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Smoot And Barnes' "Old" Comment lol (Wash. Times Quote)

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As soon as he said that I was like a simple, "well i know they have some great corners in hall, smoot and rogers" would have been ok. No need to go into carlos contract details and smoots age :)

^^^ exactly. I mean players and fans want good young talent, but like Smoot said the humbling experiences will come.

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"Hands of stone" Smoot?...

Smoot has 21 INTs in his first 8 seasons. Darrell Green had 24 INTs in his first 8 seasons.

Smoot has averaged 2.6 INTs per year over his career. Green averaged 2.7 INTs per year over his career.

Would we say Darrell "Hands Of Stone" Green? lol

Teams probably avoided Darrell more. INTs can be overrated in some cases. Stanley Richard had FIVE in one season when he was on the Chargers

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Lol! Smoot's right, that kid will get there and change his tone once mini-camp starts. Kind of like Thomas and Kelly being surprised that they weren't in good enough shape for camp once it started last offseason.

Except this guy is smart and I'm sure he comes in physically ready if a little skinny

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I wish Smoot's skills were as prominent as his mouth in the locker room. I'm tired of role players talking so damn much. Just get better and make the team better and stop sounding like a ***** who feels threatened by a rookie. The coolest thing about Smoot is his name, that's it. He's average at best. I, like some have already mentioned, can see him being relegated to the Dime corner if Barnes catches on quickly.

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I've always had a real problem with the young guys who come in with tooo much of a chip on their sholder. Come in and show that fire and competitve spirit, YES, but to come off as a complete prick...no! Smoot may not be All-World, but you could still learn from him...;)

Dude was picked up in the third round...first show some humility then get yourself conditioned so all your idle threats/trash talk don't make you appear to be a dumb arse when mini-camp starts. I love myself some SMOOT!! but if the kid can come in at DB/NB and actually catch a ball.....I'm all for him.

Kevin Barnes in the third round was a steal. He literally was one of the best corners in the ACC, and had it not been for his shoulder injury he would have gone much higher. Folks had expected him to be 1st round to early 2nd round material.

Frankly, I think he is an upgrade. He is a sure tackler, has speed, and is a playmaker. Carlos should be looking over his shoulder.

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