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Where are those WMD?


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According to the NYTimes, we didn't get around to securing the nuclear waste facilities until a few days ago. I know many of you criticize what the NYtimes chooses to report, but I tend to take what they report as fact as usually correct.

Are we really there for WMD and to make sure they aren't spread? If so, why would we leave an obvious sight to be looted? Before the war, we talked about invasion plans that involved securing the suspected sights before they could be removed. Does the fact that we have found no WMD mean that our intelligence was bogus, doctored, or exagerated? Why and to whose benefit?

I was for the war based on the information our public was being given. Unfortuantely, I've seen little since to justify my thinking recently. I've seen the big contracts go to US companies with huge ties to this administration. I've seen little in the way of successful efforts to find WMD that were supposed to be the reason we went to war. I'm hearing little about efforts to rebuild, and it's looking less and less like we are going to be willing to do the types of things it would take to set up a government there that would be in our long term interests in the region.

As a side note, are any of you conservatives here a little cheesed off by Bush having ot "fly" onto the aircraft carrier becuase it was too far away from shore to take a helicopter? Never mind that they worked hard to try and place the podium in such a way that the tv's wouldn't show the CA coastline in the backround :doh: Sorry, that's blatant huey. I feel the same way about the Republican convention in NY in September.

I often think Krugman goes too far, but I tend to agree here when he asks why we should applaud Bush for his reserve time when he didn't show up for an entire year.

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Again, I'm not a Clinton fan, but he sure got blasted for being a draft dodger.. Bush was no different. While he served in the Guard, he avoided going to Nam and then went AWOL. Had my dad done that, we know were he would be... military prison.

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Originally posted by Bush League Bufford

how come we can't find Bin laden?

seriously though. Its a big country with a lot of things hidden under ground.

I believe they are there....somewhere.

Bin Laden put all the WMD into a condom and swallowed them. Bin Laden is now the drummer for Motley Crue... Try to find them.:D

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Like the contracts rewarded to Diane Feinsteins husband?

We've found evidence of WMDs. We found chemicals in the Euphrates, we've found 18 mobile chem labs, we found an 18 wheeler that was an exact fit to the description of an anthrax lab that Powell laid out to the UN. We found underground nuke labs. We have scientists that have admitted to destroying weapons just prior to the wars beginning. We've found missiles tipped with chemical warheads that were empty but have no other military purpose.

Everytime we find and report these things, the leftists and the media simply brush it aside and demand we produce an actual nuclear bomb before our cause is justified.

For anyone to claim we are doing little to rebuild is ludicrous. We've opened up the airport, we're establishing the oil production, we're turning the lights on, making the water safe, and helping to establish order. So sorry some museum pieces were stolen.

And finally, why is it a problem for the GOP to have it's convention in the largest city in the country?

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Originally posted by gbear

According to the NYTimes, we didn't get around to securing the nuclear waste facilities until a few days ago. I know many of you criticize what the NYtimes chooses to report, but I tend to take what they report as fact as usually correct.

Be patient, gbear.

It takes time to plant the evidence. Soon enough, WMD machinery and materials will be found.

I'm just wondering which captured Iraqi will get the first deal for immunity and early retirement. It must be embarrassing for the administration that their prisoners are not quickly bought off.

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Since we have found them, why hasn't Bush held a press conferece and proclaimed that the goals of the war were acheived? Or the military?

Each time the military is asked, they say, "To this point, no WMD have been found."

Sorry, but I believe the military.

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I remember Bush saying Iraq had WMD's and was planning to use them, and that it was important for us to take this "evil regime" out of power immediately.

I wonder why Bush hasn't been called out by our "liberal" media?

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remember Bush saying Iraq had WMD's and was planning to use them, and that it was important for us to take this "evil regime" out of power immediately.

He was, and we needed too. What part do you not understand?

I wonder why Bush hasn't been called out by our "liberal" media?

He has been, that's how this topic started. Every Liberal politico is harping it on the talk shows. Chris Matthews asks every guest where they are.

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I give Bush some credit, he was flying the plane at one point. He was pissed that they didn't let him on a F-18 because the secret service guy wouldn't have fit. That was pretty neat to see the president fly the plane, even if it was close to cali or not.

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Originally posted by phishhead

I wonder why Bush hasn't been called out by our "liberal" media?

There is no liberal mass media when it comes to these things.

The administration has genuine differences of opinion with The New York Times etc. when it comes to certain issues -- abortion, taxes, etc. These fall along classic liberal and conservative divides.

What you are missing in studying the Middle East is the shared interest of the administration, most of Congress, both political parties, and almost the entire U.S. mass media.

That's as far as I'm going to take it for you.

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I guess we have to go to Syria to get them :) However, what they needed to prove was that they were still trying to develop WMD. This they have, so they haven't found any specific WMD, they have found places where they were being created, places the inpectors were not allowed to see. It is still very early in the process. WMD are not like candy, they will be hard to find, that is unless Sadam already destroyed them prior to the war, who knows? In the next 2 to 3 months we will know a lot more. Give it some time guys, the war has only been over a couple of weeks. At least they have the info to link Alqueda an Sadam now.

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I thought they tested where the scientist said they destroyed the chems, but they couldn't find any of the traces they expected to find.

We found an 18 wheeler? Oh no, all they needed was 2 of those to take over the world.:rolleyes: Seriously, finding one that matches what Powell said and not finding the anthrax lab within actually comes a whole lot closer to doctored or manipulated intelligence.

As for the Chemicals, are you referring to the ones they think turned out to be pestisides? That's not exactly WMD.

What was the contract you mentioned? I missed it being out of the loop a little while in MN and St. Thomas. Those little snipets of news provided by the hotel don't quite constitute being informed and I don't have time to watch 10 hours of news on TV while I wait for what interests me :cool:

Rebuilding...we aren't doing anything to put in place a legit government. We're placing a yes sir government in place. The government services like police forces still seem to be in short supply through much of the cities. Water is good and important. I'll give you that one, but I haven't seen anything about setting up systems or for that matter fixing permanent systems. We're still trucking it all over the place aren't we (maybe not, again I haven't seen anything)? It seem like the only permament parts we've worked on thus far are oil fields. Now if it were your country, where would oil fields rank on your priority lists? I'm sure you'd just be overjoyed to know the US has awarded those contracts first thing.

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Originally posted by luckydevi

Bush has been called out. Read the NYT and watch the 3 major networks.

Just for laughs. A bit of taunting, if you will: a show of press independence. Need to restore some cred with the people.

Off camera, higher up, it's more like, "Seriously, George, what's taking so long? I thought you guys had this all worked out?"


Note to our friends in the military (Air Sarge, Navy Dave, etc.): I have the highest respect for your brave defense of our liberty. Nothing in any of my comments here or elsewhere implies I think the U.S. military, and particularly the soldiers themselves, are in any way part of the corrupt mentality that I attack.

I am forever grateful for your service to our country.


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Originally posted by gbear

As for the Chemicals, are you referring to the ones they think turned out to be pestisides? That's not exactly WMD.

Or was it the batch that turned out to be rocket fuel?

Or was it the batch that turned out to be trace elements left behind form 1991?

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geof, schools opened last week in Iraq. Power has been restored. We are rebuiding at an amazingly quick pace. It's not instant and apparently that would be the only acceptable timeframe for the far left (not you, but the politicos on talk shows).

The 18 wheeler was set up as a lab. It had heating and cooling sections. It had been "scrubbed" recently. We know this because of the evidence of cleaning chemicals. In other words, it's TOO clean.

The Contract is explained here. http://quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/wed/cx/Vdefense-contracts.RAwU_DAQ.html

www.la.indymedia.org/news/2003/04/51989.php This one shows his Perini contract.

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