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Getting Organized

Larry Brown #43

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Just before the holidays I began a new job within the organization I work for.

I'm a fairly organized guy, but this particular job will make it necessary for me to be SUPER-organized. I'm managing various committees, their subcommittees, their projects, etc. It's a lot to keep track of.

So I'm wondering if anyone has any great tips or suggestions on how they stay organized at work. Just want to start the new year on the right foot.

Thanks in advance.

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First, congrats on the new gig! It sounds like a very promising one.

As to being organized, I always think of it in terms of two things. Communication and information. Info organization is pretty easy. I find communication organization is where people struggle. Where and when to meet? How much do you need to know and when do you need to know? To what degree do you step in and how much do you lay back? I think the first thing I would do is step back and see what kind of micro culture your subgroups have developed. How do they process info and how do they organize it? Is it functional? Is it practical? Does it fit within your scheme? Then, decide which of you needs to adapt and to what degree? But the organization of communication: who knows what when and understands what is highest priority and what can be sidetracked if need be is important. Also, knowing when your need for knowledge and input is overwhelming and stopping progress. You are probably very good and keeping yourself scheduled and knowing where to get everything you need. That's why you are rising. Trust your system and your self and forgive yourself if you stumble.

Physically, I like the folder in folders in folders method with my cell phone beeping at me in the morning to remind me of crucial events I dare not miss. I like checking in with everyone at least once a month (but I'm a freelancer so I'd remodel that). If I need nothing or want nothing saying hello is useful. And don't forget to be positive when things are done well. People always remember to be critical, but rarely remember to be grateful. I've gotten more return clients because they enjoyed working with me. I think it's important to be good, but also to be a good person.

Anyway, I've rambled too long and probably haven't said anything you don't know or haven't said much of specific use.

Good luck!

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Sounds like you're a PM? I personally despise Microsoft Project, but I use Excel to organize a lot of due dates, timelines, etc. without the hassle of fighting with Project. I also manage multiple projects so I usually color code them - both for physical file folders and for specific tasks in electronic documentation.

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