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OT: Need help; Local Sports Talk Shows


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I'm trying to find some local sports talk shows that might be interested in having a small publisher come on to talk about the Redskins book that he wrote.

If you know of any locally-produced sports talk show in what might be considered Redskins Country--VA, DC, MD, maybe northern NC and eastern TN--that you think would consider this, please let me know.

Any info would be helpful. Call letters, host's name, Website link, I'll track it down.


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Radio's fine, but if you really want to make a splash call George Micheals at channel 4 in DC. Ask him to interview you live on a not so busy sports night for a few minutes. It's not gonna be easy-- he gets calls like this every day, but anyone can be sold.

Micheal's has a huge ego, but he's also a stand up guy who really wants people to succeed. He knows how he had to struggle to make it and he remembers the people that helped him along the way--you might want to tactfully mention your personal struggle to write and publish the book from scratch.

Sell yourself NOT your book. Make it seem like a wonderful human interest story-- local guy makes good-- a tale that people would enjoy watching. Paint an irresistible picture for him.

Tell him you're a lifelong Skins fan who decided to write a book because you love them so much. If you've done something for the communiity or intend to (like donating x number of books to kids at childrens hospital) mention that to him as well.

If you position it to him that you want to talk about the history of the Skins and tell your own ''feel good'' story of success-- not just advertise your book on tv for free ;) -- you have a decent shot of pulling it off.

Good luck.

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Originally posted by rtandler

I'm trying to find some local sports talk shows that might be interested in having a small publisher come on to talk about the Redskins book that he wrote.

Hey Rich, honest question. What's your motivation?

Are you looking for a full-time gig?

Are you looking to advertise your book?

Do you wish to discuss your book in and of itself with anyone?

Or do you wish to discuss the Redskins with anyone?

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Originally posted by rtandler

The last two. Normal author appearances, nothing more.

Followup question. Again, genuinely honest question.

If your motivation is truly the last two... may I ask why participating in the internet's 2 largest Redskins communities (ie. CPND and ExtremeSkins) and becoming an admin on nflhistory.net is inadequate to fulfill your needs?

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Have you approached the team itself, Rich?

Go to Muhammad, man. :)


Just FYI, Sportstalk 980 is doing a quick daily segment in afternoon drive (6:00pm) called "Redskins Weightroom" or some such thing ... and they're planning to run it, I believe, straight through to the season now. They HAVE to be looking for material to fill these long days until camp starts. Give Andy Pollin a buzz, I suspect they'd might be happy to have you on again.

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Just a thought, but why limit yourself to sports talk shows? Why not NPR (WAMU), for example? This is a historical book of sorts, after all. Tell some stories about the evolution of the franchise, make the NPR-listeners all warm and fuzzy, they'll love it. I know plenty of casual redskins fans who would never ever listen to a sports talk show, but listen to NPR religiously (that's their problem, but hey, it's all about getting to the audience).

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Originally posted by Om

Have you approached the team itself, Rich?

Go to Muhammad, man. :)

I did send one to Muhammad (Snyder) right after it came out, and got one in Darrell Green's hands, too, but I haven't heard anything back. The organization (actually, I should say organizations since people have turned over a few times since I started) hasn't been very enthusiastic about it when I've asked them for help.

But, hey, still a good idea. I just need to go to the mountain over and over again.

Originally posted by CrankyTodd

Just a thought, but why limit yourself to sports talk shows? Why not NPR (WAMU), for example?

I actually was talking with Kojo's (WAMU's 12-2 guy) producer about a possible appearance on his show late last season, but we couldn't work out a time so we dropped it for 2002. Thanks for reminding me, I'll get back with him.

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Channel 8 in the DC area has a sports show with their sports guy. Does a redskin show with Mark Moseley during the season.

They often have on local high school athletes or local sports figures.

Can't remember the dudes name but he'd be more likely than George Michaels. Seems to be the kind of thing he'd do too. I know he gets calls at times from Richmond and other areas at times.

(ABC bought out channel 8 but they still run it as a small time local station as far as I can see. Only difference is sometimes they will have the channel 7 (ABC) news people on 8.)

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Other people have made reference to SportsTalk 980 AM (WTEM). During the season, Andy Pollin and Steve Czaban do a show every weeknight called Redskins at 6 (now it might be Sports Reporters year around). They often do pieces on Skins history and replay the interviews on the pregame show on Sundays before kickoff.

Also, Doc Walker has a show called Doc Walker's Pro View on Comcast Sportsnet in the DC area. A lot of Skins talk and Skins history...good luck.

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Originally posted by rtandler

Hey, coderama, do they do any local stuff? I didn't see any on their schedule.

Yes, they do local stuff mostly from 3 to 6 or 7. They have a blow hard, Tony Mercurio, that hosts a show, they have guests and allow callers to call in and speak their mind. They have a very loyal following. I would almost bet money that you could get on.

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