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Jim Zorn vs Jim Mora Jr


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I didnt think about this until they brought it up on the John Thompson show. Zorn had been with Seattle for a while before Jim Mora Jr came. When Holmgren announced his retirement, Seattle quickly named Jim Mora the head coach in the future.

Now of course Jim Zorn is a class act and never would say anything but do u think he is preparing a little harder this week to show Seattle that they made a mistake in not considering him for the position? Brian Mitchell said if we go in there and beat them, those Seattle message boards will be talking about how they should have kept zorn and the team should never have let him go. We've already seen that some this year on their boards. AL and B Mitch also talked about the fact Zorn knows those defensive backs as well and knows if they bite on certain routes and fakes so that may be interesting to watch also Sunday. I hadnt thought about that part of it. I was thinking more along the lines that he knows their offense and knows Hasselbacks strengths and weaknesses.

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That seems logical that the Seattle fans would think that way. Zorn has plenty of reason to be motivated, but I think he truly does respect the organization and head coach...so I don't think he feels cheated by them. BUT, I think he does want to prove to his former boss and employer that he is a good head coach.

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Hasselbeck's tendecies right now include throwing the ball to some scrubs that weren't even employed a couple months ago that don't know how to run routes.

We could be getting better with Branch and Engram hopefully coming back to full speed, but right now the rust with Hasselbeck, Branch and Engram is apparent as none of these guys have played much football this year.

The only recieving option that the Redskins really need to plan for is John Carlson, who is outstanding.

But for sure Zorn should know exactly what we want to do as Mike Holmgren is terribly stubborn in his ways and probably won't change a thing even with Zorn on the other sideline. Zorn, like everyone else probably is aware of how brutal our d-coordinator is too and will know how to get the best of him.

Overall amongst Hawks fans we aren't exactly pissed that Zorn left, as we are pretty happy that he is doing well. We sure would like to still have him obviously, but you can only keep a good coach from getting a promotion for so long and lets just say he got his promotion a year too early. We all thought he was our o-coordinator in waiting.

But when he was given the great opportunity by the Skins (at first to be the OC) and was given no assurances of his future beyond Holmgren he jumped at the chance.

Now, if Mora turns out to be a big flop in 2009 people will start to get upset about the "what ifs". But there is a lot of optomism regarding Mora as he will be the first coach brought in by GM Tim Ruskell and many hope he is the man to bring some newness and energy to the team, and hopefully he is the defensive mind needed to match the talent level of the individual players on our defense and get them up to the level they should be at. A lot of coaches do well on their 2nd jobs: Coughlin, Belichick, Dungy, Gruden.

20-10 Skins.

Our D will put up a fight, but the O can't stay on the field and you guys will get tonnes of possesions wear our D down and score enough points.

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