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Any Mac OSx86 users out there?


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I use a MacBook Pro for most of my computing but I also have a PC running Windows XP. I don't use it all that much but when I do it gets on my nerves, so I decided to try and install Mac OS X via the OSx86 project. Everything is installed and working fine other than my wireless adapter which it hasn't recognized. I need help finding a driver for it. I downloaded OSx86 Tools but it only downloads drivers via an Internet connection ... and well I don't have one of those without that.

Any help would be appreciated.


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It is better than working with Windows in any shape,form,or fashion.

have you heard of Linux, FreeBSD or other Unix based Operating Systems? Those were meant to run on PCs. Hell, Apple practically ripped their OS straight out of BSD and added some pretty colors on top.

Personally, I use the Ubuntu flavor of linux. Very user-friendly graphical environment.

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have you heard of Linux, FreeBSD or other Unix based Operating Systems? Those were meant to run on PCs. Hell, Apple practically ripped their OS straight out of BSD and added some pretty colors on top.

Personally, I use the Ubuntu flavor of linux. Very user-friendly graphical environment.

Linux is lovely and I know that Mac OS X is a unix-based OS. I would rather have a single operating system running at a time instead of bouncing around. Plus I already have all of the programs I would need from my MacBook Pro.

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Dude, you're doing it ass backwards. Instead of trying to put OSX on your piece of **** PC, throw that ****ing thing off a bridge, or light on fire or something, and just use Boot Camp to boot Windows on your MacBook Pro. It's ridiculously easy as long as you have you OSX disc and a Windows disc. As a matter of fact, it's twice as easy and twice as fast to do a Windows installation on a Mac as it is on a PC. The installation takes half the time, and all the drivers you will need are on your OSX disc, so you don't have to spend more than 5 minutes doing driver bull**** after you're done installing (and those 5 minutes consist of clicking next approximately twice and then waiting). Plus my installation of Windows runs better than on any PC I ever had.

Yet another reason Macs are worth the premium.

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Dude, you're doing it ass backwards. Instead of trying to put OSX on your piece of **** PC, throw that ****ing thing off a bridge, or light on fire or something, and just use Boot Camp to boot Windows on your MacBook Pro. It's ridiculously easy as long as you have you OSX disc and a Windows disc. As a matter of fact, it's twice as easy and twice as fast to do a Windows installation on a Mac as it is on a PC. The installation takes half the time, and all the drivers you will need are on your OSX disc, so you don't have to spend more than 5 minutes doing driver bull**** after you're done installing (and those 5 minutes consist of clicking next approximately twice and then waiting). Plus my installation of Windows runs better than on any PC I ever had.

Yet another reason Macs are worth the premium.

Unless, of course, you use a completely free distribution of Linux. Which would run just fine on that piece of **** PC.
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Unless, of course, you use a completely free distribution of Linux. Which would run just fine on that piece of **** PC.

This is true, however he already has a not piece of **** MacBook Pro. If he wants to run Windows despite liking OSX better, I'm guessing it's because he has compatibility issues with games, work programs, etc. Therefore, Linux is a terrible idea. Not only would he have to learn a third OS, but said third OS would have the same, if not worse, compatibility issues/limitations than OSX, thus doing nothing to solve his problem. Not to mention if he already has OSX and Windows, which it sure sounds like he does, it's every bit as free as your suggested free Linux distribution.

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Dude, you're doing it ass backwards. Instead of trying to put OSX on your piece of **** PC, throw that ****ing thing off a bridge, or light on fire or something, and just use Boot Camp to boot Windows on your MacBook Pro. It's ridiculously easy as long as you have you OSX disc and a Windows disc. As a matter of fact, it's twice as easy and twice as fast to do a Windows installation on a Mac as it is on a PC. The installation takes half the time, and all the drivers you will need are on your OSX disc, so you don't have to spend more than 5 minutes doing driver bull**** after you're done installing (and those 5 minutes consist of clicking next approximately twice and then waiting). Plus my installation of Windows runs better than on any PC I ever had.

Yet another reason Macs are worth the premium.

Parallels over Boot Camp anyday

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