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Our video board gets a little more obsolete

SMU Redskin

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Heh, when I read the thread title, I thought it was talking about a Video "Forum category" also known as a board, and was like, wait we have a video forum? Lol silly me, glad I read the OP, I've not been to FedEx yet, so i can't really comment on the video boards unfortunately :/

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Yea, we make a lot of money, but the cost of building a new stadium in the same echelon as Dallas and NY would be astronomical. Jerryworld is going to end up costing Jerry and the city of Arlington anywhere from 1.3 to 1.5 billion (and that was on relatively cheap real estate), and the new Meadowlands stadium is even higher at $1.7 billion- and it doesn't even have a roof! Any stadium the Redskins build in the future (especially if you want to put it in DC) will undoubtedly be at least as much and probably more than this, not to mention the cost of breaking the lease in Landover, which certainly wouldn't be cheap.

Who's going to finance all of this? The bloom is off the stadium naming rights boom, as even Jerry can't get a sponsor for his stadium, even though it's scheduled to host not only Cowboys games but also a Final Four, Super Bowl, Cotton Bowls, NBA All-Star game, and various college football games. The potential exposure for a corporation at Jerryworld is practically unlimited with all the events scheduled there (certainly more marketable than Fedex) and still, no takers in this economy. Everyone in the DFW area (I went to school at SMU and used to live in Dallas) seems to think AT&T will eventually pony up, considering they just moved their headquarters to Dallas and have been relatively unaffected by the economic downturn compared to other large corporations, but so far nothing. That's a telling sign. FedEx just laid off a lot of their higher paid execs in Memphis where they're based, so I'd be surprised if they were willing to up the ante on the stadium rights deal with the Redskins for a new and considerably more expensive price tag.

I find it hard to imagine that the DC city council will be ponying up any money for a stadium after the mess they have gotten into with the Lerners. It's simply not politically feasible in this economy for anyone but the most desperate of cities to build a new football or baseball stadium.

And I find it hard to imagine that Danny is going to put up $1.8 or $2.0 Billion out of pocket when I don't think that FedEx is paid for yet.

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I find it hard to imagine that the DC city council will be ponying up any money for a stadium after the mess they have gotten into with the Lerners. It's simply not politically feasible in this economy for anyone but the most desperate of cities to build a new football or baseball stadium.

And I find it hard to imagine that Danny is going to put up $1.8 or $2.0 Billion out of pocket when I don't think that FedEx is paid for yet.

Exactly. The 49ers are still trying to get a new stadium built and they actually need one, same with the Chargers, and there's been relatively little progress out in California, of course the state itself is facing massive budget shortfalls.

To build a new stadium capable of hosting a Super Bowl (and therefore making FedEx obsolete) is probably going to run close to $2 billion. DC won't pay for that, the corporate sponsorship isn't there, and even Danny doesn't have that kind of cash. Maybe you could convince Virginia to pony up considering they're the largest state in America without a Big 4 sports franchise, but I think that's doubtful in this economy. My point is, all this fantasizing about a new stadium is nice in theory but it does not add up fiscally anytime in the foreseeable future. FedEx is a more than adequate venue which produces tons of money for the franchise every year, so it's hard to justify spending BILLIONS in taxpayer money to replace it...although $30 million for some new HD video boards would be nice. :D

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