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WP (Wilbon): The Front Office and the Redskins in 2009

Califan007 The Constipated

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But you are reaching betond the scope of th article and attempting to guess what is going on in the writers head. The only thing that can be proven... or disproven here is the factual words in the article.

Changing you mind midstroke midstroke happens to the best of us... have you ever had too much to drink and though you were going home with the prom quenn, only to wake up next to a seahag? Have you ever been stuck at "that stoplight" and 3 am with no-one around... decide to blow it and get busted by the cop you did not see?

Everybody makes mistakes... and Wilbon (like it or not) is admitting he made a mistake in ranking the Skins as high as he did. He states that, then goes on to state why he chnged his mind. End of story. That is completley logical. Perhaps his reasons for changing his mind are not logical to you (though I would disagree).

As for the highlighted part...


logĀ·ic n.

  1. The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.

Again... nothing here is illogical. Wilbon is conceding that he made a bold prediction and gave reasoning for it... a week later he reads the article about the ticket fiasco which reminds him of some of the bone-headed things this FO does and has been doing for quite some time. He then recalculates his prediction while inquiring even further into the process by investigating and discussing this with football professionals... all the while giving reasons behind the recalculation.

All of that is perfectly logical. I dont see where there is validity to the continuing debate. If we want o dabte the rason why Wilbon journalistic skill have slipped... that can be discussed. Or if we want to talk about Wilbons flip-flopping or apparent dislike for Snyder... that can be distinguished here too. But to say the article is completeley illogical and deabte that here IS illogical.

Well, to some degree, we're ALWAYS reading into what writers write and why they do so. But, I'll agree to disagree.

Edit: And for the record, I've never brought home seahags, only prom queens!

Thanks for the civil discussion!

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