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Chad Dukes and the Colt Brennan Love Crush

Troy Fakeman

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In heavy anticipation this afternoon...I eagerly awaited the opening few minutes of the LaVar Arrington show with Chad Dukes on 106.7HateDan...I mean...err...The Fan. My friends and I were betting to see if Chad would blanket the performance of Jason Campbell and the offense with his Love Crush for Colt. **Par for the Course**

If you counted the words "Colt" vs "Jason" or "Jason Campbell" the numbers would be hilariously astounding. I'll admit that he did bring light to the play of Jason and the collective briefly...but then he spent the next 5-10 minutes discussing Colt...Colt's ability to bounce back...and how you should praise Colt for being able to make a solid play after throwing an INT. :doh:

I understand Colt is his boy from back in the day with his old gig. I understand Colt might have a promising future...but I would like to see the local media and fans start giving credit when credit is due. J Cam came out firing and placed the Skins in a position to win. He overthrew Moss, yes, but still managed two down field drives that resulted in points vs a stout Pats D.

Pardon my frustration, and I like Colt, but this madness over Colt is frustrating at times. I want to see him succeed...but I also want to see our STARTING QB succeed. IMOP...Colt is years away from leading a professional team down field for points and competing against someone like Philly, the NYG, or the Cowdonks.

Listening to LaVar and Chad give credit to Colt for chasing the guy after his INT was silver-lining-seeking at its greatest LoL.

Feel free to flame the OP, Cult of Colt followers - and happy Monday guys :dallasuck

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i heard the radio show, its blatantly obvious that he likes colt a ton, and so does lavar, but both of them gave campbell credit, nobody took anything away from him.

if campbell continues to do this, you wont hear any colt talk. one preseason game isnt going to make all the doubt go away. however, there was no campbell bashing on the talk show, and further more there most likely wont be any this week. why? the dude went out and produced.

edit: both of them alluded to the fact that fred smoot has compared him to brett favre, so its not just people on this site, its actually starters on our defense.

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edit: both of them alluded to the fact that fred smoot has compared him to brett favre, so its not just people on this site, its actually starters on our defense.

I heard that as well...but I believe Chad's angle is that Colt should be starting...whereas Smoot is defending Colt's right to be here.

As a side note...Smoot played some of the best ball I've ever seen him play.

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I heard that as well...but I believe Chad's angle is that Colt should be starting...whereas Smoot is defending Colt's right to be here.

As a side note...Smoot played some of the best ball I've ever seen him play.

ive just heard him say he wants colt to be the #2 and have a chance if jason falters. never heard him saying he wants him to start.

and smoot was straight nasty the other night. best player on the field for the D on friday.

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ive just heard him say he wants colt to be the #2 and have a chance if jason falters. never heard him saying he wants him to start.

and smoot was straight nasty the other night. best player on the field for the D on friday.

Do you think Colt has outplayed Collins? I think he has in some regards...but has also looked over his head at times.

B Lloyd - have you lurk'd on Madden 2010 yet?

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Do you think Colt has outplayed Collins? I think he has in some regards...but has also looked over his head at times.

B Lloyd - have you lurk'd on Madden 2010 yet?

outplayed? his mistakes and great plays offset each other so its tough to say. if i had it my way, we'd do a setup like we did in 06. campbell starts, if hes injured in a game and cant come back, its collins for the rest of the game. if campbell is gonna be out multiple weeks, colt starts and todd is the backup.

basically todd is always the number 2.

and yes i have. the skins D is much better this year, especially in man coverage. although they made campbell terrible and its tough to pass accurately all the time. portis is improved as well.

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lol, i know next to nothing about hockey and im well aware this dude is better than everybody by a mile. hes won the MVP twice in a row.

does dukes think albert pujols sucks as well?


And that Michael Jordon was overrated..


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Its sickening to have to watch Colt play with the likes of Clark and Rhinehart. Clark (now cut) missed a blitz on the outside that nearly resulted in Brennan being decapitated and was called off-sides on a play that killed a drive ... and Rhino wiffed on that guy who blew him up and nearly broke Colt's legs. Let Colt play with the first string ... then compare. He will blow Jason away (who still winds up and holds the ball too long) ... its tragic that there is no open compettiton.

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I think JC had an average game that any starter shouldve had.The pats defense isnt all that great even there own fans are crying about them.

209 yards in the first half sounds about average. If you do average it out, that's 418 yards a game, that's about 6,688 yards in a season, which you barely beat the single season record by roughly 1,500 yards.

So just about average.

He will blow Jason away (who still winds up and holds the ball too long) ... its tragic that there is no open compettiton.

Speaking of mediocre windup, it's amazing how predictable Colt's passes are. What with his Pop Warner mechanics, Colt needs to turn his entire body when passing, which makes his motion even longer than Campbell's, not to mention his passes are identifiable by even the most mediocre of DBs.

Thank God this kid is still a working project. He wouldn't cut it with starters. Imagine what real DBs would do to this kid. Ed Reed would have a field day on him.

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Its sickening to have to watch Colt play with the likes of Clark and Rhinehart. Clark (now cut) missed a blitz on the outside that nearly resulted in Brennan being decapitated and was called off-sides on a play that killed a drive ... and Rhino wiffed on that guy who blew him up and nearly broke Colt's legs. Let Colt play with the first string ... then compare. He will blow Jason away (who still winds up and holds the ball too long) ... its tragic that there is no open compettiton.

as much as colt truly has struggled, i do agree that i wanna see him play with our first stringers just once. maybe we get to see in jacksonville? that would be a pretty good test for him.

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];6692550']209 yards in the first half sounds about average. If you do average it out' date=' that's 418 yards a game, that's about 6,688 yards in a season, which you barely beat the single season record by roughly 1,500 yards.

So just about average.[/quote']

6688 yards with 0 passing tds and 32 rushing TDs.

lol, ill take it!

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