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The [Woman I Dislike Intensely] is at it again


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Originally posted by stratoman

show the president some respect. I take offense to you calling him by a slang name.

I never thought of Dubya as a derogatory name. Maybe I'm wrong, but its not my understanding that even GWB takes offense to "Dubya".

Might one assume you demanded the same level of respect for President Clinton?

See how it doesn't fly both ways, It's ok for you to use and inappropriate name for President Bush but I call Hillary a b!tch and they change the title of the thread!

Yeah, must be those liberal commies, they're everywhere!

Or maybe its the fact you used a vulgar word in the thread title for all to see?

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As it happens, I agree with stratoman that the President deserves a certain level of respect no matter who he (or she!) is. I have no more time for "Dumbya" than I did for "Slick Willy". I just never thought of Dubya as being demeaning, and I found it funny being lectured about respect by the guy who named this thread.

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What I find ridiculous about the criticisms spouted by Hillary at this speech (and plenty of others BTW) is that they totally ignore that September 11 and it's impact on the economy, especially the travel industry such as the airlines, and the paradigm shift that has occurred with regards to national security and therefore federal spending. It also ignores that the downturn began before the 2000 election.

As a result, it's nothing more than a flat out lie.

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I do think you're right, Redman. The economy was drastically impacted by the collapse of the Towers and the downturn began with the bursting of the internet bubble. However, why is it that a president which such a high approval level has been unable to improve confidence? What are the steps that the republican controlled Congress and Executive Office have implemented to try to move the economy forward. I guess the answer is a taxcut that failed to boost confidence, resulted in a flat or down trending employment curve, followed by...

This economy is actually pretty unfair to blame on Bush, there are a great number of factors outside of his control or influence, however, to the extent that he can there has been no or very few signs of improvement in any measure. Say what you will, but this is one area where the last three years have not been productive and been more noticeable for layoffs, bankrupsies, etc.

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The simple answer is that the actions he has taken and those that he proposes are not fix it quick schemes or band aids. They take time.

Let's also not forget that our economy is merely slower than it was during the 90's. We are no longer in a recession and many parts of the economy are still doing very well.

We will never see the 90s growth again. The sooner people accept that and realize that 6 percent growth is actually unhealthy, the better we will be.

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I stayed out of this conversation until now, but I have to ask you a few things about politics.


1. Do you really think either party cares what you think?

Answer: Yes and no. You are obviously a blind conservative, thats fine. But, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.. Ok, you ready?

They don't care about you! They don't care about the welfare of the nation! Conservative right-wingers that is, strat.

Now, to be fair, Liberal left-wingers are the same. They don't care about you, and they don't care about the welfare of the nation, either.

You seem to have the idea that the Republican right-wing politicians actually have compassion. Wrong. Politicians(rep or dem, left or right) don't have a care in the world. Well, they have a couple things they care about:




The only time politicans really care what you think is election time.

And during that time they lie constantly(reps and dems) to get your approval.


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Originally posted by phishhead


I stayed out of this conversation until now, but I have to ask you a few things about politics.


1. Do you really think either party cares what you think?

Answer: Yes and no. You are obviously a blind conservative, thats fine. But, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.. Ok, you ready?

They don't care about you! They don't care about the welfare of the nation! Conservative right-wingers that is, strat.

Now, to be fair, Liberal left-wingers are the same. They don't care about you, and they don't care about the welfare of the nation, either.

You seem to have the idea that the Republican right-wing politicians actually have compassion. Wrong. Politicians(rep or dem, left or right) don't have a care in the world. Well, they have a couple things they care about:




The only time politicans really care what you think is election time.

And during that time they lie constantly(reps and dems) to get your approval.


So what makes you suck a fu(ken expert?? Is it that hit of purple microdot??

You maybe some what correct but at least the right is not morally bankrupt. I bet you would vote for Hillary if she were to run for president.

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You maybe some what correct but at least the right is not morally bankrupt.

Such an absolute statement. Such an easy thing to paint the world as black and white. Did you know that the world isn't actually black and white. It's even more complex than shades of gray. It would be really easy to paint the right as morally bankrupt, but it's a foolish thing because where does it get you? There are a few conservatives that care more than about today or their wallets (that's a ridiculous statement too, don't you think), there may be a few that care about urban crime, education, medical care of the elderly, alternative energy, etc., but you certainly don't see much more than rhetoric and for the most part only during election years. Bush supposedly was going to put a lot of emphasis on revising, making more accountable the educ. system. What has happened? The conservatives say that the economic fixes are slow moving and not band aid style- they say it's actually doing a little better... find me a week without major news of layoffs and threatened bankrupsies. Since the conservative right is in power. They control both houses and the executive and education, healthcare, elderly, and economic support has not been adequately addressed... does that mean that the conservative right are a selfish group of self serving men and women? I would not paint them with such a broad brush. The liberals for their part are equally/if not more guilty. If they were truly champions of the people then they would not be allow themselves to remain on the sidelines as much as they have, but that's what the minority does. Does that make them morally bankrupt? Only if the conservatives are equally so.

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Burgold, I'm not sure that most people are dissatisfied with Bush's handling of economic policy as they understand that his priority for almost 20 months now has necessarily been national security and foreign policy.

I too think he could have done better on one economic note though: securities fraud by top executives and the "auditors" who were supposed to keep them in check. A huge amount of stocks are held now by private individuals or funds. Bush could have undercut a lot of his "big business" image by taking that on in a very strong way, and yet he failed to do that. I also think that that culture is simply a den of thieves that needs to be cleaned out. And as it's an economic issue, it would have helped him in this debate too.

As usual, the president gets too much credit for a good economy, and too much blame for a weak one.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

They were not trespassing any more than the anti-Bush protestors were trespassing when they stop traffic, tie up business, and hold up supply ships.

That in a nutshell is the problem with the Dems. They want different rules for each side. They want the right to protest Bush on their terms, but dont want the same rights given to those of us who want to protest them.

If anti_bush people are arrested or removed it's a violation of the freedom of speech. If a group of Freepers does the same thing, they are nothing more than trespassers and belong in jail.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

The funny thing is that even 10 years ago this would have passed silently through the press. The Liberals are still shocked that the press picks up on crap like this now and holds them to the fire on it.

They both were trespassing my wobbly pass friend.

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Originally posted by jbooma

so Jack would you really vote Hillary for president, I am curious?

I'm actually not a big fan. I guess I would vote for a lot of people (including Hillary) if the other choice was Dubya.

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Hillary trainers had her doing the smart thing by remaining quiet while others suffered from foot in mouth disease.

She was shrill and being the real clinton instead of the measured soft spoken fake.

What are her solutions?

Raise taxes??

More government and social programs?

Yeah that will spur growth and create more jobs in the private sector:rolleyes:

How about stop being part of the do nothing democratic congress and stop the fillibusters and pass something

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You hit it ND! Increase taxes and watch the economy shoot up. That's just laughable. In fact, the current tax structure causes individuals to become a burden on the system. Think of all your friends, and quite possibly yourself, who have both parents working. The spouse that makes the least amount of money is almost always paying the tax burden EXCLUSIVELY!!! Current numbers have us around 45 to 50 percent of our income (this of course is taking into account, payroll, property, state, local and sales taxes). If you were the spouse making the least amount of money then you fall into the 20,000 a year category. Your day care costs per child average at $240 a week. So you make $400 a week and take home$330. Before factoring in gas to and from work and daycare and additional maintenance on the vehicle , you are left with $90 a week. Why not stay home and care for the kid yourself? This brings me to my next point.

When it's time to do the taxes why are there individuals who receive a check for more than they paid in? What is this? You want to help them fine, I have no problem with that. BUT WHEN THEY PAY IN $1800 AN RECEIVE A CHECK FOR $4000 YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I'M ANGRY! It is a right to have children in America, however, it's not your right to have someone else pay for them. Keep in mind that the top 50% of wage earners pay for 96% of ALL payroll taxes in this country. Any wonder why polls indicate that 50% of Americans do not believe that taxes are too high? Hell, most of these people don't even pay taxes let alone receive a yearly bonus for their inadequacies as parents and individuals. This should not become the age of entitlements for Gods sake. Lets be resposible for our own actions. It's easy to be a liberal whos wants to help those in need, especially when IT"S NOT YOUR DAMN MONEY DOING THE WORK!!!!!!

As far as Hillary is concerned: that book was due out two months ago. She just received an 8 million advance on it. I guess she was waiting for this war to end before she played the lefts rediculous card on the subject. Good move Hitlary! Better distance yourself from Daschle before he sinks you too.

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BTW Art, I hope you are looking forward to being a government employee. The idea of socialized medicine in America is not a factor of if but when. Heres to having to wait 6 months for procedures as miniscule as a colonoscopy. Any wonder why all tose Canadians are paying out of pocket for medical care in America? And when doctors can't earn a RESPECTABLE wage in America, I guess we will have to hunt them down. But hey, look on the bright side, there won't be any more illegal aliens smuggling their children across the border to seek medical attention in OUR country. As in all socialized countries, medical attention must be paid up front and the revolving door policy will no longer be in effect. Sure, get in an accident in Germany and they will treat you. Need a transplant? YOU ARE SOL BUDDY!!!!!!! And I though liberals were trying to help everybody?

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