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YHR:16 yr old Hispanic Gang member accused of shooting at county Deputies


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Here is one article on the issue. I was going to post this yesterday but forgot. This happened near the area where I used to be a cop. It is a large illegal Mexican population and a large population of Mexican gangs. There are more shootings this year so far, than all of last year alone. It's not really new to the area- has been going on for about 2 decades. However, this year is really getting bad and making race relations even worse. Most every gang member arrested is Hispanic, and many are illegal. (not all) So there is definitely a lot of back and forth between cops/citizens and white/Mexicans.


OUTLOOK, Wash. -- Police say 16-year-old Jacob Almaguer purposely shot a Yakima County sheriff's deputy to prove his mettle to fellow gang members.

The boy's parents say otherwise.

"I just don't believe he did it," the teen's father, Jerry Almaguer, said at the kitchen table of the family's modest Second Avenue home in this rural community west of Sunnyside.

His son, arrested in Monday's shooting of Deputy Bobby Miranda, was ordered held Wednesday under $2 million bail during a juvenile court appearance.

Yakima County Prosecutor Jim Hagarty said he planned to file two charges of first-degree attempted murder against Jacob Almaguer today. Prosecutors also say they intend to charge him as an adult based on his age and the seriousness of the crime.

According to a police report read in court, witnesses told investigators they saw Jacob Almaguer with a rifle and heard him say he was going to "earn some stripes by flaming the two pigs."

He appeared close to tears as he looked around the courtroom and listened to the charges considered against him.

"Mom, come visit me," he said as he left the courtroom.

Shots from rifle

Police believe nine rounds were fired from a small-caliber rifle toward two deputies investigating an earlier report of gunfire in the Outlook area shortly before midnight Monday.

Miranda was hit in the right leg, where the bullet remains lodged, Sheriff Ken Irwin said. was treated and released from the hospital early Tuesday.

Deputy Chris Stearley suffered deep cuts on his hands when he dove for cover, Irwin said.

Both men are expected to be on medical leave for a while, Irwin said.

The two were out of their patrol cars collecting shell casings near the intersection of Yakima Valley Highway and North Outlook Road when they came under fire.

Irwin described the attack as deliberate, saying it would have been obvious to the shooter that he was targeting law enforcement officers. At least one of the deputies' patrol cars had its overhead lights activated, officials say.

Gang neighborhood

Interviewed in their kitchen before Wednesday's court hearing in Yakima, Jerry Almaguer and the boy's mother, Norma Borrego, said their son was home with them and his three siblings when they heard the gunfire that brought the deputies.

They live around the corner from the shooting, which took place in the 100 block of B Street.

Borrego described her son as "a good kid," who obeyed when she told him not to fight with school boys egging him on. His sister, Leeann, said he often listens to music with her and rides bikes with his younger brothers.

His father, however, said his son also raises and sells fighting roosters.

The family members said the 16-year-old isn't a gang member, but has neighborhood friends who are.

"I always tried to keep him away from all these kids because I didn't want him to get caught up in all their gang-banging," said Jerry Almaguer, who grew up in Outlook, a graffiti-riddled, seven-block neighborhood with a couple of churches, a post office and pit bulls tied up in yards.

Jacob Almaguer is a former Sunnyside High School student who had been taking part in a program for those who fall behind in their courses, said Curtis Campbell, a Sunnyside School District spokesman. He was dropped in October after not attend-ing for at least 20 days in a row, Campbell said.

He spent a few months pursing a General Education Development certificate before asking to try conventional school again, his mother said. She was planning to try to enroll him at Granger High School this fall.

The family's house has been struck twice by drive-by shootings in the past two years, she said.

Jacob Almaguer and his brother Pedro, 14, were injured in one of the shootings in November, Borrego said.

The incident was investigated by the sheriff's office.

That he would not seek retaliation for that shooting makes it hard to believe he would shoot at a law enforcement officer, Borrego said outside the courtroom.

Previous arrests

Investigators from several law enforcement agencies spent nearly 12 hours combing Outlook for evidence Tuesday morning and brought at least eight people in for questioning throughout the day. They were still piecing together details Wednesday afternoon.

"We're still sorting through the dust," said Phil Schenck, deputy chief with the Sunnyside Police Department, which is investigating the case for the sheriff's office.

Investigators likely will seek more charges against some of the others questioned, but Jacob Almaguer is the only one suspected of shooting, said Charlotte Hinderlider, police department spokeswoman.

Schenck said Jacob Almaguer has had repeated contacts with police during the past five years, including arrests for fights, trespassing and harassment.

He was convicted of burglary charges in 2006 and 2007. According to court documents, he stole a laptop computer from an Outlook home and broke into a home on Price Road. He was eventually ordered to serve 15 days in juvenile custody in both cases after being found in violation of his probation.

Probation officials stopped supervising him in October, according to court documents.

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Nothing new to me,all to common here

especially the parents denials:silly:

yeah- I love how they say he is a good kid, yet he has 2 felony convictions and at least 2 misdemeanor convictions before age 16?? yeah- that's a good kid alright. :doh:

That is the big problem- the parents. So many just deny their kid is in a gang. Even when we would point out all of the evidence, they won't believe it. One of "my boys" as I would call them is dead from a rival gang member- shot a couple years ago. For so long I tried to get his mom to believe he was a gang member. Even after his death- she was still quoted in the paper as saying he wasn't in a gang.

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I always love parents who are clueless to thier kids behavior or at the very least in denial.

My kids a good kid. He wouldn't do this. said one of the parents.

Than this: "Schenck said Jacob Almaguer has had repeated contacts with police during the past five years, including arrests for fights, trespassing and harassment."

Yeah, he's been kicked out of school, he hangs with a bad crowd and has prior arrests. He's a good kid....:doh:

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In an area thick with hispanic gangs is it worth pointing out that "Most every gang member arrested is Hispanic"? Why is race even an issue here? Is it worth noting that mom and pop meth labs in a poor white area "mostly white people". Well DUH.

What I want to know is why are most of the cops in a heavy hispanic area, white? I find that to be strange.

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Why is it that many people frown when you say, "We should celebrate [John Doe] because he was the first African American to [X]?" Those people say, "We shouldn't see race." However, it seems okay to point out the fact that a darkie was involved in a crime. Interesting.
I like you ljs and I enjoy your posting style very much but you do have a way with embellishing thread titles. ;)

It may be hard to see the point of making a point of his heritage. However, considering the current race issues, the long ongoing immigration/illegal immigration debate- and on a local level the tensions of both of those issues, I felt it was pertinent to the story. If find it a very interesting topic, coming more from the immigration/Hispanic issues since that is where my experience comes from, more so than the African American race "stuff". Not to mean any offense to anyone, sorry if you take it that way.

There are also other things to see in here- such as how the parents react- the cultural differences (I posted on a Liberian rape victim shunned by her family) between the US and many other cultures....etc

Kind of ironic that they were picking up shell casings. Seems like it was a bad area to begin with.

The report is that there were shot fired on purpose, to get the deputies to respond. Then as they were there to investigate- they got shot.

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