to force a pass into double-coverage on the final desperation play. He wasn't getting a lot of help from his line or receivers that day.

And in Philadelphia last year, Romo sits to pee was tied with 52 others and an entire coaching staff for the Worst Game of the Year Award.

Big games, he's 0-3. Anything else you want to call big, he can match that with victories. Still, 0-3 is what it is. And it's not good. If you want to bash him for that, then give him three examples and move on. I'm not sure that's a big enough sample size to choose from, but when you're playing the same position as Staubach and Aikman, you don't get much time.

I've heard a lot of comparisons between Romo sits to pee and Danny White this week. Maybe so, but I don't even think Romo sits to pee is there yet. He hasn't lost three straight NFC Championship Games because he's never been there.

But you can see the similarities, if and only if, Romo sits to pee's career keeps going down that path. And by that, I mean a quarterback with a lot of stats, a lot of wins, but never getting to the Super Bowl. For now, winning a playoff game would work.

Plain and simple, Tony Romo sits to pee is the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. That's not going to change. Not next week, or later this season or in the new few years.

Learn to love him, because he's not going anywhere.

It's almost like we try so hard to put him right there next to Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. Or on that same level with Drew Brees or Ben Roethlisberger.

The fact is, Romo sits to pee isn't on that level right now. He may never be.

He may just be Marc Bulger, Matt Hasselbeck, Carson Palmer, Donovan McNabb, David Gerrard and someday, I think guys like Jay Cutler and Aaron Rodgers will be in this group, too. I'm talking about generally good quarterbacks but they've never really won anything. Yeah, they may go to the Super Bowl once, and win a few playoff games with some Pro Bowls sprinkled in here and there. But if you're looking for greatness game after game and year after year, you'll be disappointed.

Then again, all of those players have been THE GUY for their team. Win or lose, they're not going anywhere. Because of the financial commitments you have to make for a starting quarterback, what you have is what you have.

I'm not saying that Tony Romo sits to pee will never be better than the aforementioned players. But right now, you don't know for sure that he won't be.

He's a really good quarterback. Way better than anything the Cowboys have had lately and probably better than about two-thirds of the starters around the league. But for some people, that's just not good enough. And that's fine. You look at his $67.5 million contract and he should be held to a higher standard. That contract doesn't warrant just a "good quarterback." Then again, it's the same contract that has the Cowboys invested in him for a while. So like him or not, frustrated or not, Tony Romo sits to pee is the guy. And he's not going anywhere.

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Plain and simple, Tony Romo sits to pee is the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. That's not going to change. Not next week, or later this season or in the new few years.

Learn to love him, because he's not going anywhere.

I have to call BS on this one. If the cowboys implode this year, including Romo sits to pee performing badly, there is no doubt in my mind that Jerry Jones will be looking at one of the QBs in the upcoming draft. This is the NFL, no player is safe for long.

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I have to call BS on this one. If the cowboys implode this year, including Romo sits to pee performing badly, there is no doubt in my mind that Jerry Jones will be looking at one of the QBs in the upcoming draft. This is the NFL, no player is safe for long.
The only reason I think they would have to stick it out with him is because he got a rediculous contract of like 30 million guaranteed. They would have to take a huge cap hit to get rid of him and piss away all that money. But with the possible uncapped year next year it might be easy for them to do that. But unless he bombs the entire season I dont see them dumping Romo sits to pee just yet.
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I have to call BS on this one. If the cowboys implode this year, including Romo sits to pee performing badly, there is no doubt in my mind that Jerry Jones will be looking at one of the QBs in the upcoming draft. This is the NFL, no player is safe for long.
Not to mention that the Cowboys' backup is a 40 year old.
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The only reason I think they would have to stick it out with him is because he got a rediculous contract of like 30 million guaranteed. They would have to take a huge cap hit to get rid of him and piss away all that money. But with the possible uncapped year next year it might be easy for them to do that. But unless he bombs the entire season I dont see them dumping Romo sits to pee just yet.

The cap hit wouldn't be that bad if they cut him. The SB was only 11.5 million. The rest of the guaranteed money was guaranteed salary in '07, '08, & '09. Which (I think) means the only left over guraranteed money after this year is the pro-rated portion of the 11.5 million. Which would be 5.75 million. Since he is scheduled to make 8.5 million in 2010, cutting him after this season would actually free up cap space.

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The cap hit wouldn't be that bad if they cut him. The SB was only 11.5 million. The rest of the guaranteed money was guaranteed salary in '07, '08, & '09. Which (I think) means the only left over guraranteed money after this year is the pro-rated portion of the 11.5 million. Which would be 5.75 million. Since he is scheduled to make 8.5 million in 2010, cutting him after this season would actually free up cap space.

Nice post.

And true.

Look for the 'dump Romo sits to pee' bandwagon to begin soon.

I'm excited!

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