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MoneyBlog: Are Redskins treating fans right


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"So you've lost your job or your business has slipped? Thank your lucky stars if you don't have a Washington Redskins season ticket contract. The Washington Post reported that the team has sued 125 season ticket holders who wanted out of their contract in the last five years, including a struggling 72-year-old grandmother, no less, who didn't hire a lawyer and now faces a default judgment of $66,364. That includes $5,300 for two premium seats for every year through 2017.

Another fan who was sued cannot work because he's a paranoid schizophrenic. (That suit was later dropped.) Many of the 24 or so defendants interviewed by the Post said they're hurting financially.

Seems heartless, no?"


I realize that this issue has been covered ad infinitum on this board, but SO FAR all I had seen was our own local news doing pieces on it. Now THIS has been up on MSN's home page all day long as one of their top stories. They're now making the 'Skins look bad on a nationwide scale.

Whether you agree or disagree with the law suits, you gotta admit that this story going national is not good. It's just going to give other teams and their fans something to try and rub in our faces. I can only imagine all of the "little helpless old lady" signs and opposing fans using canes and walkers when the Steelers come to play (or any other team, quite frankly). Read the "Readers comments" at the end of the article. They're pretty telling.

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Is this worse than the Patriots' Spygate?...

And who will be the first journalist to write a story about how many other teams do the exact same thing as the Redskins, and show this to be a non-issue? Who will quote the league commissioner as backing the Skins' right and decision to do this? Who's gonna write the viewpiont that, while it may seem like a cold business decision, it IS a business decision that many other clubs make as well, and not evidence of anything negative concering the Redskins?

Because all of that is just as true. I guess it just depends on if anyone actually wants to read about that truth, or just the more senationalistic one.

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Is this worse than the Patriots' Spygate?...

No, but does it have that extra "oomph" that news organizations like because it attracts viewer/reader interest? YES! DEFINATELY!

Nothing is better or jucier to a news organization then the story of some heartless, monster, multi-million dollar, global consortium picking on a small, enfeebled, little harmless old grandma, who's only crime is "baking chocholate chip cookies for the neighborhood".

The Patriot "SpyGate" stoey was REALLY only interestng for football fans, but EVERYONE (sports fan or not), will be lapping up the story of mean old Dan Snyder trying to steal the few remaining pennies out of a 72 year old womans purse. Public goes NUTS for this kinda stuff. What a nightmare.

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I don't see it being right for Snyder to take these people to court or try and sue them. If they came out before the season started and informed them of their financial difficulty then just sell the tickets to someone on this mythical "waiting list".

He should be wanting to refund the money over his teams piss-poor performance back to the fans that have to endure watching overpaid, underachieving "athletes"...

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If they came out before the season started and informed them of their financial difficulty then just sell the tickets to someone on this mythical "waiting list".

They aren't talking about GA tickets...these are the premium tickets..Club, Loge, Luxury boxes..it isn't a simple matter of giving them to the next Joe on the list. There is no list for these. They don't move like that.

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Complete non story. So what people got sued because they defaulted on loans they agreed to? That's life. So the Skins should get stuck with the tickets since you default on your own stuff? Wrong. People should have consequences for their actions.

I can't believe that you really don't understand this. It really doesn't MATTER if YOU PERSONALLY think that it's a valid story or not, or even if the majority of all 'Skins fans think that it was definitely the RIGHT thing to do. It's STILL getting national news coverage, AND giving everyone else a target to aim for. Frankly, I think that multitudes of 'Skins fans defending themselves and the organization by just saying "So what? She got sued. It's her own stupid fault!" are actually making it even WORSE.

It's bad enough when the coast-to-coast news makes the organization look callous and greedy (or the organization does it to itself, some might argue), but when you even have the fans publically supporting the law suit of the old lady (whether you PRIVATELY believe it was right or not), it gives the rest of the nation even more opportunity to say "See! They're ALL A-Holes. Even the FANS want little old ladies to lose their homes."

You have to diferentiate between what is "right" or "valid" to us, and what it "LOOKS LIKE" to the rest of the country. I guarantee you that no one in Pittsburgh is arguing to his buddies, "Well, technically they have an argument if she really signed a legal and binding contract." No, they're just saying "Snyder is a greedy, heartless ****, and all the fans that are behind him for suing the elderly and people with mental problems, are scum."

Bottom line, WE LOOK ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE ON A NATIONWIDE SCALE! Whether YOU believe that it's a valid story/ descision/ lawsuit, or not, makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE.

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I don't see it being right for Snyder to take these people to court or try and sue them. If they came out before the season started and informed them of their financial difficulty then just sell the tickets to someone on this mythical "waiting list".

So if I buy tickets to a concert venue for a year and then say to them "Sorry I'm not buying these" after I sign the contract you expect the venue to just sell them to someone else and there not be any consequences? Sorry but that's not the way the world works.

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makes sense. Snyder doesn't have a long line of folks waiting for those seats so instead of the ability to sell them freeley on the open market, those funds need to be captured somehow.

It's just a business move.

Heartless, yes. Out of the ordinary? No.

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So if I buy tickets to a concert venue for a year and then say to them "Sorry I'm not buying these" after I sign the contract you expect the venue to just sell them to someone else and there not be any consequences? Sorry but that's not the way the world works.

If you had been buying them, year after year... Then you called whoever.. Told them the deal they should try to work something out, every case can't be treated the same..

As for "how the world works"... I'm sure you'd be the one to explain to us.

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Totally different, you don't go to the games and then payback for the seats...

Correct, however if I don't pay for my season tickets this year, I expect the Washington Redskins not to send my season tickets. Just as if I signed a legal contract with the Washington Redskins saying I will pay such and such amount for the next 6 years and if I do not I can be sued for the money, I would expect a letter with the amount of money I owe them and if I don't come up with it by such a time they will take me to court.

If you want to play the right and wrong game, it's wrong for someone to sign up for something they cannot pay. Especially if its for over 6+ years and it's right for the Redskins to get their money back.

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Correct, however if I don't pay for my season tickets this year, I expect the Washington Redskins not to send my season tickets. Just as if I signed a legal contract with the Washington Redskins saying I will pay such and such amount for the next 6 years and if I do not I can be sued for the money, I would expect a letter with the amount of money I owe them and if I don't come up with it by such a time they will take me to court.

Okay, well people need to catch a break from time to time.. I'm sure you and "addicted" have raised yourselves, put yourselves through college and did it all without any assistance or mercy from anyone at anytime...

Jail and sue anyone who has any trouble in a recession....

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I can't believe that anyone here is still bothering to argue the relative "rightness" or "wrongness" of the lawsuit. Doesn't anyone understand that it makes no difference?

Nationwide public perception is what's going to hurt us. All the "being justified" in the world isn't going to fix that.

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I can't believe that you don't understand this.

Oh I understand this completely. I just don't think it's an honest story and I definitly don't think its a big deal. The way you wrote this post, you think it's the worst thing ever to happen.

It really doesn't MATTER if YOU think it's a valid story or not. Or even if the majority of 'Skins fans think that it was the RIGHT thing to do. It's STILL getting national coverage, and giving everyone else a target to aim for. Frankly, I think that 'Skins fans just saying "So what? She got sued. It's her own stupid fault!" are actually making it even WORSE. It's bad enough to make the organization look callous and greedy, but when you have the fans publically supporting the law suit of the old lady (whether you PRIVATELY believe it was right or not), it gives the rest of the nation the opportunity to say "See! They're ALL A-Holes. Even the FANS want little old ladies to lose their homes."

You can call me whatever you want for thinking that if you sign a contract and you don't fullfill your end of the bargain that you should have consequences to that. You know why I think this? Because that's why you have contracts. A football team has rights to protect itself from defaulting customers because it is a business. As a business they make buyers committ to buying something by signing contracts which saves people money. My families had Redskins tickets in it ever since I was born and when we didn't have the cash to pay for the tickets we sold them that year so we could keep them in the family. That's life, if you got a problem then figure it out yourself and don't wait on someone to fix it for you. If some people don't want to be responsible and figure they can get away with screwing a business over, well they get what's coming to them. Sorry pal that's life.

You have to diferentiate between what is "right" or "valid" and what it "LOOKS LIKE" to the rest of the country. I guaranttee that no one in California is saying "Well, technically they have an argument if she really signed a legal and binding contract." No, they're just saying "Snyder is a greedy, heartless ****, and all the fans that are behind him for suing the elderly and people with mental problems, are scum."

Bottom line, WE LOOK ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE ON A NATIONWIDE SCALE! Whether you believe that it's a valid story/ descision/ lawsuit, or not.

OMG!!!! Seriously pal you need to chill out. I don't care what anyone thinks about this team. If you like us then great, if you hate us then hate us. Me I'm a Redskin until I die. What anyone else thinks about my team won't ever change that

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If you had been buying them, year after year... Then you called whoever.. Told them the deal they should try to work something out, every case can't be treated the same..

As for "how the world works"... I'm sure you'd be the one to explain to us.

What the hell does how long you've had something matter in this? If I close on a home today and 6 months default on it because I never paid for it what difference does that make if that happens now or in 5 years. Some of you in this thread seriously have issues. Let me lay something on you. No one owes you anything. Get yourself in trouble and default on a contract then you deserve punishment.

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Okay, well people need to catch a break from time to time.. I'm sure you and "addicted" have raised yourselves, put yourselves through college and did it all without any assistance or mercy from anyone at anytime...

Jail and sue anyone who has any trouble in a recession....

People need to catch a break from time to time, yes, such as going over the speed limit a little, perhaps running a red light, etc. People who sign their name to paper saying they accept everything in fine print do not deserve a break.

Of course I didn't raise myself and of course I'm not paying 100% of my college, however I was brought up to make smart and wise decisions, college has also pushed that within certain classes.

Why someone would sign their name to a piece of paper knowing there's a good chance they could lose their job baffles me. For instance the elderly lady. She works in the housing market, the housing market that has been dropping for over two years. You're telling me she hasn't been losing money? That people haven't been losing their jobs where she works? Unless she's a complete moron, which I doubt, she knew there was a good chance she could lose money and her job, causing her to break the guidelines in her contract.

Well guess what, she played with fire and got burnt.

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