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Local Area Hotels


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Are you going to rent a car? If so, stay in Arlington or DC. The areas around the stadium are in the crappy part of MD. What is your budget?

We are actually going to drive down on Sat. for Sunday games. (Maybe hit a Terrapins game on sat.) For Monday games we will drive down Monday and leave Tuesday -about a 6 hr drive.

Looking to stay as close as possible but also want to avoid the creep dens. Might want to go out on a Saturday night. Budget is not a big issue but would rather not spend a fortune for a room either.

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Stay at the Greenbelt Marriot. It's close, clean, and safe.

This place looks good for after the Monday Night games! Any suggestions for Saturday nights before the Sunday games. Looming for an area we can go out and party in? Proximity is not as inportant the night before the game!

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gonna stay in Greenbelt Marriott for one game this year, I'm going to the MD game on Saturday, then Skins on Sunday. Looked like a good hotel by both. unfortunately it doesn't look to be on the Metro but they did say they have shuttles to the station. Hope it's good, should be a good time

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We stay at the Fairfeild Inn in Laurel,Maryland.It is less then 10 miles from stadium and the Maryland University is a few miles away.There is also alot of places to eat and the mall is down the street.

This looks like the best bet yet! Thank you!:dallasuck

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