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we need this to succeed


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We need a Ray Lewis, Albert Haynesworth, Troy Polamalu to lead.

Its been proven in the past couple of years-a la Strahan last year (and Tuck recently) that you need that player on D.

Fletcher is a fantastic fill-in but he is 72 years old now. Rocky, Landry, Horton, and even Taylor are quiet folk. I don't think we have the loud-mouthed-step-up-type player in place.

How to fix: keep drafting from the U. I love those guys=Ray-Ray, Ed REED, Our Beloved ST, "The Rock", Santana Moss, McGahee, Gore, etc etc...need I say more?

These are real foosball players.

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We do! His name is Marcus Washington and London Flectcher and Philip Daniels! The problem is Daniels is out for season and his career is over and Marcus can't seem to stay on the field! What we need is a o line and two pass rushing d line men. One at takle and the other on the end!

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IMO the problem is the offense, not the defense.


If the O-line protected better that 1st pass wouldn't have been an INT. Take back Portis' fumble and it's a different ball game. The defense has been doing it's job in holding opposing offenses to relatively low scores over this stretch of losses. We haven't been losing because the D is giving up too many points, we've been losing because the offense is barely getting on the board! 6 points against Pitt, 10 against Dallas, 7 against NY, 10 against the Ravens...you can't win in the NFL putting up less than 20.

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It comes down to the fact that we need a playmaker. Simple as that. The thing I noticed about the Ravens D is that guys like Ray Lewis and Ed Reed want the ball. We don't have anyone who actually wants the ball on D. Landry finally stepped up after looking suspect the entire game, and maybe he can continue to make plays and become that guy. But we don't have a ballhawking type safety, we don't have a ball hawking LB.

Same goes on Offense, we don't have a playmaker. Santana is our playmaker for the first 6 games of every season, but that's about it. We don't have a TO, or a Big Ben, or a Brian Westbrook, someone who makes the big catch, throw or run at the right time. We don't even need all of those at the same time, we just need one. Campbell is decent but he's not a consistent playmaker. That wouldn't be a problem if we had a playmaker that he could depend on.

I agree with the OP in theory, but we need it on both sides of the ball is what it comes down to. We need some explosion on both sides of the ball.

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cp leads the offense, no question. What I would like to have is (a ST type player) cp's equal on D

Where is our LT56???? Believe what you want but Lavar was "that" guy at the wrong time. Butting heads with shufling personel. We used to have it-I mean Charles Mann, Darrell Green, c'mon...

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I laugh that you have polamalu on your list. The guy doesnt say a word and is the least vocal guy on that pitts D. He plays with more fire then anyone else, but it's alot of inword fire. His play leads by example. And also, on the pittsburgh D, there are alot of leaders. Farrior, Harrison, Woodley, Clark... ****, that whole defense is nothing but leaders.

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Leads by example=exactly right. He is not a the prototypical loud-mouth guy I was describing, however, he is "vocal" with his prayers before during and after the game. Teams game-plan around him. Where is he? What is he doing?

We don't have that guy right now.

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