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The First Annual ES Offshore Fishing Trip/ STICK IT TO THE MAN CAPT RICH


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OK, MIKE H! Your in. If you are not we'll feed you to the fishes.

OK guys, we have our crew. To anyone that wanted to go and didn't get in in time, I'm sorry. I can only take six people. We'll do this again real soon so don't worry. I plan on two trips a year for ES members. The rest will have to pay full charter prices. This isn't North Carolina so if your going to go fishing this summer on the outer banks please check with me first as to who you are going to book at Oregon Inlet or Pirates Cove. There are a lot of charter boats there but some of them I wouldn't go on.

OK folks, I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm to go fishing. I hope this might help my business in the long run. This might be a good way to advertise.

If anyone has a tendency to get sea sick, don't worry. Just don't bring those stupid wrist bands with the buttons on them. That is the biggest crock and probably invented by the guy who invented the voodoo doll. Forget about Dramamine. It'll only knock you out. You won't be sea sick if your sedated. So if you call that working I guess it does. You can go to the pharmacy and ask the guy for those little patches that go behind your ear. Follow the directions and do NOT over do what is recomended. If one is good than two have to be better. No no. That doesn't work. You'll be loooooopy.

I guess we're planning a Sunday trip. If you guys want to meet on Saturday at the boat we could have dinner at the marina and get you into your rooms. Then you can check out the boats and help with the rigging of the baits and teasers. I'd like to get you all involved to really appreciate what is going on. Most of you have probably been out of Oregon Inlet and you know you show up and wind in the fish. Not here, I'll have you washing the boat when we're done.

We will need some people who can be on will call if someone can't make it. It's a free trip so that usually doesn't happen.

I'll check with the hotels closest to the marina and reserve 3 rooms.

On the boat rules: Do NOT puke inside. Always leave your fish in the water until the first mate can pull it in. I don't want to look down there and see a wahoo tearing into a persons leg. A big dolphin on the deck can cause big injuries. Never run out of beer! Rum is a must. When it comes to food, use common sense. Making a plate of food is not good. Sammiches and finger foods are always easy. If there is a girl, clothing is optional. Your allowed on the bridge anytime, but don't start pushing buttons and fiddling with my electronics. I've seen it a million times. Tennis shoes or soft soled shoes. No clod hoppers or steel toed boots. Ummm, that's about it. Did I mention the booze? OH, no drugs. If you get caught with weed or anything we all go to jail and the cops get a new boat. "Don't risk it."

While this is a free trip we do need to come up with money to tip the mate. It's only right. He'll be working his *** off to make it an unforgetable day. Splitbill (Mark) will be our mate for the day. He's actually a well known captain, but is a member of this board and a huge skins fan. He's as excited as I am to meet fellow members and share what we do with you all.

Capt Rich and I are putting together the 1st Annual ES Offshore Fishing Trip (more Capt Rich than me :silly:). 6 people from ES can attend. I am going so we will need 5 other people who want to go, and maybe one other person in case we have someone who can not attend.

Capt Rich's marina is in Fort Pierce Fl

We will be fishing on Saturday January 17. The boat will be leaving the dock at 6:30 am.


The only cost will be for you lunch, hotel rooms, and booze. Capt Rich says they will cover the fuel on the 48 FOOT FISHING MACHINE. :cheers:

I will keep this first page updated with any information we may need.

The owner is giving me the boat for the weekend and I can take up to six people. The rules are they all must ne folks from Extremeskins. We can start an anual offshore fishing trip and if you have never been offshore you have a blast. Especially getting a break for a weekend from the freezing temperatures. How does the middle to the third weekend in January sound? My marina is about 2 minutes from I 95 and the drive, even from MD is nothing. If a bunch of you guys carpool down you'd have a blast. Lets do this. The sailfish are chewing along with wads of mahi mahi.:cheers:

Members who are going. :cheers:

SC RedskinsFan


Mad Mike



Mike H

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I'm in as interested. The timing is perfect.

Only thing is that I don't have a car yet and don't know if I'll have one by then.

But if I have to fly, I will.

No better way to break you in to fishin than offshore. :cheers: What size boat is it again Capt Rich?

Maybe you will even learn to be a master baiter TJ. :silly:

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The fishing trip wont cost anything. We'll write it off. What we need to do is get everyone who wants to go to put it in the thread. We'll come up with a day in January that looks good for everyone and go from there. The rooms at the marina are nice and I get the hook up, so it wont cost much.

We could take alot of pics and put them on the site. It'll be fun. The fishing awesome right now all the way through the end of January.

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The fishing trip wont cost anything. We'll write it off. What we need to do is get everyone who wants to go to put it in the thread. We'll come up with a day in January that looks good for everyone and go from there. The rooms at the marina are nice and I get the hook up, so it wont cost much.

We could take alot of pics and put them on the site. It'll be fun. The fishing awesome right now all the way through the end of January.

Sounds like a plan, man.

I will follow this thread with interest.


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Will going with a charter cover everyone for fishing licenses, or do we need to get one? Also what costs are there going to be?

You should delete some of your messages. :silly:

No, the boat covers the licenses. You'll need gas for your car, like 20 bucks a night for the room, money for booze and chicken for the fishing trip. (can't go wrong with chicken) There is a Tiki bar and 2 restaurants right at the marina and rooms that are rockin that time of year and it's not freezing.:cool:

I'll get to the messages later. I'm triflin. I usually knock it down to 90% and coast along for a while.:D

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Has wahoo been biting, or is it out of season? I love me some wahoo!!

I havent been in a while in SC, cause of the fuel prices and i don't know about FL. Now that gas i affortable again let the fishin begin. :cheers:

I like to bottom fish to. Nothing like pulling up 3 fish at a time.

You interested in going to FL fishing?

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I havent been in a while in SC, cause of the fuel prices and i don't know about FL. Now that gas i affortable again let the fishin begin. :cheers:

I like to bottom fish to. Nothing like pulling up 3 fish at a time.

You interested in going to FL fishing?

its alluring... I haven't been deep sea in a couple years..

Used to be a annual thing for huly and I

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What are you guys fishin for?

I am guessing it is too early for yellowfin...

Edit: nm.. I see the dolphin and sailfish note..

Saifish and dolphin and then maybe stop on some bottom numbers drop the anchor and ceeeeerush the grouper. The bottom fishing is stupid. Good way to fill the coolers up too.:hungry:

Wanna go Pez?

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Saifish and dolphin and then maybe stop on some bottom numbers drop the anchor and ceeeeerush the grouper. The bottom fishing is stupid. Good way to fill the coolers up too.:hungry:

Wanna go Pez?

What are the temps like in Jan off the coast of florida?

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