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No love for H.B.?


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I am very surprised to see that noone has made a thread or even mentioned HB's crushing hit that caused a fumble and sent the running back in a short flight back to the field.Am I alone in thinking that was a hell of a hit?


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It was mentioned in the game thread. Does every good play need a thread?

is this JUST for the play or can it also be about HB Blades? i think there's enough 'purist' posting mentality going on around here to begin with... it's just a message board... and HB doesn't get a TON of love on here.

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he's a backup linebacker.

does every single player deserve a thread now?

it was a sick hit, and discussed in the game thread. also mentioned in the mosley thread. and im sure someone mentioned it in the highlights thread.

opening weekend can't get here soon enough

apparently our 3rd string qbs deserve it... as well as aldridge, who might not even make the practice squad... why not someone who's guaranteed a roster spot?

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It was mentioned in the game thread. Does every good play need a thread?

Sorry didn't get to read every page of the game thread. Sorry sire. I made a thread about it because HB has been MIA for a while. So I wanted to show him some love. For a hell of a play. How often do you seen any RB get sent backwards in the air sideways?Sorry to offend you your majesty.

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Sorry didn't get to read every page of the game thread. Sorry sire. I made a thread about it because HB has been MIA for a while. So I wanted to show him some love. For a hell of a play. How often do you seen any RB get sent backwards in the air sideways?Sorry to offend you your majesty.

i'm on your side, man... too many people take such a strict and 'holier than thou' viewpoint on the way threads are started and how responses are submitted on here... if people have something to say or are excited about a player they should be heard.

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That's an ironic statement. All I can say is be prepared.

yeah, i'm sure hb blades will be at fault if the skins get spanked by the gmen. :chair:

this place will be extreme regardless of what happens opening day, but yeah. can't wait to get to the season so we aren't talking about backup players and the 35-53rd players on this team every single day

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if you are going to do this type of thread. at least have some pictures or video to go along.

it was a great hit. good for blades. I'll play him instead of fletcher in madden for the a game in his honor!

I wish I could post a video of it. My work handheld isn't capable to do such things. Thanx for showing HB some Madden Love. lol.

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yeah, i'm sure hb blades will be at fault if the skins get spanked by the gmen. :chair:

this place will be extreme regardless of what happens opening day, but yeah. can't wait to get to the season so we aren't talking about backup players and the 35-53rd players on this team every single day

Anyone who gets on the field against the Giants is a possible thread topic. If anything, these threads are more common in the regular season.

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Thanks - you stopped me from making a thread on how our kickers were perfect on all their PAT's :silly:

Sorry guess I can't please his majesties court jesture either. But you both would glady give some constructive input to one of the 1000 QB threads or debates about players who won't be playing here.Have fun in Oscar the grouch's house.

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Sorry guess I can't please his majesties court jesture either. But you both would glady give some constructive input to one of the 1000 QB threads or debates about players who won't be playing here.Have fun in Oscar the grouch's house.

Clearly you're being more of a grouch here, getting ultra-defensive about a comment I made that was so obviously a joke. That's what the smiley is for.

Besides that, I didn't even quote you, or address my post to you.

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