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Are We Supposed To Find Her Sexy?

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So I'm reading this article about DiFelice and his slow-as-tar pitching and how hard it's supposed to be to hit it...

...and there's this ad halfway down the page talking about "seductive searches" or whatever, with a photo of a young woman on it.

Apparently she's there to entice you to click on the ad in hopes of finding a young woman such as herself and all that stuff there...

So I look over at her photo:


What the hell?!?! lol...She's chewin' her face off!! :rotflmao:...I mean, was she born like that?...I keep expecting drool lol...

Was I supposed to find her attractive or sexy or something? I literally broke out laughing at this lol...

Seriously: are we supposed to find her sexy?

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It's the internetz... of course you are supposed to find a picture of a chick chewing her lip off sexy.

And on the real... that ad says a lot about your own internet usage. If you look at many pictures of women, it brings up ads for stuff like that. That ad is directed at the user.

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It's the internetz... of course you are supposed to find a picture of a chick chewing her lip off sexy.

And on the real... that ad says a lot about your own internet usage. If you look at many pictures of women, it brings up ads for stuff like that. That ad is directed at the user.

yeah, and all those penis enlargement emails I get are due to my internet usage as well lol...


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It's the internetz... of course you are supposed to find a picture of a chick chewing her lip off sexy.

And on the real... that ad says a lot about your own internet usage. If you look at many pictures of women, it brings up ads for stuff like that. That ad is directed at the user.


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