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PTI just did a part about JC


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So to review:

People who have been demonstratively in favor of Campbell's ability to be a solid NFL quarterback -

Mel Kiper (NFL Draft Talent Scout)

Joe Gibbs (Twice NFL Head Coach)

Al Saunders (Successful NFL Offensive Coordinator)

Jim Zorn (NFL QB, QB Coach, Head Coach)

Ron Jaworski (NFL QB, NFL Analyst/Commentator)

John Madden (NFL Head Coach, Analyst/Commentator)

Steve Mariucci (NFL Head Coach, Analyst/Commentator)

Brian Baldinger (NFL Lineman, Analyst/Commentator)

Brian Billick (NFL Head Coach, Analyst/Commentator)

Troy Aikman (NFL QB, Analyst/Commentator)

Mike Wilbon (Longtime Washington Sportswriter, ESPN Analyst)

People who demonstratively do not believe Campbell has the ability to be a solid NFL quarterback -

A bunch of people on a message board

Did I miss anybody?

Do you really want to go through how many people got things wrong? Why don't you go through this list starting with Mel Kiper and tell us which ones of them thought it was a great idea to draft Ryan Leaf over Peyton Manning.

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Do you really want to go through how many people got things wrong? Why don't you go through this list starting with Mel Kiper and tell us which ones of them thought it was a great idea to draft Ryan Leaf over Peyton Manning.

In Ryan Leaf's defense, had he focused on playing and not been a hot head, things could have turned differently for him.

Lot's of woulda, coulda, shouldas, but he did have talent and a far larger ego.

That said, it's an impressive list that just got compiled, and there are a few people on that list who I respect when it comes to analyzing the QB position.

A lot more than I respect alot of people on this board.

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In Ryan Leaf's defense, had he focused on playing and not been a hot head, things could have turned differently for him.

Lot's of woulda, coulda, shouldas, but he did have talent and a far larger ego.

That said, it's an impressive list that just got compiled, and there are a few people on that list who I respect when it comes to analyzing the QB position.

A lot more than I respect alot of people on this board.

And look, the overall point he made is valid. And yea, I agree, some of the guys on that list clearly know football and QB's. Jason is a decent QB, I am not saying he isn't. I am saying he is underperforming again and that unfortunately that has been a problem that has plagued him his entire career which (don't look now) is four years old. He HAS to start making some strides. He is going backwards right now and it is so frustrating.

I'm not even talking about blame. I think Pat Ramsey had some potential and spurrier ruined him. It may ultimately not be JC's "fault" that he doesn't become what he could have been. I think all of the criticisms about the several systems etc is fair but then shouldn't we criticize this organization for that situation too? The REASON he is underachieving is certain debatable. That he IS underachieving is not. That goes for the rest of the team too.

You can blame the O-line for Jc's woes but that just brings us back to why exactly we drafted two dim witted wide receievers who can't make it on the field, one of which is apparently made of glass and both of which seem to completely dissappear in a "must win" game instead of getting some O-lineman or a pass rushing defensive end. It makes you question why exactly we needed a TE that also seems like he can't be trusted to know our playbook after 9 months of studying it and daily practice despite our desperate need for red zone offense instead of getting a lineman to protect our franchise QB particularly when we already have a 20 something year old pro bowl tight end on our roster but apparently have gaping holes at our right tackle position!

Again, I think criticism of JC is being interpreted on this board as BLAME for JC. That's certainly not my point at all. My point is whether it is the O-line, the recievers, or Jason himself, the problem exists as evidenced by the fact that we CAN'T freakin score against anybody even with the league leading rusher on our team!! Someone is to blame for that and this "just give it time crap" is absurd. Its been over a decade since this team has been anything other than a middle of the pack pretender.

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Again, I think criticism of JC is being interpreted on this board as BLAME for JC. That's certainly not my point at all. My point is whether it is the O-line, the recievers, or Jason himself, the problem exists as evidenced by the fact that we CAN'T freakin score against anybody even with the league leading rusher on our team!! Someone is to blame for that and this "just give it time crap" is absurd. Its been over a decade since this team has been anything other than a middle of the pack pretender.

Then why not shift the focus of the criticism towards the offense as a whole? Obviously many issues exist on the offensive side of the ball, the biggest of which (IMO) is the fact that we're running yet ANOTHER offensive system with new terminology, a brand new philosophy, and doing all this while trying to combine responsibilities from our old run game which was kept completely intact. Take all that plus the fact that our offensive line is older than dirt and obviously wearing down as the season goes on, and I think we've found out why we are where we are.

I understand that we all want to win this thing right now. But at the beginning of the year, if you had told me that Gibbs would retire, we'd hire essentially a no-name QB coach from Seattle, and he would take us to a (presumably) winning season while trying to implement the West Coast Offense (which very few of us thought we could run effectively when all this started) I would have been floored. Add on that Portis would be in the running (ha.) for the rushing title and MVP, and I would have told you to put down whatever you were smoking.

This team, as a whole, is showing lots of promise. If we honestly thought it was all going to come together in the first year of running a new offense that was the polar opposite of what we've been running the past four years, we were kidding ourselves. The beginning of the year showed, however, that Campbell can be very comfortable at the helm of this type of system. What we need to do now is recognize that and build around him to ensure that he continues that. I firmly believe the three things that will push this team over the top offensively are

A) Building up the offensive line with younger, more athletic talent

B) Getting more contributions from Kelly and, down the road, Thomas.

C) Giving Campbell another year to make this offense second nature, instead of the "new" offense

This team is really very close. And the fact that we are this close in the first year of the Zorn era makes me a lot happier than I thought I'd be at the beginning of the season. We add the ability to get two more touchdowns a game, and we're going to be in very good shape.

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Whether JC turns out to be good, time will tell. I'll tell you this, Campbell like any other QB given time can play. he's proven that. Its not like Brunell, where the Skins could have a 100 yds rushing and Brunell would still stink. Campbell is playing in his 1st season in this offense, heading towards about 3200 yds passing, maybe 20 td's and about 10 ints, yet people are saying he stinks. I don't know of any other young QB playing in 3 offenses in 4 years moving on and progressing, yet people are saying Jason should. This is funny. I see glaring problems on this team and Jason damn sure ain't the main one like others say he is. To look at that Giants game and blame 98% of it on Jason is laughable. I've played and been around football all my life and its funny how the click i hang with viewed last weeks game different than this forum.

DC, if JC isn't putting up Brees numbers, he stinks. I don't understand it. I rather have an efficent QB who will drive the team down the field, instead of a wild card QB who is a riverboat gambler.

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DC, if JC isn't putting up Brees numbers, he stinks. I don't understand it. I rather have an efficent QB who will drive the team down the field, instead of a wild card QB who is a riverboat gambler.

I'm not going to bash this post; what's-his-face won a SB as QB for the Ravens in '00, but my first thought was, this guy doesn't remember Theismann because he's too young, and I look, and yep, he's 30. Theismann was a fiery leader who took shots down field all the time (when he wasn't handing off to Riggins that is). The great QBs risk it -- the thing is, they know when to risk, and how to risk it. Rypien in '91 might as well have been the bombardier on a B-17 over Nazi Germany. Granted I'd like the receiving corps to be able to pull it off, but being able to dump a 60 yard TD (and I don't mean a 5 yd dump off for a 55 yd run) on somebody at any time is awesome. You saw what happened to Chicago with our former busser Gus. Yeah, Berrian was wide open, but that was a pretty good heave and it just deflated the Bears.

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