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Has the NFL ever suspended an owner?


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I know owners have been fined and draft picks have been taken away for league rule violations. But I can't recall any personal action taken against an owner, a la George Steinbrenner's suspension from the Yankees and baseball several years ago (during which time, it should be noted, the Yankees stopped trading away prospects and built up a nucleus of young talent that won a few championships: Jeter, Rivera, etc.)

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I know owners have been fined and draft picks have been taken away for league rule violations. But I can't recall any personal action taken against an owner, a la George Steinbrenner's suspension from the Yankees and baseball several years ago (during which time, it should be noted, the Yankees stopped trading away prospects and built up a nucleus of young talent that won a few championships: Jeter, Rivera, etc.)

The one I know about:

DeBartolo was involved in the corruption case of former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards. He pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to report a felony, and received a $1 million fine and a year's probation in return for his testimony against Edwards. Edwards was on trial for extortion and other charges, among which were the $400,000 he demanded from DeBartolo to gain a river boat casino license. DeBartolo never received the license, was also fined by the NFL, and barred from active control of the 49ers for one year.

That legal battle led to another, and as part of a settlement, DeBartolo gave up control of the 49ers in 2000, ceding control of the team to his sister Marie Denise DeBartolo York. York had previously been the president of the DeBartolo family-owned Pittsburgh Penguins, In 1991 he arranged to sell the NHL franchise to assist the DeBartolo Corporation in the aftermath of the real estate collapse of 1987. The many shopping malls were sold to Simon Property Group in 1996, which operated for a few years as Simon DeBartolo Group.

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It's so trendy to dislike Snyder. Go jump on another bandwagon.

God forbid we had an owner with shallow pockets.

Let's stone the guy for making money off his investment. Burn him at the stake for spending loads of HIS money on big name players.

Hind sight is a mother.. much of what he has done has been fruitless. But he does all he can to put a winner on the feild. So do like him, your job.. and root for your team. STFU.

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Firstly, I don't know what Snyder has done to warrant suspension.

Secondly, can an owner be suspended? He friggin' owns the team! Does a suspension mean he will not own the team for a couple of days, weeks, or months? No, because that's impossible, if not illegal.

Thirdly, what difference would it make? Embarrassment? I mean, the overall stability and direction of the bureaucracy will survive the temporary leave of even the head of the organization, which is the horrific beauty of a bureaucracy. In other words: It would be business as usual even without Snyder.

Fourthly, oh...look...a butterfly :movefast:

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It's so trendy to dislike Snyder. Go jump on another bandwagon.

God forbid we had an owner with shallow pockets.

I couldn't agree more SS.

God forbid we end up with a new owner who really IS worse than Dan Synder and Vinny Cerrato charging out the ass for EVERYTHING in terms of merchandise, to ticket prices but refuses to spend it on the players. Imagine losing Landry,Horton,Orakpo,Cooley,etc and see how fast people will clamor with I guess Synder and Cerrato weren't so bad after all.

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I don't actually dislike Snyder.I've even defended him many times. I was just asking a question in light ofthe latest ticket situation. I have a feeling this might lead to some bigger investigations and people coming forth with complaints. So far nothing criminal has surfaced, but it is certainly embarassing to the team and by association, the league. The NFL doesn't like being embarassed.9

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I don't actually dislike Snyder.I've even defended him many times. I was just asking a question in light ofthe latest ticket situation.

I think this:

(during which time, it should be noted, the Yankees stopped trading away prospects and built up a nucleus of young talent that won a few championships: Jeter, Rivera, etc.)

Kind of hints at you wanting to take a jab at how the franchise could/would be better off with Snyder suspended. If so, it was more than merely a question "in light of the latest ticket situation".

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