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Yea his arms are lookin' pretty big. But so is his belly. Looks like he's been downin' too many Schlitz Malt Liquors with an extra order of cheese fries over the offseason. And you can't tell me that he's wearing the "flack vest" in that picture. :laugh:

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Bigger arms, bigger gut, bigger double chin (hidden by new thicker goatee).

The weight is going to hurt him more than help him. Bigger arms are a hinderance to throwing velocity. How many baseball pitchers throwing gas do you see with big guns? None. Randy Johnson and Billy Wagner's arms are pencil sized.

Best quote I've heard on beefing up came from Lou Pinella, he basically said that there are so many more injuries in sports now because athletes are in too good a shape. The excess pressure on the joints and tendons is just an injury waiting to happen.

Think back 10 or 20 years ago, you didn't have nearly the number of players on the DL as you do now.

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Originally posted by codeorama

The weight is going to hurt him more than help him. Bigger arms are a hinderance to throwing velocity. How many baseball pitchers throwing gas do you see with big guns? None. Randy Johnson and Billy Wagner's arms are pencil sized.

No kidding, look at Patrick Ramsey who throws as hard as anyone in the NFL. His arms are anything but big. Favre is not huge either.

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Can you say McConcussion time.....:silly:

Donovan is saying "It's McDonalds time, Andy, I'll meet you there".

No one can say McNuggett doesn't listen to his coach and follow his example...:laugh:

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Originally posted by escholz

No kidding, look at Patrick Ramsey who throws as hard as anyone in the NFL. His arms are anything but big. Favre is not huge either.

Exactly... Throwing velocity comes from flexability. The strength comes more from the lower body.

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the boy needs to stay away from the yuengling kegs and Pat's (overrated, IMO by the way...).

as the weightlifter said at the driving range, " how the hell can that skinny a$$ kid hit it further than me." it's all about flexibility, technique, and core body strength...

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Originally posted by NavyDave

A bigger target for Lavar and Trotter to hit.

Sort of like that Monday night game where they both missed on the same play? :D Just kidding with you, ND!

Seriously though, with his antics in and out of the pocket, he takes way too many hits. He needs to be big to survive his own playing style. It's not the lines' fault - Detmer and Feeley had plenty of protection in the pocket. McNabb's problem is that he holds the ball and then moves around always looking for the perfect play. Then he throws it in the turf three yards down field. It's a wonder the team can score at all, watching their offense at work.

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Pat's and the Liberty Bell are the only reason to ever go to Filthydelphia and I'm not completely sold on the Bell.

A brief primer for the uninitiated...

cheesesteak.jpg "It is a combination of all the freshest ingredients that can be found.

It's quite simple. It's rib-eye steak sliced thin, onions, cheese, and of course, the freshest Italian bread you can find.

Put them altogether and you've got a Pat's Philly Cheese steak.

Can't you just smell that Cheese steak?"

"How to order a Steak"

by I. M. Hungry

Step 1.

Specify if you want your steak with (wit) or without (wit-out) onions.

{if you're not a rookie this should come naturally}

Step 2.

Specify Plain, Cheez Whiz, Provolone, American Cheese or a Pizza Steak.

{we have lettuce and tomatoes / { if we have to read your mind it's 50 cents extra}

Step 3.

Have your money ready.

{do all of your borrowing in line}

Step 4.

Practice all of the above while waiting in line.

{if you make a mistake, don't panic, just go to the back of the line and start over}


Can't you taste it mmm.. cholesterol overdose <drool>



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Originally posted by Blazers21

Seriously though, with his antics in and out of the pocket, he takes way too many hits. He needs to be big to survive his own playing style. It's not the lines' fault - Detmer and Feeley had plenty of protection in the pocket. McNabb's problem is that he holds the ball and then moves around always looking for the perfect play. Then he throws it in the turf three yards down field. It's a wonder the team can score at all, watching their offense at work.

I admire the sac it took to post that. I know some Eagle fans on this board have been critical of McNabb, but this almost suggests that the offense would function better with a different QB. I don't disagree, but it is startling considering how ballyhooed McNabb is and how the Eagles have hitched their cart to his wagon.

This would be the equivalent of some here suggesting that the Redskins might be better off w/o Bailey or Arrington. Dissing a franchise player insightfully is not done lightly. I don't think either of these guys is as fundamentally flawed as McNabb, but they have their warts. Bailey doesn't make enough plays (he prevents them, but doesn't make them, a la Deion). Lavar may lack discipline and be too easily influenced (on the field). I would never suggest, though, that the defense might be better w/o them.

But McNabb's lack of an innate feel for the passing game might be an Achille's Heel that the team can't overcome. A QB does need to be able to make plays in the passing game. Sometimes that involves taking risks, and McNabb seems unwilling to take them. Also, he obviously is not a natural passer.

Great post, B21. It shows an uncommon level of impartiality and insight.

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I just don't see how arms that big can't get in the way of an accurate pass. He may have gotten bigger but I don't see that helping him become a better quarterback. Maybe he should be working on flexibility and reading up even watching video instead. That kind of stuff makes a great quarterback. How many of the all time greats have ever looked like that. None. And none will.

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