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Food chain is starting to crumble. Where will the domino effect take us? New global study concludes that 90 percent of all large fishes have disappeared from the world's oceans in the past half century, the devastating result of industrial fishing.


Deflation: Will you say sometime soon "my house has lost over half of it's value."


Ever wonder where the Egyptians came from? "They don't seem to have an ancestry, they don't seem to have any period of development, they just seem almost to appear overnight,"


The High Priests of Globalisation


A new law in Arkansas will have Siloam Springs School District adding body fat content information to student report cards next year.


The below ad ran in the Washington Post recently.

“Pay no attentionto that man

behind the curtain...”

If you were a subscriber to From The Wilderness,here is what you would already know...

PEAK OIL – The war which “will not end in our lifetimes” is being waged because the world is beginning to run out of oil and gas. The gap between demand and production will increase forever. This is called Peak Oil. There is only enough conventional oil to last at present consumption rates for 35 years. Yet demand is increasing every year. There are no more large reserves to find. The Caspian Sea “bonanza” which was estimated at 250 billion barrels (Gb) in 1995-6, has turned out to be less than 40 Gb after two years of drilling. The world consumes a billion barrels of oil every 12 days.

On average, every barrel will now be more expensive to pump. Oil fields are dead when it takes more energy to pump oil than one gets from burning it. The only sources of cheap oil, in quantity, are the OPEC nations of the Middle East until they also peak in about 8 years. Iran has already passed its peak of production and will begin to import gasoline next year. The U.S. passed its peak of production in 1970. Within 20 years we will be importing 70% of our oil. So will China. About 60% of all recoverable oil is in the Middle East.

Hydrogen is too far away. It takes more than 3,000 gallons of gaseous hydrogen to equal one gallon of gasoline. Fuel cells do not create energy - they only store it. Producing commercial hydrogen requires both electricity and natural gas. It takes more energy to produce hydrogen than burning it yields. It is too late to change the infrastructure before economic and social crises begin.

The war which will not end in our lifetimes will include: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Colombia, Venezuela, West Africa, and the Southwest Pacific; anywhere there are significant reserves of oil and gas. These conflicts are being created now through The National Security Strategy of the U.S. Afghanistan and Iraq were only the beginning.

AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES – This ad is gratefully placed while Americans still have the right to speak publicly. Since 9/11 five amendments of our cherished Bill of Rights (the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th) have either been completely or partially nullified by provisions of the Patriot Act, The Homeland Security Bill and administration policy. A law secretly drafted by the administration and pending introduction, Patriot Act II, seeks further major revocations of our liberties. Some 30 major cities and the State of New Mexico have passed resolutions opposing the Patriot Act.

The government may now forcibly vaccinate Americans with vaccines that have not been tested for efficacy, incarcerate them for refusal, and seize their property. Yet it has granted immunity to preposterously wealthy vaccine makers when people become seriously ill or die as a result. Already, three have died from smallpox vaccines and scores have become ill.

THE ECONOMY – Two million have lost jobs since 2001. Corporate fraud still destroys America’s pension plans. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation is insolvent. Deficits are soaring. Social Security is being looted. State and local governments are severely troubled. Individual and national debt is at unsustainable levels and personal bankruptcies have hit an all-time high. Financial and gold markets are rigged and the U.S. economy is at least partially sustained by laundering almost a trillion dollars of criminal money through Wall Street each year—most of it from those who control the global drug trade.

DRUGS – There were no opium poppies in Afghanistan on 9/11. According to the New York Times, ABC, and the DEA, the Taliban wiped out opium production before 9/11. Yet since the U.S. occupation, from areas controlled by the CIA and U.S. military, Afghanistan is again the world’s leading opium producer. This has restored an estimated $200 billion in cash to the world banking system.

TAXPAYER MONEY STOLEN – Last year Senator Fritz Hollings asked the White House to submit an audited federal budget. It refused. CBS News and INSIGHT Magazine have told us that the Pentagon has “lost” more than $3.3 trillion of taxpayer money between 1999 and 2001. That money—your money—is gone. Corporations like Lockheed-Martin and DynCorp—which has been connected to a child prostitution ring in the Balkans—have contracts to do the data processing for these agencies. For FY1999 HUD made an adjustment to their checkbook after “misplacing” $59 billion. There are many connections with Enron. Herbert “Pug” Winokur sat on DynCorp’s Board until recently and was also the chair of the Enron finance committee.

HIGH CRIMES – The Bush Administration, like the Clinton Administration, is committing crimes. It has illegally refused to release Reagan-Bush presidential papers. It has hidden the records of the Vice President’s Energy Task Force behind an illegal appellate court ruling. It has concealed possible criminal conflicts of interest involving John Ashcroft who received 2000 campaign donations from Exxon-Mobil, now identified as a target of multiple three-year grand jury investigations, which have just produced New York felony indictments. As known targets of those grand juries, Mobil and BP were allowed closed-door access to the secret formation of US energy policy. Dick Cheney has been sued by Halliburton stockholders for book-cooking while he was the CEO. Recently, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Powell presented documents, now acknowledged to be forgeries, to argue for the invasion of Iraq.

9/11 – There is overwhelming evidence from public and congressional records that the Bush Administration had full foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did nothing to prevent them. Reported billions in 9/11 insider trading have resulted in official silence rather than asset forfeiture. Standard FAA and NORAD procedures requiring fighters to be scrambled were contravened during the attacks. One supervisory FBI agent, who actively and forcefully interfered with five separate investigations that might have prevented the attacks, as acknowledged by other FBI personnel themselves, was actually promoted afterwards.


The Pentagon has consistently refused to produce audited financial statements and has “undocumentable adjustments” of over $3.3 trillion in recent years. Despite significant budget increases, the Army indicates that they cannot produce audited financials for FY2001 as a result of “the loss of financial management personnel sustained during the September 11 terrorist attack.” Secretary Rumsfeld can, however, issue billions in new mission-critical contracts to private contractors running the information and accounting systems that are mysteriously missing $3.3 trillion. The more money that goes missing at the Pentagon, the more those responsible appear to profit from failure. Our national security is controlled by political appointees who cannot protect their own bank accounts and office building, but can move resources out of the hands of experienced military leadership to Lockheed Martin, CSC DynCorp and other corporations to wage war. To add insult to injury, the Army has issued no-bid sole-source contracts to Halliburton to manage Iraqi oil. The State Dept USAID has awarded a no-bid, sole-source contract of up to $500 million to CSC DynCorp to run police, prisons and judiciary in Iraq. This, despite CSC DynCorp’s problems related to employee sex slave trafficking and mafia associations in Eastern Europe. This is not a military run by experienced government employees loyal to the American people. This is a stock market play that is all dirty laundry and no accountability.

-- Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari, Inc. – www.solari.com;

Assistant Secretary of Housing—First Bush Administration, Former Managing Director—Dillon Read

U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare, binds President Bush in his constitutional capacity as Commander in Chief of U.S. Armed Forces. Paragraphs 498 and 500 of the Manual expressly incorporate the Nuremberg concept of Crimes Against Peace, and apply them to U.S. Government Officials, whether civilian or military. The 1945 Nuremberg Charter defines Crimes against Peace as: “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing.” The United States government prosecuted and executed Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg for the commission of Crimes against Peace, among other international crimes. I oppose the imposition of the death penalty upon any person for any reason. But because he has committed a Nuremberg Crime against Peace by waging a war of aggression against Iraq in violation of the United Nations Charter and the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact, President Bush should be impeached, convicted and removed from Office for also committing “high crimes and misdemeanors” in accordance with Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution.

-- Francis A. Boyle, Professor of Law, University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign;Founder—National Campaign to Impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Ashcroft.

Beware the Land of Oz. For it is only in the Land of Oz that a handful of vainglorious men could send hundreds of thousands of young soldiers off to fight in an illegal war. And only in the Land of Oz can The Grand Wizard erode basic civil rights and call it enhanced security. And, where but in Oz could a felon, convicted of lying in public, be put in charge of Total Information Awareness? In America, 160,000 veterans suffer chronic illnesses from the first Gulf War and tonight thousands of them will sleep on the street. 75 million Americans had no health insurance in 2001 or 2002. Unemployment is at an 8-year high. Meanwhile, at the Wizard’s court, men of dubious reputation, gorge themselves at the people’s expense. Expose the Grand Wizard; this is our America, not Oz.

-- Five-term Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney

(McKinney was unseated last year after openly questioning war profiteering by corporations like the Carlyle Group and ignored 9/11 warnings. A massive and illegally orchestrated crossover Republican vote in her 2003 primary ensured her opponent’s victory. She has since been vindicated by both congressional hearings and by a March 16 story by Greg Schneider in The Washington Post.)

[Thank you to the elected representatives who have challenged the new Empire, including: Ron Paul, John Conyers, Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold, Barbara Lee, James Sensenbrenner, Dan Burton, Bob Barr, Henry Waxman, Pat Leahy, Ron Wyden, and Paul Wellstone.]

From The Wilderness (FTW) is published 11 times a year and has readers in more than thirty countries.Current subscribers include 35 members of congress and the intelligence committees of both houses.

Subscribe at: www.fromthewilderness.com

FTW is not alone. Please visit these independent web sites for reliable information:www.globalresearch.cawww.peakoil.net










“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the mergerof state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini

Get This Book!(Available Fall 2003)

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illustration by Blaine Machan @ vorteximages.com

© 2003 From The Wilderness Publications


Alternate mirror websites at: www.copvcia.com

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crap. trust me, what i'm about to post has not cemented it's self into my brain yet. Just my initial thoughts as a molecular biology major and current earth science teacher....

while i may challenge the exact percentage of "big fish" that have been killed off (like we could ever really know), the thought behind the hunting/killing of the fish remains valid. "civilized" human beings are the most destructive animal on earth in regards to the biosphere (the living earth). while far from a tree-hugger, i readily recognize the ominous future of the world/human race if we continue along our destructive course.

to be honest, i don't feel like going into too much detail here. call me lazy, and you'll be dead on. whatever. if you are curious, read "ishmael" by daniel quinn. he does a much better job explaining my thoughts than i do. if you really want to get a read on what i'm thinking, PM me. i'll be waiting with baited breath :rolleyes: :laugh:

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Of course, the hard left-wing is all for compromise and listening to others when they're not the ones in power, but in their honest opinions, well, gee, there's no room for compromise or others opinions!

The Cynthia McKinney thing...wow... I can't believe that even made it to the boards. No one even seriously believes she's mildly intelligent -- further, she lost through democracy. People weren't bamboozled by others, they were embarrassed by *her*. For the love of Kirk! :)

There's something to be said for not hunting everything to extinction, but maybe you should think about ridiculous farm subsidies in the UK and especially US that allow farmes to destroy valuable land (i.e. BIODIVERSITY) because subsidies allow them tomake it profitable. This land, under the circumstances of the free market, would *never* be used because it's too terrible to farm, but left-wing policies (maintained of course by our Republican Presidents as well) are doing plenty of damage, even as you read this.

Or have you thought about the import substitution regimes in places like Brasil that keep such industries going? Guess not. :)

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Originally posted by dchogs

crap. trust me, what i'm about to post has not cemented it's self into my brain yet. Just my initial thoughts as a molecular biology major and current earth science teacher....

while i may challenge the exact percentage of "big fish" that have been killed off (like we could ever really know), the thought behind the hunting/killing of the fish remains valid. "civilized" human beings are the most destructive animal on earth in regards to the biosphere (the living earth). while far from a tree-hugger, i readily recognize the ominous future of the world/human race if we continue along our destructive course.

to be honest, i don't feel like going into too much detail here. call me lazy, and you'll be dead on. whatever. if you are curious, read "ishmael" by daniel quinn. he does a much better job explaining my thoughts than i do. if you really want to get a read on what i'm thinking, PM me. i'll be waiting with baited breath :rolleyes: :laugh:

I agree mostly with what you're saying. A world based on limitless growth cannot be sustained, as the growth curve of unchecked human demand must, at some point, exceed the sum of natural renewal and technological progress.

Have we reached that point? No. Have we delayed it with our miraculous technological advancements? Absolutely.

Can we continue on our current course without undue consequence? No. As my grandfather (a diehard conservative Navy Captain) once told me, "You can't get something for nothing".

The choice, then, is to effect positive change in light of the inevitable, or to sit still.

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Originally posted by Art

That's the most humorous post on so many levels that this board as ever seen I can't begin to describe it :).

I wonder if ASF found it even slightly entertaining. :rolleyes:

My point is that there is trouble under every rock if you look hard enough.

ASF, It's fine to be concerned but you will not leave the worlds troubles behind by moving to another country. You can do much to change things for the better from right here in the good old US of A.

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Originally posted by dchogs

crap. trust me, what i'm about to post has not cemented it's self into my brain yet. Just my initial thoughts as a molecular biology major and current earth science teacher....

while i may challenge the exact percentage of "big fish" that have been killed off (like we could ever really know), the thought behind the hunting/killing of the fish remains valid. "civilized" human beings are the most destructive animal on earth in regards to the biosphere (the living earth). while far from a tree-hugger, i readily recognize the ominous future of the world/human race if we continue along our destructive course.

to be honest, i don't feel like going into too much detail here. call me lazy, and you'll be dead on. whatever. if you are curious, read "ishmael" by daniel quinn. he does a much better job explaining my thoughts than i do. if you really want to get a read on what i'm thinking, PM me. i'll be waiting with baited breath :rolleyes: :laugh:

I'm not a brainiac so I have no scientific knowledge to offer but I can add to what has been posted with my own fishing experience. I grew up on the Chesapeake Bay and fished it with rod and reel for 37 years. Back in the day we absolutely caught more and bigger fish. The keeper size fish of today would have been thrown back to "grow up some" as we used to say. I quit fishing because it wasn't fun anymore. Who in the heck can enjoy wetting a line when most of what you catch is small and has to be measured to insure compliance with the latest, ever changing game laws. Slot limits and closed seasons during peak fishing weather iced the cake.

I feel sorry for the young people coming up today. They will never know or likely see what a good days fishing was really like. Pulling up at least one or two 12 lb. or larger flounder at Watchapreague was never a problem and could be done every time out, heck, it was even expected. Those were the good old days.

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