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Youth Football Coaches- Advice needed


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In my old league last year they had a funky rule for the younger kids that made all of the D-Line line up head up on the O-lineman. No gaps. No attacking the A-Gaps. No blitzing. Totally ridiculous. New league this year, no special rules put in because of poor coaches whining.:D

Honestly, I don't have a problem with those rules. I HATE blitzing at the youth level.... it really doesn't accomplish anything other than to stunt the development of youth offenses before they even get started.

It's tough enough teaching kids the rules, alignment, schemes, huddles, etc... without having to deal with blitzers.

It's no wonder the best defenses blitz like hell. And really, what skillset is required to teach someone to blitz a hole... as opposed to shedding blocks, reading and reacting, making tackles in open space, etc.

It kills me to watch superior defensive players shoot the A-gaps and overwhelm the guards/center -- not to mention blow up the center and get him scared as hell to play -- and then blow up a backfield before the QB even has a chance to plant his foot.

What the heck does that teach exactly?

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it teaches a coach to make pretty simple adjustments. :silly: j/k

Hey, in the Single Wing.... the offensive line splits are 0 inches. Foot to foot. Now, I use GOD blocking principles... but most coaches are using SAB (severe angle blocking). So, for all intents and purposes... the Single Wing is blitz proof.

I'm just speaking on behalf of YOUR offense coach :)

I'm not worried about blitzes at all. In fact, I LOVE when defenses blitz.. particularly the A-gaps. We're going to carve up that defense off-tackle and outside.

And when I want to mess with them... I'll run my spin and half spin series. You can blitz.... but what the hell are you going to do in the backfield with 3 running backs meshing. Who do you tackle? God forbid they chose incorrectly.

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DH good luck with installing your offense with your new team

Thanks coach.

I only had 3 of my 6 backs out tonight -- all 3 of them can throw and catch (but tonight was without pads so I have to temper that a bit) -- but we got SO much done. We basically worked on the 18 Sweep Pass and the T-series (half spin) tonight. We got about 2/3's of the half-spin sequence in (physically) tonight.... but mostly we worked on the mental component (understand the footwork, what we're trying to do, why we'll do it, etc).

The light went on for 2 of the 3... and you can see the smile on their faces when I lined them up at the MLB position so they can watch the backfield motion. They tried to guess who had the ball... and guessed wrong every time. And that's at half speed with no offensive line to block sight lines :)

Things are good :) This is going to be an amazing year...

Good luck to all of you too. I'm going to do my best to tape the games and post some highlights. We should designate an official youth football coach's thread :) Keep us all posted.

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Of course, he doesn't think the kids are capable of learning GOD blocking...

I always thought GOD blocking was pretty simple. Really, the kids just end up blocking the first person on them or toward the center (or right guard in the single wing) and need to know which side their head is supposed to be on.

Like most have said, the single wing is a great youth offense. I ran it one year and every kid on my team scored at some point in the season.

Last year we ran a very simple, yet multiple offense and it worked well. If I had an experienced QB or was a better QB coach, it would have been even better.

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