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Anyone among ES suffering with anxiety?

Chump Bailey

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I often do. I have tried numerous prescription drugs and alternative therapies to no avail until now. This can be a very debilitating condition and I hope this product works as well for you as it has for me thus far. Please don't mix this with other meds or with alcohol and of course check with your doctor. Start with ONE to gauge tolerance with or without food.

The product is Phenibut and appears to be some type of GABA derivative. I am extremely impressed with the results and no side effects are noted.

Can be obtained here and is the same product I am currently using:


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Glad to hear it helps. I've suffered attacks in the past, and at times a sense of low self esteem has compounded it to make me damn near agorophobic, but I think I've gotten over that on my own. (With the help of a shrink for a few years.)


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I often do. I have tried numerous prescription drugs and alternative therapies to no avail until now. This can be a very debilitating condition and I hope this product works as well for you as it has for me thus far. Please don't mix this with other meds or with alcohol and of course check with your doctor. Start with ONE to gauge tolerance with or without food.

The product is Phenibut and appears to be some type of GABA derivative. I am extremely impressed with the results and no side effects are noted.

Can be obtained here and is the same product I am currently using:


Have you tried counseling?

I had horrible anxiety for years but found a great counselor and was able to solve the problem without meds. If you have not tried it, it is worth a shot.

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What's your spirituality look like? I used to get panic attacks (I didn't understand that that was what they were at the time), in the first year that I was sober. I came to accept that their were a lot of things that were out of my control, in fact almost everything was.

I got a lot of relief by saying the serenity prayer, and things like "it is what it is", or "it'll it turn out the way it's supposed to".... Bottom line is we are not responsible for most of the people, places, and things that are around us.

I like what Winston Churchill said- "Of all the terrible things in my life, most of them never happened"

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I suffer from it, and it really isnt fun. I most often suffer from attack while im at school and I have to go into a bathroom so no one sees me. Honestly its embarrassing and I wouldnt wish it on anyone.

It really started to affect my grades and I actually got kicked out of school for poor performance, but i appealed on account of my condition and got back in.

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