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Interesting discussion....


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This is not posted for the truth of the rumor as I can't verify in the slightest other than to say very frequently word I hear from this person is actually reported at a later time, whether the actual discussion comes to fruition or not. Again though, this seems more like guessing than most of what I've ever discussed, so, take this with an extreme grain of salt and a post more for the discussion value than anything else.<br /><br />Extreme rumor has it the Redskins have been chatting with Jacksonville about a possible trade involving Stephen Davis and Mark Brunell as the main folks involved, with the Redskins supposedly also getting Fred Taylor and giving up -- again, I don't believe this myself so don't ask me about the truth of it -- Champ Bailey with the feeling being if such a trade were made there is some strength at the cornerback position still in Washington.<br /><br />As the rumor goes, the Jags have wanted Bailey and Davis all along with the Redskins thinking they could keep Bailey and sub a vastly lesser player if the Jags backed off that demand. That the Jags haven't has caused the Redskins to desire to look in a different direction first before coming back to this possible discussion.<br /><br />Anyway, to talk about, it's probably worth having fun with. As truth, it probably is not <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> .

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If the Skins traded Davis and Champ for Brunell and Taylor, the Buddha's Finger would be quickly replaced by the Buddha's Giant White @ss bearing the immortal words...EFF YOU DAN, VINNY, & STEVE!!!<br /><br />Now if the trade were Davis and our 1st rounder for Brunell and Taylor, I might feel a little differently...

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Well, you'd certainly have to consider Davis and a first for Brunell and Taylor, but, again, it's my guess the Redskins are less than pleased with any discussion involving Champ Bailey for just about any price. Though, with Lewis as a defensive coordinator and a free agent in Starks or a return of Deion, one would certainly not have a weakness at the corner position, though clearly not the strength we have now with Bailey.

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Hmmm. Why cant you tell us the origin of this trade rumor? Its hard to judge its credibility otherwise. I scour all the NFL city newspaper sports sections, as well as other scources, and I havent run across this rumored trade. Lets see:<br /><br />Our #1 for Mark Brunell - advantage to us.<br />Stephen Davis for Fred Taylor - advantage to them, only because Taylor is injury prone.<br /><br />Hmm. I might consider it because Davis is going to have to restructure his contract in 2003. Im not sure about the contracts of Brunell and Taylor, as to how large they are, which is a factor to consider.<br /><br />The rumor sh-- on this board about the Redskins is starting to drive me to drink! <img border="0" alt="[Cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/cheers.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[pint]" title="" src="graemlins/pint.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: inmate running the asylum ]</small>

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I could see that happening, but you need to look at other signs. My sources tell me that Davis wiil stay. Davis, Smoot, Gardner, Bailey all have Retro jerseys being made as I type this. Also Arrington will, I repeat will sign a players union contract, to apease Snyder. That will make it possible for Reebok to produce Arrington jerseys. Now does that mean that those four couldnt be traded? Of course not. If they trade Champ Bailey, it will be the stupidest thing Snyder could do. Danny boy was burned bad in poor merchandise sales the past two years, with George and Sanders. He will not make that mistake again. By the way this is coming frm the same sources that gave me, and in turn you guys a heads up on the Retro jerseys, weeks ahead of the announcment.

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inmate--<br /><br />Art wouldn't have posted this if he didn't have a reasonably reliable source, and I trust that he has heard this from someone "in the know." Just one of the perks of being an Extremeskins member.<br /><br />And by the way Art, I'm going to have nightmares tonight of Fred Taylor shredding his knee in training camp and Deion doing the Holy Ghost dance-- just before letting a punt clang off the top of his helmet. Thanks a lot!

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For what champ makes in base salary (one million something-buddah)<br /><br />there is no way in heck we will be able to replace his performance level without doing another "Deion Disaster".<br /><br />emotionally, it upsets me. I feel its a bad move.<br /><br />Davis yes. Champ, NO WAY!<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Dr.D ]</small>

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Inmate, I've not offered the "rumor" for the credibility of it, merely it I was struck by it as interesting and other information I've gotten from the same person has proven fairly reliable in the past, though, not all of it. In fact, I don't believe this possibility exists either, but, neither did the person I spoke with.<br /><br />Merely that the Redskins would make a Brunell for Davis trade as Fred Taylor would be thrown in and the Jags want and won't back off a demand for Bailey as well. As for cap ramifications for the Jags, they'd essentially be giving up $7 million in salary and taking on $4.25 million in salary. It'd work out given they got good relief from the expansion draft.<br /><br />Anyway, as I said, I don't believe the veracity of this rumor. Only that it came from a person that at least has generally been seen to have pretty solid information most of the time and it is certainly a worthy discussion piece <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> .

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Also, Art used to work in "field", and has some good hookups. He's not blowing hot air. You can expect (as I have) that the teams have at the very least discussed this topic with each other, even if it was laughed off as ridiculous instantly.<br /><br />I wonder if I was the first person who started spouting the wacky Davis for Taylor/Brunell trade idea. Prolly not, but I'll still take credit <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by inmate running the asylum:<br /><strong><br /><br />Hmm. I might consider it because Davis is going to have to restructure his contract in 2003. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">did everybody hear the same thing i heard , on Unscripted ?????Connely mentioned Davis restructuring his contract.....i dont know why it aint been released yet, but thats what i heard ....did anybody hear the same thing ???

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Ok TheChosenOne, i'll give you credit again. Your reward is another chocolate donut. But being you aint here to collect, i gotta eat it myself before it drys out. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 27, 2002, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: inmate running the asylum ]</small>

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If something such as this came about, I'd have to say, h3ll, I'd be stunned, stuttering, and hacking (probably from all the bile and <img border="0" alt="[puke]" title="" src="graemlins/pukeface.gif" /> )<br /><br />I have no problems getting Brunnell and Taylor. I could see losing Davis. Would NOT like it and think it was stupid but I could see it. But Davis and champ would be worth Brunell, Taylor AND we should get their #1. heck I'd see Davis for Brunell and Taylor given their history as almost being even.<br /><br />I can also see throwing rotten fruit (laced with grenades) at the idiots who'd orchestrate such stupidity.<br /><br />I'd finally have to become a snyder despiser. I still have hopes for him........but not if this were to happen.

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Count me in with those who would be unhappy with such a deal.<br /><br />It would be like trading Champ for Brunell, which I would not be happy about, AND trading Davis for Taylor straight up, which would be absurd IMHO. Both Brunell and Taylor have some history of injury. I like them both, but not for such a large slice of our youthful talent.<br /><br />Not gonna happen.

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